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Taxi recommendations from Northlink Terminal, Aberdeen


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Yes, yes and yes.


If you are off the ferry smartish you'll get one without waiting or booking, but best to book for ease of travel.


The only number I seem to have saved in my mobile is for Dyce Cabs, can't remember why, but give it a go if you like. :01224713030

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rainbow city 878787 or comcabs 353535 are the 2 biggest firms

both can be busy in the snow, best to phone before you plan to leave boat (about 10minutes), explain about mobility problems, ladies on both sets of phones are really good, taxi drivers can be a bit hit and miss.

Watch the don't take you magical mystery tour though, both companies are quite good at cracking down on this, smaller cab companies are notorious.

both companies will text just before they arrive with car licence plate, make and colour of car.

pretty much all taxi firms are 24hrs, and 7am is late for most firms, there quite a rush between 5-6am.

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Use com cabs a fair bit would recommend them, never been late for an early airport pick up yet. Rainbow are okay but haven't been using them as much lately. Have used Dyce Cabs a few times if rolling home steaming from my mates house in Bridge of Don but they can sometimes be a bit ambitious with pick up times which doesn't matter too much while drunk as time speeds up when you're blootered.

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