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Compare the real 2010 with these predictions from 1972.



That was brilliant MuckleJ. As Fjool said, so close on some things but so far out on others.


(Once I'd figured out how to navigate that annoying website. A question for all you website designers out there. That website committed one of the cardinal sins in my book. It offered a series of pictures, inside a frame with forward and back buttons anchored to the frame. This means every time the size of the picture, and therefore the size of the frame, changed, the buttons moved. WHY do people do this! Is it not a basic first lesson thing: "If you are going to put controls on a webpage, don't keep moving them around. How long would you put up with a word processor or spreadsheet which did this? Grrrrrrrrr gnash teeth! :evil: :evil: [/rant off] )



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