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Save Shetland Coastguard


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I achieved what I intended. Get a response. I did that and some. You showed me that there is only one agenda on your collective minds (coastguards). Save Shetland Coastguard.

Should not all coastguards be fighting to save their stations?


If that was the case and you won that and Shetland Coastguard was saved that would be at the expense of Stornoway Coastguard.

Why would that be. No stations are definitely being closed as it is just a proposal? Neither of the island stations should be closed. If you look around the news sites you will see that Stornoway and Shetland are working together as well as highlighting the need to retain each station in their individual campaigns!


It still would be a hollow victory. ‘’A Sub-Centre’’, maybe designated to do the weather broadcast for all of Scotland and the North of England. Only operating as coastguards when an incident occurred in daytime.

I believe both Stornoway and Shetland campaigns are to retain both stations 24/7.


Each station can run their individual campaigns if the wish, but the only way of remaining open for business as true Coastguard stations is to fight these proposals as a NATIONAL COLLECTIVE CAMPAIGN.

Has the Shetland campaign on facebook not been calling for a review of the proposals by a Transport Select Committee?


Do not help the management in any way by giving them ideas. Give them questions, hard searching questions. The proposal document provides us with all the ammunition you need coupled with your own knowledge of how the MCA operates regarding equipment that isn’t fit for purpose. Or put another way isn’t fir for what they hope it will do.

Again in the press it was noted by both the MP and MSP that the management were unable to give any answers to questions asked at a meeting with staff they attended?


Get your MP’s to table parliamentary questions which you provide co-ordinated by the PCS.

Did the Staff not invite and meet with both their MP and MSP to put their case across.


Where has all your information come from, it is useless without an explanation of how you came about it!


My information comes from the internet and publications.


I think it is time for you to put up or shut up


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Now i think the air in shetland has affect your judgement on this subject.

Are you jealous of our nice fresh air in Shetland?

These jobs you mention are few and far between, look at MRCC Falmouth who can co-ordinate incidents in the Indian Ocean from their ops room in cornwall with the advances in technology, so to justify your existance by naming a few jobs which happen about every 10 years is not argument at all.

These would in my opinion be dealt with quicker and more efficiently from a MOC in Aberdeen.

What have you based that statement on, your experience? Without knowing your background it is probably false information based on an obvious campaign against MRCC Shetland and Shetland as a whole!


I think poor kiech is getting a hard time from you guys for speaking the truth about MRCC Shetland.

Only because he is spouting the same unsubstantiated clap trap you are!


Home truth is that you know MRCC Stornoway has a better comms link and is a custom built building and larger sea area to deal with so you guys know that is RIP for Shetland MRCC.

MRCC Stornoway have a big area so yip they do need to remain 24/7.

If they do have better links (and how do you know that) would that not strengthen MRCC Shetlands case for retention 24 hours alongside MRCC Stornoway?


As kiech rightly suggests that you are only trying to save your own skin at the expense of other stations, would you be going to all this hassle if it was decided that MRCC Shetland was to become a MOC? I think not, so get a life and move with the times and if you want to remain as coastguards then apply for positions at the busier stations.

What a good idea, MRCC Shetland and MRCC Stornoway as MOCs I think you will find little argument against that.


Final point i read was someone on the forum suggesting that shetland doesnt get wee 30 mins jobs of a kid lost on the beach like Solent, to be fair your beaches are too cold for penguins in the summer so no potential jobs there on the quiet islands of shetland.

Now this has pissed me off – how DARE YOU pull the piss out of my home, how dare you!!!


Why the campaign by you and kiech to ensure MRCC Shetland closes it doors?


Put up or Shut up

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Well if job retention is going to be an issue then Falmouth Coastguard (certainly in the winter) needs every job it can keep but of course job retention is not the issue. Neither is work for ancillary staff such as contract cleaners or which stations did what during the industrial action.


No, there is one issue which is safety at sea being enhanced by local knowledge coupled with the maintaining of cover during communications problems being weighed against the relatively small savings that may be made by this proposal. I believe the government is wrong to consider closing Coastguard Stations by shutting any station that survived the last round of cuts and I am certain that if the MPs from coastal constituencies were to get together with all the other MPs who realise that safety at sea is still important in the 21st Century then these plans could be stopped in Parliament which is the right thing to do.

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I would just like to ask what information we supplied is incorrect.?


The number of incidents you had from 01/01/2010 was exact!


Keiche's valid point about you working through the strike, no support from MRCC Shetland and now you are looking for the support from people to save your own skin.


No points you mention are invalid, basically you are only at the station for the what if's!


Let me put one to you! What if Shetland MRCC wasn't there? Would we notice, i think not.


1) your incident total for Shetland is different from ours. As we dealt with them I think you'll find we're more qualified to decided which of them were incidents or not


2) keiche is correct, we did work through the strike, and let me tell you something... every one of us are proud of that.

As for support from "people", yes we are asking people for support, and getting it, just as every oether station is. we don't need yours.


3) again. YOU don't know me, so telling me I have no valid points is totally invalid.


4) what if shetland mrcc wasn't here? people would have their safety compromised. again, same as every coastguard station.


5) cheap





I would just like to ask what information we supplied is incorrect.?


The number of incidents you had from 01/01/2010 was exact!



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From Quarffie


1) your incident total for Shetland is different from ours. As we dealt with them I think you'll find we're more qualified to decided which of them were incidents or not


Now quarffie you are proving that you are stooping to level of bending the truth as the figures and facts i obtained were from blue boss and would not be incorrect.


Secondly Quarffie by, to use a rustic term, lying about your laziness is not helping the cause of trying to keep Shetland MRCC open.


A good day to you all

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From Quarffie


1) your incident total for Shetland is different from ours. As we dealt with them I think you'll find we're more qualified to decided which of them were incidents or not


Now quarffie you are proving that you are stooping to level of bending the truth as the figures and facts i obtained were from blue boss and would not be incorrect.


Secondly Quarffie by, to use a rustic term, lying about your laziness is not helping the cause of trying to keep Shetland MRCC open.


A good day to you all


lol THANK YOU :) :)


Hook, line and sinker :)


I never said our figure is higher than your's although this is obviously what you believe.


I'm actually flattered that you've taken the time and interest in our campaign to save the coastguard, and our station. We're obviously doing something right to have got you so rattled

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I'm actually flattered that you've taken the time and interest in our campaign to save the coastguard, and our station. We're obviously doing something right to have got you so rattled


Absolutely agree. The fact that some are coming on here and being so aggressive suggests our campaign is having an effect and some folk are peeing their pants because they thought they had us nailed! But as per usual Shetland rises to the challenge and punches well above its weight. Cages well and truly rattled!

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Quarffie and Northerly


Are you guys actually reading your messages back. You did disagree with the stats i posed earlier in this forum and now you are talking about 'hook line and sinker'.


I honestly think you guys are losing the plot up there.


Back to my original messaged posted on this site before all the accusations were thrown at me. Your station is very quiet, possibly the least busy on the coast of the UK.


You worked through a strike to line your own pockets while the rest of the coast lost pay and went on strike to get better pay which you would benefit from, now the agency has kicked you in the behind.


I am proud of you also, the agency has certainly stoodby Shetland for their support during the strike


Well done Shetland :rofl:

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I'm actually flattered that you've taken the time and interest in our campaign to save the coastguard, and our station. We're obviously doing something right to have got you so rattled


Absolutely agree. The fact that some are coming on here and being so aggressive suggests our campaign is having an effect and some folk are peeing their pants because they thought they had us nailed! But as per usual Shetland rises to the challenge and punches well above its weight. Cages well and truly rattled!



There is only one group of people who are being agressive, and thats those from Shetland. :(

Why don't you ask that nice Mr Tavish Scott to write to his Westminster government and comdemn thm for what they are doing. I bet he won't. Or Mr Carmichael to do the same.


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Creel Fishermen at the back of Foula !!!!



Surely the RNLI would rescue them as always only co-ordinated from the high tech MOC in Aberdeen.?


What range would you consider acceptable to co-ordinate a rescue, surely just the successful outcome is what counts.




Thats what Mr Massey is saying and banking on. With fingers crossed no doubt. I wonder if he will take any of his advisors into the court if he is charged with Corporate manslaughter. Probly not as he did say the buck stops with him. :twisted:

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Quarffie and Northerly


Are you guys actually reading your messages back. You did disagree with the stats i posed earlier in this forum and now you are talking about 'hook line and sinker'.


Indeed we did, I never mentioned how I disagreed though whereas you assumed later on in the thread that I meant our stats were higher than the 871 incidents you spoke about; thus hook line and sinker


I honestly think you guys are losing the plot up there.


oh wow. wibble


Back to my original messaged posted on this site before all the accusations were thrown at me. Your station is very quiet, possibly the least busy on the coast of the UK.


now you say possibly the least busy. Make your mind up because earlier you were adamant it was.


You worked through a strike to line your own pockets while the rest of the coast lost pay and went on strike to get better pay which you would benefit from


change the bloody record. strike strike strike is a constant theme in your drivel.

It would have some credibility if staff everywhere were in the union and striked. but they didn't. I was at Spring Place on one strike day and there were plenty working. Other days non union colleagues were still working at MRCCs to so why don't you ever mention them. I bet if you got out more you'd even find some at your station who didn't strike or couldn't as they were non union


now the agency has kicked you in the behind.


the Agency is making us a special case? oh. I thought it affected everyone


I am proud of you also, the agency has certainly stoodby Shetland for their support during the strike


Well done Shetland :rofl:



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Quarffie and Northerly

You worked through a strike to line your own pockets while the rest of the coast lost pay and went on strike to get better pay which you would benefit from, now the agency has kicked you in the behind.


I am proud of you also, the agency has certainly stoodby Shetland for their support during the strike


Well done Shetland :rofl:


Oh really? The only ones looking to line their pockets are those who have bought into the management proposals and by continually quoting statistics and trying to do our station down you show that you have. You've completely bought in to their "call centre" mentality but then that doesn't surprise me because the PCS Union did that some time ago. The PCS are complicit in the proposals as they are now, they were bought-off and signed up to them ages ago. The PCS are a bunch of traitors who have sold a large chunk of their membership down the swanee. At the very time they should be showing some b*lls and taking industrial action to protect jobs and members around the country, the PCS is sitting idly by and doing absolutely nothing, rolling over to let the master tickle their belly. Bunch of gutless cowards. A bunch of "silver spoon" socialists, playing at being a Trade Union who show their true colours when the going really gets tough.

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Don't feed the trolls.....


I'm not so sure I agree in this case. If what i'm seeing here is what we're gonna end up with running the Coastguard service if we lose locally based stations then God help us! Give em enough rope i'd say.



peirry peirry



Care to translate please? What the heck you meaning here?

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