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Save Shetland Coastguard


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Shetland Peat, I am sorry but...........


if some of these sheep were not performing


Are you trying to say, in a gratuitously patronising manner,

might I add, that Shetland Coastguard are somehow failing to 'perform'?


Not everything can be measured in simple economic terms.


He’s tellin wis dat he got his knees weet on da lang girse da last time he cam across a yowe


I doot hit wis a moorit hug

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On a positive note, over 2,100 people have now signed the online petition to save Shetland Coastguard, and over 3,400 people have signed up to the Facebook page.


Quarffie, Northerly, etc. - we are firmly behind you lads and lassies!


We are too, keep linking via twitter with #saveshetlandcoastguard every time you tweet about Shetland Coastguard.

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Shetland Peat, I am sorry but...........


if some of these sheep were not performing


Are you trying to say, in a gratuitously patronising manner,

might I add, that Shetland Coastguard are somehow failing to 'perform'?


Not everything can be measured in simple economic terms.


He’s tellin wis dat he got his knees weet on da lang girse da last time he cam across a yowe


I doot hit wis a moorit hug


LOL. :lol:

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Gayram Storey.


You quoted 2100 names on your petition and 3400 signatures on facebook.


Now a might be wrong but is there no laws against allowing farm animals (sheep) use the internet. I mean you cant be allowed to give each of your sheep a facebook account, just to register them as signed the petition!!!!


Seriously mate if you read through them, the majority are duplicated and nonsense.


Scarf last comment is the most sensible i have heard coming out of a shetlanders gub since coming on this site.....



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Gayram Storey.


You quoted 2100 names on your petition and 3400 signatures on facebook.


Now a might be wrong but is there no laws against allowing farm animals (sheep) use the internet. I mean you cant be allowed to give each of your sheep a facebook account, just to register them as signed the petition!!!!


Seriously mate if you read through them, the majority are duplicated and nonsense.


Scarf last comment is the most sensible i have heard coming out of a shetlanders gub since coming on this site.....



What a sad little person you come across as - if you are going to insult me then have the courage to use your real name, and have the decency to spell my name correctly. You are not funny anymore - just rude and ignorant.


I am not your 'mate' in any shape or form, so don't assume that.


If jobs are on the line, as it would seem that they are, then I would rather the guys and gals in Shetland kept theirs compared to you. I know I would trust them a lot more when my life was on the line, than someone who has an overabundance of vitriol and political motivation.

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Folks, perhaps now you all see what we have to put up with! This is just exactly the sort of attitude that emanates from our HQ all the time! A better example of why their plans should not go ahead could not be found frankly.


In fact, I suppose we should thank kiech and donut because this thread was going along quite slowly until they arrived. Now its livened up and been a brilliant advert for our cause because people can see for themselves what we have to put up with. As the saying goes, theres no such thing as bad publicity! Thanks for raising the profile of our campaign guys and irritating the hell out of the good folk of Shetland. If there were any who supported the MCA stance before, there certainly won't be now!!

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Gayram Storey,


I think again you are greatly misled.


I am not campaigning to have Shetland shut nor any other station. What i cant stand is to see public money flogged on a dead horse.


You lot are really being impossible.!


I came on here to put to you that shetland islands is a lib dem strong hold and it is the guys that you voted in that is allowing this to happen to you.?


I gave you stats from blue boss which demonstrates to the world how you are the least busy coastguard station on the coast.?


I also put it to you how you believe that a MOC with improved Technology was incapable of running shetland little patch from Aberdeen when these guys deal with rigs further away than shetland?


All you could reply is 'Local Knowledge' 'Local Accent' ' Big Jobs' 'Losing our jobs' and abuse to anyone that spoke against you.


You mentioned selling the training centre, well you should know that is ear marked for sale and will be sold in the next few years and training centre moved.


Face facts guys what is happening here is you are like during the strikes demonstrating what a crowd of narrow minded bigotted selfish rude people work at shetland.


I have been been to shetland a couple of times and i know this is not a reflection of the people of shetland but what a poor impression you must give the shetland people of the coastguard.


I will now sign off to allow you lot to throw your teddies out the pram at a few home truths. :ponders:

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Guest Anonymous

OK then donut here is a mayday call,


I'm in me creel boat joost afa grola I hae me twa bairns we me an wir sinking fast send da chopper.


respond to this call and save these souls.


the boat has no transponder and no GPS.


where are they?

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If we are going to waste time on training school fictional scenarios


Ask the skipper any prominate landmarks? Still no help


What was you last harbour you departed from and speed and direction you travelled?


Any other vessels in the area?


Etc etc etc etc!!!!!


How boring and at the same time giving heads up to local lifeboats crew who will know the shetlands like the back of there hand and probably do the job as usual


Next question please, as i said proper question and contacts the jobs a good un


I forgot to mention if the resources arrive on scene after the vessel has sunk then there will be floatsam and saris to excute a back track



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Guest Anonymous

As for wis voting lib dem I think you will find that when those old folks that remember Joe Grimmond die off the lib dem vote will soon dry up.



still no responded to the mayday donut those 3 folk are now in the water, an you havent a scooby where the hell they are.

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Gayram Storey.


You quoted 2100 names on your petition and 3400 signatures on facebook.


Now a might be wrong but is there no laws against allowing farm animals (sheep) use the internet. I mean you cant be allowed to give each of your sheep a facebook account, just to register them as signed the petition!!!!


Seriously mate if you read through them, the majority are duplicated and nonsense.


Scarf last comment is the most sensible i have heard coming out of a shetlanders gub since coming on this site.....




There would seem to be an almost unhealthy obsession with sheep in your posts. I wonder why. :ponders:

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