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Community Council elections


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What they achieve is down to how much effort members put in. More to the point, it's the lowest rung of democracy and you have to start somewhere.


Apart from the actual business they do, their value is in getting folk to take on responsibility, work together, argue their case coherently (and publicly), stand up to be counted.


They're valuable for the same reason any community committees are - they give a structure to do things and to consult and they give people access to folk living closely in the community who they can lobby or ask for help.

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The are a perfect start if you want to get into politics, no matter how many reforms the GOV inflict, the ground roots are generally the same. It gets you involved in your community, instead of sitting on a swivel chair on a fence bleating with the most favourable wind.

You also get to go to various functions, and, as other posts here have said, if you work hard at it, and actually do something, you get your name remembered and can get a chance for the next step.

Parish or local councils are only as bad as the folk who are in it.

To say they have no bearing is wrong, they achieve small things, they give a voice to folk, they are the ones who are able to visit folk and see how the world is treating them.

The fact that there are so many vacancies shows up the lack of public and community spirit in this life.

Tis a shame, was such a friendly place, folk looking out for eachother, and now the excuse of a few bad apples have poisoned the community against its self it seems. Folk always seem to moan, not do.

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....and serving on a Community Council has the potential to achive, what exactly?


At least much as posting on an anonymous internet forum, generally more I'd imagine. Perhaps not the melodrama that take place in the council chamber, but more direct benefit to a local area. The significant difference between Shetlink and a community council being that community councils are known to be targeted by every government and non-government organisation, quango and the like as an outlet for their information. Knowledge is useful, speculation is a hobby. :wink:

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'rarely claim expenses'??


I'm interested in this 'rarely' which suggests that there is the possiblilty of claiming expenses. I was a community councillor for some time and was never told of this remote possibility. If I had, I'd have had my snout well into the trough and may in fact not have stepped down!



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Fine to read some positive views on standing for election - special thanks to Poseidon, the torpid inanity of whose post spurred folk to reply.


Just to say - want to stand? Get your form in by 4pm on 1st Feb (that's next Tuesday). You have to be on the voter's roll for the ward you want to stand in and get a couple of folk also on the roll to nominate you.


Call the councils's electoral dept for papers but remember Up Helly Aa, weekend etc - get 'em back in the post quick. Good luck.



Telephone: 01595 744554

e-mail: returning.officer@shetland.gov.uk

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Guest posiedon

special thanks to Poseidon, the torpid inanity of whose post spurred folk to reply.

Thanks for the (undue) credit but I was merely agreeing with what ghostrider said.
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One thing that would help to increase interest in Community Councils is for their minutes to be more widely published. For example the only place I know I can read the Lerwick minutes is outside the office on South Commercial Street.......not good when a cold wind is blowing. Be good if they were available on-line. Not just Lerwick but all of them. Maybe the SIC would donate the web space and if not there are always blogs and facebook pages.

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