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Heat Recovery Ventilation Systems


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Many of the new Hjaltland houses have systems of this type installed. That's not really the answer you are after, but Hjaltland would seem to be convinced that there is merit in the expense of fitting them. :?


There does seem to be a lot of variation in cost, technology and effectiveness. The better systems do claim very cheap running costs, but how much benefit you gain from them I'm not entirely sure (and am also keen to find out, particularly when retro-fitted to an older house).

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yeah I think Hjaltland have had the same ones installed which a couple of people i know have had to turn them off and block up all the holes due to the air condensating in the ducting and then dripping out into the rooms which is obviously a complete waste of money. How ever it then asks the question who designed the system and sold it to them. Did they know it wouldn't work and just took the money? hmm.

Anyway my new build is going to be very air tight due to construction and insulation and I feel I need to pump some fresh air into the house.


Does anyone know of any systems which work?

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