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Village idiots?


Have you been mentioned on the bill/in a squad act?  

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  1. 1. Have you been mentioned on the bill/in a squad act?

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    • Using individuals for UHA/FF satire is morally wrong

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Are you not all taking yourselves a little too seriously?



I have spoken to so many people over the last few days that absolutely loved everything about last Tuesday/Wednesday, not one person has mentioned the part of the bill that this thread relates to, what a surprise to see people picking holes in it here!!



could that be because you are on a thread discussing that part of the bill? I suggest you go to another thread if you want to expound and gush about the glorious spectacle as a whole. You'll maybe see that I'm not there either critisicing all things Shetland.

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Can any other idiots shed some light?


This idiot's shed is in darkness. But I was wondering if it maybe referred to Greenwich village and not Scalloway at all? The gaily shed is green!


Grist fur da mill!! An yas, I do believe I heard keety o da Bod makin meention dastreen aboot dem closin doon da Schuils in da States an muvin da bairns ta Lerook.. or wis dat sometin idder aboot state schuils?? Damned o me can mind! bit right enyoch, hit soonds laek somethin at George W. Bush widda said. Feth, hit might just be funny efter aa!

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Tanks fur yon Crofter! Looks laek my kind o decadent soiree wi a better class o tranny dan Lerwick can offer! Ah'll hopfully be heidin fur da village last week o April. 8) assumin of coorse dat aa da transatlantic flights irna shockfou wi schuilbairns. I believe J.R.White bowt oot Bloomingdales fashionhouse on 59th & Lexicon avenue so ah'll maybe pick up a proper pair o dungarees at dunna hing in a knitchel aboot da er$e. Fine fur da tauties du keens.

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not one person has mentioned the part of the bill that this thread relates to, what a surprise to see people picking holes in it here!!


I noticed John Robertson commented on it in his Shetland Times write up...


I see you've edited my post to try and prove a point! :D Well done.


I'm not 'gushing' about UHA at all just trying to put what was written into a bit of perspective.


Our squad consists of Shetlanders from Sumburgh to Yell with a couple of, dare I say it 'soothmoothers' as well. :wink: as do many other squads nowadays, we're rolling with the times! :wink: Someday women may well become involved, who knows! :wink:


I can't be bothered to go and track down 'bills' from other UHA/Festivals which I can guarantee will have instances of poking fun at Lerwegions/toonies maybe someone would kindly do that. God forbid if any of them had content poking fun at the 'toonies' that would be morally wrong and totally inapropriate :wink:


Can't remember any discussions about the above on Shetlink before but maybe 'toonies' have slightly thicker skin than your average village person!


Three cheers for all that is great about UHA! :wink:



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Good God! What a load of sanctimonious tosh. Up Helly Aa and all the other fire festivals exist on a mixture of satire, smut and political incorectivness (is this a word?)

Having a child at Scalloway school, being a member of a squad in the Lerwick Up Helly Aa and the Scalloway Fire Festival, I think I can speak from all perspectives.

If folk restricted themselves to trying to enjoy themselves rather than trawling the media to find offence, life might be a little lighter.

The parodies of both our councillors and Lerwick in the Scalloway fire festival far outweigh any perceived slight from the Lerwick UHA bill. But to know that you would have had to climb out from behind you keybords and haul yourselves off your ivory towers and go out and mix with the uncoth masses.


Rant over

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Good God! What a load of sanctimonious tosh. Up Helly Aa and all the other fire festivals exist on a mixture of satire, smut and political incorectivness (is this a word?)

Having a child at Scalloway school, being a member of a squad in the Lerwick Up Helly Aa and the Scalloway Fire Festival, I think I can speak from all perspectives.

If folk restricted themselves to trying to enjoy themselves rather than trawling the media to find offence, life might be a little lighter.

The parodies of both our councillors and Lerwick in the Scalloway fire festival far outweigh any perceived slight from the Lerwick UHA bill. But to know that you would have had to climb out from behind you keybords and haul yourselves off your ivory towers and go out and mix with the uncoth masses.


Rant over


Well said Viblir but I think du might be pissin in da wind to convince the PC brigade on here! :wink:


Three Cheers

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not one person has mentioned the part of the bill that this thread relates to, what a surprise to see people picking holes in it here!!


I noticed John Robertson commented on it in his Shetland Times write up...


I see you've edited my post to try and prove a point! :D Well done.


I'm not trying to prove anything, merely saying that people were discussing this already, so it isn't really a surprise to see it here. Sorry if I cut too much off your original post, it wasn't my intention to misrepresent what you said.


Yes, "toonies" likely do get ridiculed in various other bills, hopefully for good reason though. I do have some sympathy with those who are upset by the "idiots" jibe since these kids have done nothing except live in Scalloway. They don't even want to go to the AHS! Also because it is not funny, just like the rest of the bill.

Good bill head painting though, I thought.

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Yes, "toonies" likely do get ridiculed in various other bills, hopefully for good reason though. I do have some sympathy with those who are upset by the "idiots" jibe since these kids have done nothing except live in Scalloway. They don't even want to go to the AHS! Also because it is not funny, just like the rest of the bill.

One of my friends was saying that her daughter had asked her cousin (who lives in the area) exactly why it was that he didn't want to go to the AHS, and he said that he didn't really care. It was just that his parents had told him he wasn't to go.

And another friend who does live in the area says that she doesn't mind where her bairns end up going, but she daren't say so in public as she thinks she will be ostracised by the community!

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Maybe all our bairns would have higher all round educational achievement rates if there was a more equitable distribution of educational resources in Shetland.


Don't think it works like that. They are trying to save money so there will be fewer resources to go around more pupils and a higher number a pupils per teacher. Can't see how that can be an educational benefit.


I agree with people who have said keep the kids off the up-helly-aa bills - it was a cheap jibe and not funny.

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