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Village idiots?


Have you been mentioned on the bill/in a squad act?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you been mentioned on the bill/in a squad act?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Using individuals for UHA/FF satire is morally wrong

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Mods - how about running a poll on this thread to see how many pople have been personally or collectively "mentioned" in any UHA bill?


Not to prove anything (personally I think having a dig at bairns in a bill is below the belt, but once you're over 18, you're fair game - nobody go misquoting that line though...)



Just for fun - a lot of people don't htink they've "arrived" until they're obscurely namchecked in a bill.

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But Hey, It's UP-HELLY-AA! The people involved can do anything they want. The one day of the year that I don't have to hide my bottle of cider inside a brown paper bag! The plods turn a blind eye to drinking in the streets & probably a few other alcohol related offences also in Lerwick, on that haloed Tuesday of the year. So I imagine if council bye-laws can be disregarded then anything is fair game ?

To call a bunch of kids village idiots when they're probably already anxious about moving to the High School is so insensetive that only a idiot would find it amusing though. I'm all in favour of the bill being a bit tongue in cheek at times especially if they're using satire to send up our interesting to say the least councillers, but the line needs to be drawn somewhere. Especially when it comes to children that may interpret it differently.

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Last post about this was FEB 7th! Someone said then it would be forgotten about in a couple of weeks. I think that person was correct, until someone drags it up again and starts going over the same crap again!


Who gives a turd, its done, stop dragging it up, you'll just put it out into the public spectrum again!


Maybe I shouldn't bite but christ, with whats happening in other parts of the world today, does it really matter about a few little words written in the bottom of a huge banner that you would need 10x optical zoom to see?


:D Cheers

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Lit me tel you a peerie story


Eence apon a time dere wis dis man an he wrat a book – in dis book, alang wi idder tings, he wrat aboot fok he didna lek and whit shuid happen tae dem


Bit fok said dat he wis written a a lok o sharn an dat dere wis a lok o better things tae spek aboot – so fok took nae notice o dem dat said dat da ideas in da book wir bad.


An wit tink you da nem o da book wis?


My barins ta book wis caad Mein Kampf

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Lit me tel you a peerie story




My barins ta book wis caad Mein Kampf


This book was mixed with "Myths of the 20th Century"


That made it more of a nightmare and a reality.


I think that book did more harm.


Anyhow, to be mentioned, with humour on a publication can be damaging.

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The one day of the year that I don't have to hide my bottle of cider inside a brown paper bag! The plods turn a blind eye to drinking in the streets & probably a few other alcohol related offences also in Lerwick, on that haloed Tuesday of the year.


Mmmm, nope.


The bye-law permits public drinking on two days in the year - Ne'erday (or Hogmanay...can't remember which) and UHA.


So you can quaff your cider with impunity...best check the correct dates though - you don't want to believe everything you read on the internet :wink:

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