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Mumford and Sons


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Fresh from the glitz and glamour of the Grammys and Brits, Mumford & Sons will go an intimate eight-date tour of the Highlands and Islands next month.

They play at Tobermory’s Aros Hall on March 2, Fort William’s BA Club on on March 3, Forres’ The Loft on March 4, Ullapool’s Village Hall on March 5, Stornoway’s An Lanntair on March 7, Inverness’ Ironworks on March 8, Lerwick’s Whiteness & Weisdale Hall on March 9 and Kirkwall’s St Magnus Cathedral on March 11.


Tickets for all shows are £20 and go on sale at 10am on Saturday in person from the venue box offices only. There will be NO telephone or web tickets for any of the shows.


Taken from The Pop Cop, and nothing on their official site yet.

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Kicking off at the Aros Hall in picturesque Tobermory on the Isle of Mull on Wednesday 2nd March, the band make their way north with further stops at The BA Club in Fort William (3rd), The Loft near Forres (4th), Ullapools Village Hall (5th), An Lanntair in Stornoway (7th), Inverness’s Ironworks (8th), the Whiteness and Weisdale Hall near Lerwick (9th) and culminating at the stunning St Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall on Orkney (11th).


stv website :D

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I can understand that Mumford and sons want to play smaller venues as part of their tour - but how often do a band of this calibre come to Shetland? They could easy sell out the Clickimin and there'd still be a lot of unhappy folk that couldn't get tickets.


C'mon Davie G - use your infulence to convince the band and the Clickimin that it would be something very special for Shetland this.

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We will have Mareel soon so that will be the perfect venue for musicians , clickimins ok but its not ideal for gigs , you get a better atmosphere at the hall and its a good boost for thier coffers

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We will have Mareel soon so that will be the perfect venue for musicians , clickimins ok but its not ideal for gigs , you get a better atmosphere at the hall and its a good boost for thier coffers


Why not ask some of the Shetland youngsters - would they rather see Mumford and sons in the Clickimin with not so good acoustics - or would they rather not see them cause they can't get tickets but know that at least the whiteness hall made good money from the gig :roll:

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Just to let everyone know the story re Mumford and Sons. They are playing the Whiteness and Weisdale Hall on the 9th March 8pm as part of a very low key Highlands and Islands tour. All small venues bar the Ironworks in Inverness.


This was their choice and stipulation, so that was the deal or the tour would not have happened at all. So before everyone starts shouting "Why not the Clickimin Centre" that's the reason. Maybe next time!!!


Whiteness and Weisdale hall has the biggest capacity in this respect in Shetland and initially they did not want any audience to be over 300 in total. I managed to persuade them to up this a bit - but that was it. No other options would have been considered.


Tickets go on sale direct from High Level Music at 9am this Saturday.There are only 370 on sale and the deal with the bands management is they have to be bought direct from the shop (no phone or online options)


Sorry folks in the likes of the North Isles. This is not the way I usually do business and I always try to keep you in mind and create some kind of equal buying access for this very reason - but that was simply not an option for me on this occasion. Hopefully you can get someone to get ones for you.


Also please note there are strictly no reservations whatever the excuse, so please don't bother phoning High Level looking for any kind of deal, pre-sale or whatever. Brian in HLM can do absolutely nothing for you in this respect and sadly neither can I.


As stipulated by the bands management it will be strictly on a first come first served basis with sales limited to 2 tickets per person.


They will only go on sale at 9am from the shop on Saturday morning - price £20. There are no other options. Also please don't call the Box Office in Islesburgh - they have no tickets whatsoever available.


Also don't ask me when you should start queuing - I have no idea and I'm not going to even hazard a guess on that one. Suffice to say there is MASSIVE interest in this one!!!! I will have to leave that up to your own judgement or desperation to ensure you get one in time.


OK that's the deal - bad for some as it might be. Hope as many of you as possible can lay hands on ones as it should be quite a night.


Cheers for noo


Davie Gardner

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C'mon Davie G - use your infulence to convince the band and the Clickimin that it would be something very special for Shetland this.


The gig was at short notice and clickamin will be booked out for that weekend allready which is probably why there doing it in Whiteness & Weisdale!


Worth checking - I got the impression that the band were booking smaller venues.


Like I said, that's fine for them, but they probably don't realise how difficult it is for youngsters in Shetland to see bands like them - wonder if they know how many folk are likely to be disappointed?


One of Mumford and sons big attarctions are that their music appeals to such a wide age range.

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