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Mumford and Sons


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Am i missing something ?


I listened to a few songs on you tube and my god they are awful


however each to thier own , but i was expecting something a bit better than i got after all the hype

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Yeh, I totally respect idder folk's tastes in music but after listening tae twartree songs on Youtube I canna see what the fuss is. Infact, like Shetland's fiddle/traditional music it all soonds da same tae me.


Bairn, bairns I wouldna que in da wind and rain for yon :(

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Definitely not my taste in music either, they sound like the illegitimate offspring of a tryst between a folk group and a 90's boy band to my ears, but I'm not going to knock it. They obviously appeal to a lot of folk, so if a group of their stature are willing to come here and do something like this, and they get a good reception, good on anyone who's willing to freeze their ahems off queueing to pay to see them. It can only help make it an "event" that hopefully might encourage other bands to do something similar, some of which hopefully will appeal to different audiences.


Good luck to those who do get a ticket, its your turn this time, enjoy it. Maybe it'll be mine next time some other band do something similar.


(Although if I'm brutally honest, any band I'd queue all night in winter to pay to see, would probably not be allowed in to the country, never mind be allowed on the Nort Boat :lol: ).

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Sold out :-(


Queued from 7, got to the bottom of the high level music steps.. then they were gone! Lass i knew who wasn't far in front of me had ticket 251... guess there was maybe a few kept back for the arts trust clique (kidding - just bitter and cold!!))

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Not happy to see the first Mumford and Sons ticket offered for sale in the classified section of Shetlink less than an hour after they went on sale. Certainly not what the organisers would have hoped to see.


Anyway having read some reviews and listened to a few snippets of their first album on Amazon I have ordered the CD (from Amazon and sorry to Clives but I doubt if you would have undercut Amazon's £3.99) so at least I get to hear them.

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Glad you all got your tickets, now who's going to tidy up the mess you all left on da street? sleeping bags, empty beer cans, bottles, buscuits, litter, blankets etc.


(** mod edit - comment removed **)


Praise be to the street cleaners who diligently hung around awaiting your dispersal to tidy up after you. (** mod edit - comment removed **)

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A lot of generalizing there, we cleaned up after ourselves and also got the young eens either side of us to clean up too, black bags filled and left neatly for bin men to dispose of, a bit presumptuous accusing everyone! A lot of mess was left by overly drunk folk leaving pubs and clubs and stopping at take aways along the way!


Stupid remark regarding the whiteness hall....

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Glad you all got your tickets, now who's going to tidy up the mess you all left on da street? sleeping bags, empty beer cans, bottles, buscuits, litter, blankets etc.


(** mod edit - comment removed **)


Praise be to the street cleaners who diligently hung around awaiting your dispersal to tidy up after you. (** mod edit - comment removed **)


Please don't tar everyone with the same brush. Noone near where I was queuing left any mess at all. The mess was very much focussed on the area in front of smiths and jamiesons, and as far as I could tell was by a relatively small group of people. The area from jamiesons and up, where the majority of us were, was free from litter.

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Sold out :-(


Queued from 7, got to the bottom of the high level music steps.. then they were gone! Lass i knew who wasn't far in front of me had ticket 251... guess there was maybe a few kept back for the arts trust clique (kidding - just bitter and cold!!))


Some folk really do lower themselves on this forum and subject. :x ABSOLUTELY NO TICKETS WERE KEPT BACK FOR ANYONE. My own son and his girlfriend queued from 5.30 PM to get his ones along with everyone else.


I no longer work for Shetland Arts and they have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with this gig.


The reason for the ticket number issue you mention is that the tickets were sold from three seperate books by three seperate people in the shop so ticket 370 could well have been sold much earlier than some of the others - especially given that the final book (with ticket 370 in it) only had 20 tickets in it.


Ticket numbers 1 - 370 were all sold in the shop this morning. What you very publicly insinuate here is total nonsense - joking or not!!! That's how vicious rumours get started!!!!


I do not work like that, never have and it's a shame you choose to comment on something in this fashion you clearly know damn all about.


Right rant over!!!! :twisted:

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Not happy to see the first Mumford and Sons ticket offered for sale in the classified section of Shetlink less than an hour after they went on sale. Certainly not what the organisers would have hoped to see.


Totally echo this sentiment. Shame on you whoever you are!!!

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Glad you all got your tickets, now who's going to tidy up the mess you all left on da street? sleeping bags, empty beer cans, bottles, buscuits, litter, blankets etc.


(** mod edit - comment removed **)


Praise be to the street cleaners who diligently hung around awaiting your dispersal to tidy up after you. (** mod edit - comment removed **)


Jesus what next!!! :roll: Do some people live on here simply to gripe and bloody moan about everything. First your description of the mess is totally over the top. :evil:


But for your information arrangements were made to ensure the mess was all cleaned up from the outset as I envisaged this was likely to happen. The council were involved and were there immediately after the tickets were sold and EVERYTHING was cleaned up less than ten minutes later. Cheers for that lads!!!


The police were also kept fully informed throughout and also helped from the outset. They had no complaints during the night that came back to me - so cheers to them too.


HLM made no profit whatsoever from the ticket sales. They offered their services for free and indeed I suspect we disrupted their normal sales for a half hour at least.


"Their busiest day of the year so far". What utter crap!!! They opened at 9am and the tickets were gone by 9.20. A pretty short day by anyone's standards!!!! Mind you one guy did buy a plectrum as well as a ticket - so they did really well there :)


The other comment on the Whiteness and Weisdale hall is such utter nonsense I'm not even going to comment on it!!!!!

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