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Mumford and Sons


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I will stand all night when AC DC or Iron Maiden decide to play up here.


Well, I must definitely be getting old because I know who AC/DC and Iron Maiden are but have never heard of this Mumwotsits thingies.


Hey DG, please reply to my pm.


Beachcaster, you may get your wish. I know Dennis (ex-Iron Maiden) and I've mentioned before, his band are willing to do a gig up here. So if there are any promoters interested, drop me a pm and I can pass on his Manager's details.

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Poisden Stop Nitpiken what does it matter how one spells . We all know what it means !

I certainly applaud him for trying to improve the efficacy of communication. That is surely a good thing, and preferable to the promotion of deficient language.

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you'll lekly aa say dis is a silly question, bit whit wey wis da tickets no fur sale trow wir aa singing aa dancin (an nae doot cost wis a penny ir twa tae set up) Shetland Box Office?

For the same reason it is being held in a small venue, when the Clickimin could most likely have sold out.

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^^ I understand what Shetlandpeat wrote but I had to kinda guess the meaning of a word or two you wrote there in your last post EM ;)


Language is just a way of communicating....In my opinion the simpler the better....I'd rather have mis-spelled words and poor grammar than words I don't know the meaning of !


Apologies for being off topic there.


Although I am not a fan of Mumford and son I think it's fantastic that such a popular band are going to do a performance in Shetland. Well done everyone who was involved in organising it.

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I will doff my hat to those who did stand about all night though, and its a shame some of those people who waited didn't get a ticket, partly due to the greed of others who bought extra tickets to sell on.


Ticket sales were limited to two per person. Some folk genuinely only bought one, to leave more for other people. Quite heart-warming really. :wink:

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you'll lekly aa say dis is a silly question, bit whit wey wis da tickets no fur sale trow wir aa singing aa dancin (an nae doot cost wis a penny ir twa tae set up) Shetland Box Office?




Davie addressed this in his initial posts on the first page. He didn't have a say in the matter, it was either the way the band wanted it or no gig at all.


(** mod edit - comment removed - watch your language **)


There's a caps lock key on your keyboard boss, try using it.

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i dont really care if i dont use correctly the queens english, is it only in shetland u can have so many ways of spelling the same wird; i think i will continue how i think and knot how u say, ya get me?


Yes, I do know how to use the English language. I have passed exams in this language and with exceptional vigor and success, as I still do. when it comes to English I am not "asinus ad lyram" as you may suggest. So, I really think I have little to worry about, wa ana aala-mu bi-hee.


Thank you for your concern.


I do hope that you discriminate against folk who are not up to your standards.


I do find it funny that you think I am a fool. It could show your lack of open thinking, or just being unable to embrace folk for who they are and not on their literal execution.


Who cares.

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Who cares.


Well, that's up to you. However writing as you sometimes do makes some of your posts impossible to read, or at the very least results in some folk misunderstanding what you're trying to say, or missing the point you're trying to make.


I thought it was maybe just me, as I consider English something of a second language, and I don't always pull the intended meaning from a piece of writing when its done reasonably correctly, let alone when its been messed with. However from whats being said here, it seems there are more similarly affected.


If you consider the high risk of potentially being misunderstood, or the point you're trying to make being completely lost, as a viable trade off for being able to write things in your own unique version of English, then carry on. I would rather hope though, that having taken the time and energy to compose and type something up, that you'd want it to be as easily and quickly read and fully understood by as many people as possible.


You're right insofar as not everything, especially on an internet forum need not necessarily be perfect text book English, but it still needs to be readable and understandable or it serves no purpose and achieves nothing.

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I have mentioned before that some folks have natural problems in being able to see letters, write or type words and putting stuff together.

It all depends on how fast this happens.

Perhaps my English is more natural than the formatted style that every one aspires to.

But the original comment has its roots else where, as did the I i lesson we got on another thread.

But, I do ok here in Gotham, the real world.


Good luck with the gig, it is nice to see.






I do hope that youDON'T discriminate against folk who are not up to your standards.
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Just a thought and I on't know if this has already been covered in this post because to be quite honest, I haven't read all of it yet but why were the tickets on sale at High level music and not somewhere with disabled access?

Surely the disabled have the right to see the groups that come to Shetland too?

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Also please note there are strictly no reservations whatever the excuse, so please don't bother phoning High Level looking for any kind of deal, pre-sale or whatever. Brian in HLM can do absolutely nothing for you in this respect and sadly neither can I.


As stipulated by the bands management it will be strictly on a first come first served basis with sales limited to 2 tickets per person.


It seems that, as said, this was totally out of DG hands.


Though with hindsight ( a most splendid thing) someone could have pointed that out. If they did, and it was ignored then shame on the promoter, I hope the band is told. And why HLM? Good as I know they are.




Perhaps a procedure could be put in place.

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the daughters going thanks to her boyfriend queing overnight. the thought toilets jumps to mind with loads of folks quing in the cold. being of the walking stick group myself if i had wanted to que for them in the cold i would have gone up on my bum if i was that keen but yes HLM don't have a good access. not that they could do anything about it apart from moving.

if you could not manage the steps im sure the shop would have helped you out some how.

never even heard of the band but good for them coming up here. it must be a big loss shipping there stuff up here.

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