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Mumford and Sons


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I can't believe that Davie is having to defend everything that's gone on.


We're getting a multi-million selling Brit-award winning Grammy-nominated band up in Shetland and all people can do is complain? Seriously, it's disappointing.


This thread should be a celebration, not a "who can start the best rumour to try and derail Davie" competition.


I didn't que because I'm not a big fan of the band, but fair play to all who did. Davie's keeping music live in Shetland, he deserves our praise.

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As I say I had a number of discussions with disabled people looking for tickets and told them the provisions being made for them. They were either happy with this or got tickets through others queuing for them or whatever.


To the best of my belief all I spoke to managed to secure tickets. If they decided to queue we took their tickets down the steps to them.


As I say I also set out the plan - and the difficulties - to Disability Shetland and they were more than happy with this.


So in short we did think of this.


Thanks for clearing that up Davie, it's good to know that you have worked alongside Disability Shetland who are a brilliant organisation, and well done dealing with all the other nonsense posts, you must wonder why you bother sometimes;)

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Can I just thank 'Ally' for his quick reply and his apology which I of course fully accept and respect.


However, posting anything of this nature, even jokingly, does lead to wildfire local rumour and misunderstandings, especially when you apparently also 'evidence' your argument - as on this particular occasion re the ticket numbers. Once someone reads something like this they usually accept it as fact.


If in future anyone has any concerns re anything of this nature that I'm involved with, please have the guts to contact me direct on the subject before you choose to go into public and anonymous print of any kind on it. Cold and upset or not!!!!


If you then still have a genuine grevience then please feel free to go for it and me!!!!


Had this 'rumour' got back to the promoter on the mainland - and more so to the bands management - it's not overstating the issue to say that some very serious questions would have, initially at least, been asked of me. And had I not been in a position to answer them effectively and honestly (with appropriate evidence) it could actually have still put the whole gig at risk - not to mention my personal reputation with the bands powers-that-be for any future promotions of this kind.


Think about it - in their minds I might well have been holding back THEIR tickets to sell on the black market for my own personal profit rather than giving them to a clique of any kind as was suggested here.


Please think of the potential damage insinuations, rumours or even jokes such as this can do BEFORE you go into public print in future.


And as to the defination of the work "joke" - cheers for this I'm now totally clear on that one. It was a new word on me :D


Fair play Davie, it was a stupid remark to make, not particularly funny and I regret typing it...


I used to write a lot of flippant, throw away stuff on this forum when it first started and in my defence I do tend to treat it a bit more like face-book than the Shetland Time's letter page. Given the the furore my original post has caused then maybe I need to employ a bit more sense and sensitivity before I fire of train-of-thought, spur of the moment drivel


Bit too hungover to digest any more humble pie the now, but needless to say I think you did a grand job getting them up and I should have thought before I mouthed off... :oops:

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Fair play to de Ally and as I say the earlier apology from de wis already accepted along with what du says here. Cheers!!


I've made my point(s) re the issue and now that's history too mate!! No damage apparently done....


We all do and say things on the spur of the moment we subsequently regret once we think a bit deeper about things (or better still know the true facts) and this is quite simply one of those occasions. Let's be honest we've all done that - myself very much included.


I totally accept it was a no offence intended, throw away remark - which on the surface may even have seemed to have some substance at the time. That's been put to rights by both of us now so let's leave it there for sure.

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My Wife and I spent Friday night up against JR Whites window, (can't believe how warm and comfortable I was).


I'm not sure how many people we were from the front of the queue, I know it wasn't many as we got there at around 11:00pm.


The topic of conversation was hilarious with the group of lads and lasses that were behind us, I never did get there names and the name of the band that one of the lads mentioned he was in, hope to see you at the gig so you can give me free tickets haha, we were surrounded by fantastic people and I enjoyed the live acoustic session one young lad gave us.


A big thank you to Davie Gardner and everyone involved, the work you do is tremendous (it was nice to meet you Davie).


I genuinely feel for the folk that didn't manage to get tickets but you really do have to be there early.


As for the Band in question not being any good, I can't wait to feel the atmosphere at the gig, I,m sure these old bones will be bouncing.

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Davie has done his best but I really beleive the Mumfords have cocked up! Its the fans that have put them where they are and to snub so many in Shetland, Orkney & the Western Isles by doing such tiny gigs is daft.


Folk on the mainland have so many opportunities to jump on a bus or train & if a gig sells out they can zip along to the next one & so on but up here its important to accomodate as many fans as possible.


If they are keen to do small venues why not come for a few days & do a few? Its not just dissabled folk who might have had problems, its all the folk in Yell, Fetlar etc, folk working nights at the hospital and so on.


Good on yer the lucky ones but its a lost opportunity to share their music with their fans, who buy their DC's.

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My Wife and I spent Friday night up against JR Whites window, (can't believe how warm and comfortable I was).


I'm not sure how many people we were from the front of the queue, I know it wasn't many as we got there at around 11:00pm.


The topic of conversation was hilarious with the group of lads and lasses that were behind us, I never did get there names and the name of the band that one of the lads mentioned he was in, hope to see you at the gig so you can give me free tickets haha, we were surrounded by fantastic people and I enjoyed the live acoustic session one young lad gave us.


A big thank you to Davie Gardner and everyone involved, the work you do is tremendous (it was nice to meet you Davie).


I genuinely feel for the folk that didn't manage to get tickets but you really do have to be there early.


As for the Band in question not being any good, I can't wait to feel the atmosphere at the gig, I,m sure these old bones will be bouncing.


I think that must've been me and my friends! I would mention one topic of conversation we had but I think it may offend some people haha Was it you guys next to us laughing at that legend of a man snoring all night in his camo. tent? What a good night we had, can't wait to see mumford and sons.

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Haha, at first I never thought we would make it through the night but it really wasn't that bad, it was a laugh when Ivan turned up in the morning taking pics of Karen while she was asleep, I sent Andy a message on fb, can't wait for the gig, I've not been to one for years

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I heard the gig was over 18s only, if so why were youngsters able to buy tickets?


Heard wrong I believe - over 16's gig. That being said, anyone of any age can buy the tickets, but it will be only ones over the age limit that get in through the doors (with suitable ID). As was said earlier in the thread, there was nothing to stop kids queuing all night to get tickets for parents/ older friends etc....


Tickets for gigs aren't alcohol, tobacco or indeed porn where you need to be a certain age to buy or partake in them, you just need to be the prescribed age to get in.

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