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pooptastic! not.

Baron Farkoff

Is this the corrrect poophole to close?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this the corrrect poophole to close?

    • Yes!
    • No!

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People are crying about losing a public toilet.......


Get real.


Fine. I'll take a pish right outside your garden gate/front doorstep, then you can pay my fine for doing so.


If a town won't provide adequate facilities, folk will go wherever and whenever they need to.

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People are crying about losing a public toilet.......


Get real.


Fine. I'll take a pish right outside your garden gate/front doorstep, then you can pay my fine for doing so.


If a town won't provide adequate facilities, folk will go wherever and whenever they need to.


Dunno if the law has been repealed, you had to shout "IN PAIN" if you wanted to wee on the cobbles legally. As long as Richard cannot be seen. Your fine.

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It IS illegal to urinate in public, unless you are pregnant :)


Just done some digging in Google and it seems a man can relieve himself as long it is on the rear wheel of his motor vehicle and his right hand is on the vehicle. Can't be 100% sure after all it IS from the internet...


Would have to watch the indecent exposure issue though I guess.

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posiedon wrote

Why would anybody need to pish in the street after closing time?

Why can't folk just relieve themselves in the bogs where they have their last drink, then hold on till they get home?


The answer is; don't wander up and down commercial St after the pubs shut, go home.

Do you drink?. As in perhaps several pints. If you do you will know that what went in is inclined to want to come out once you are in contact with the cold night air.


Anyway there are official council recognised reasons for people to wander up and down Commercial Street after the pubs close. One is the need for some food which is why there are a couple of late night take aways open after the pubs close and the other is that at chucking out time on a busy weekend there are never enough taxis for people to be sure of getting one without waiting.


Then there is the social reason. Meeting friends for a chat at the cross after closing time is something Shetland people do and, since banning people congregating at the cross might be an issue at the council elections following such a ban, the council ought to recognise this and provide some basic facilities.


Of course there were facilities that were recognised by drinkers and the council alike and that was the little lane that runs along the side of Kellys opticians. Council action there was to gate the lane at night rather than address the problem

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People are crying about losing a public toilet.......


Get real.


Fine. I'll take a pish right outside your garden gate/front doorstep, then you can pay my fine for doing so.


If a town won't provide adequate facilities, folk will go wherever and whenever they need to.


Fine dat my boy! But please understand that when the boys in blue catch you with your John Thomas dangling out they may be interested to know why you're doing so above a public playpark.....


So come you....I'll even leave out a bogroll and a paper so you have something to read until PC Card turns up.


Like I said before (in as many words) Scalloway's already lost more than Lerwick ever will and you're all harping on about the closure of ONE public toilet.


In any case, the Clickimin's next door and surely you could 'haad in de pysh' til you got in there.

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People are crying about losing a public toilet.......


Get real.


Like I said before (in as many words) Scalloway's already lost more than Lerwick ever will and you're all harping on about the closure of ONE public toilet.


In any case, the Clickimin's next door and surely you could 'haad in de pysh' til you got in there.


Du is quite right Scalloway has lost too much already, but that shoudna mak it a toon v scallowaa issue. The point is "is the cuts being made in the right places" and in most areas I would say no!


The heid yins in each department put forward dir budgets and proposed cuts and you will note dat da most o dem will affect us, da public. Noo if they were to cut wan o da over paid managers jobs in this department they widna need to close much used/needed facilities. But turkeys dinna vote fir Christmas du dey!


Meanwhile, as they will nae doot go ahead and close this loo, they shoulda agreed with the Clickimin that a sign goes up saying toilets are available in the Clickimin. But der again forward planning has never been a strong point.

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People are crying about losing a public toilet.......


Get real.


Like I said before (in as many words) Scalloway's already lost more than Lerwick ever will and you're all harping on about the closure of ONE public toilet.


In any case, the Clickimin's next door and surely you could 'haad in de pysh' til you got in there.


Du is quite right Scalloway has lost too much already, but that shoudna mak it a toon v scallowaa issue. The point is "is the cuts being made in the right places" and in most areas I would say no!


The heid yins in each department put forward dir budgets and proposed cuts and you will note dat da most o dem will affect us, da public. Noo if they were to cut wan o da over paid managers jobs in this department they widna need to close much used/needed facilities. But turkeys dinna vote fir Christmas du dey!


Meanwhile, as they will nae doot go ahead and close this loo, they shoulda agreed with the Clickimin that a sign goes up saying toilets are available in the Clickimin. But der again forward planning has never been a strong point.



Yeah I know, I've been watching this thread a few days now and making it a 'toon vs scy' issue was never my intention, I was just trying to put things in a little perspective to try and make people realise that maybe in the greater picture of things......maybe people aren't so badly off as they think they are



I'm still awaitng Ghostrider's 'deposit'....lol :)

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If the Lochside facility is closed and the aforementioned alternative drop off points are unavailable surely the best alternative to avoid an accident (or indeed an emergency) is that handy facility a mere 200 yards up the road. You'll find the Gilbert Bain Hospital A&E department is open 24/7 and is very adept at dealing with all sorts of slester.

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