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Thatche- good or evil  

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  1. 1. Thatche- good or evil

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^^ I beg to differ. She was never evil, just plain old insane. Meglomaniacy is a form of insanity, is it not. Or at least it should be.


Lets face it though, when the choice was either give her the job, or give it to Michael Foot....there really was no choice.

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ShetlandPeat, my dear fellow, your recall of Thatcher "hammering" the Police appears at odds with the recollections of my father and his ex-colleagues, all of whom agree - whatever their political belief - that Mrs T did nothing but benefit the Police. Her pay increases for them allowed many (my parents included) to buy their own homes for the first time in their lives. My mother will not hear a bad word said about the woman!


Just thought I should add that to the mix, so to speak, as it appears you may have got that point, at least, slightly wrong?


Your humble servant. :wink:

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My Uncle was a PC during those days. His pay did go up, policing the strikers. But, to own a house then would have cost you 17% interest at times, so, to encourage folk to buy houses then to allow rates to rack up so much not only hammered the pay once the strikes were quelled but with more effect when the overtime stopped.


Just a thought and thank you for your comment, indeed pleasing.


It is nice to hear of folk doing well for themselves.

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My apologies, dear fellow, I should have made my point more clearly. My father and colleagues who purchased their houses, thanks to pay rises - not only the overtime generated through policing industrial actions - made these purchases from Police housing stocks. These were usually surplus to requirement, and most - if not all - were bought by the Officers staying in them at the time (the Police used to provide housing for "entitled" Officers, i.e. those who joined before a certain date).


These purchases were made at a discounted rate, rather than the market value of the property. In many cases, this was because the housing was below the condition required of a landlord (such as the standards adhered to by Councils, for instance), and so discount was offered in lieu of refurbishment and improvements, which would have been required had these houses been retained as Police housing stock.


This was certainly, formerly, the policy of the local Constabulary, and I know of Officers, in other Forces, who benefited similarly. Perhaps this was not policy in your uncle's Force area?


Regardless, the benefit of purchasing a property at such a discount outweighed - at least in my parents' and their peers' minds - the hardship of high interest rates.


Your humble servant. :)

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That don't mean she was right.


Kitchener had some balls sending thousands to their deaths.

Hitler too, thinking he could take on Europe and sustain a win.


Women who did have balls were






Millicent Fawcett



Irene Khan



Emily Pankhurst




Their are more listed, but not Thatcher, well I cannot find her.


Very near the top should be


Ellen Kuzwayo.


And of course my dearly departed Mam.

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Master Peat,


I shall be inclined to disagree with you, re Ms Khan. While there is no doubt she had some hard experiences, her somewhat questionably large and almost under-the-counter retirement package, along with her oft stony silence on several key issues, whilst in office, has rather tarnished her halo, insofar as I am concerned.


Rather interestingly, I note that a certain Winnie Mandela makes the same list? The same former Mrs Mandela that can, most certainly, be said to have been genuinely "evil" in her abuse of power (she once advocated burning opponents alive with petrol and rubber tyre "necklaces"). Who exploited and perverted the youths in the "Mandela United Football Club" whom she gathered around her and turned into her own paramilitary unit? The same MUFC murdered 14 year old Stompie Moeketsi, allegedly at her behest. The same Mrs Mandela who is a convicted fraudster, stealing from co-operative funeral funds, set up for poor black South Africans, while she sued Nelson for $5 million when he saw the light and divorced her? (She did not get it).


Hmmmmmmm... try as I might, I cannot quite recall Mrs T being in the same "to be admired" category. :shock:


Your humble servant.

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Thatcher was a bigoted , racist , evil old witch in every sense of the word , anything North of Birmingham was considered by her to be worthless , the people , the culture , everything.


I hope when she dies that she is driven so far into the bowels of hell that Jesus himself couldnt find her with an astronomers telescope. End off.


:evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :!:


p.s Didnt like the woman....indeed if she was.............

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^^ Hey, credit her with entertainment value at least, even if she just pissed you off, at least she got a reaction outta folk. :lol:. Unlike her successors, John "little gray man", "look I can talk without moving my mouth" Major, and Tony "if I flap my hands just a leeettle more I'll fly" Blair, their only productive purpose in life was to unintentionally cure chronic insomniacs.

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The General Belgrano was a warship, she had the capability of causing great damage to our fleet. She was a legitimate target, it also kept the Argy Navy safely in harbour during the whole conflict.


Thatcher was the subject of the heading, I too hated the woman, but, she did do Britain some good turns standing up to the French and Germans etc.


She gave me a 15% interest morgtgage rate, she gave me a longer weekend break from work as we were all on short time working and short pay. But, she did do good for Britain. I hate her!!

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