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Thatche- good or evil  

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  1. 1. Thatche- good or evil

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^^ What he said. :thmbsup


After a decade of the Heath/Wilson/Callaghan "Goons Show", she gave Britain back its balls. We could use her like again after the four that have followed her, they actually make Heath, Wilson and Callaghan look competent. A little less of the beaatch in the mix than Thatch had would be appreciated though. :lol:

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A Maggie quote:'This Lady's not for turning'

I like this one even better - quote 'Where's my Willie? unquote' - (when enquiring about the whereabouts of her Home Secretary, William Whitelaw)...


It's a pity her Daughter is an air-head and her Son has a somewhat dodgy past.

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Thatcher was a bigoted , racist , evil old witch in every sense of the word , anything North of Birmingham was considered by her to be worthless , the people , the culture , everything.


I hope when she dies that she is driven so far into the bowels of hell that Jesus himself couldnt find her with an astronomers telescope. End off.


:evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :!:


p.s Didnt like the woman....indeed if she was.............


Tuts, if humptygrumpty is a total labour-supporting, paid up member of the PC brigade, then one suggests he pays a certain belief/religion some respect! Honestly, you just can't get these politically correct type to live by their own rules these days ... :wink:

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I cannot believe someone tried to brand her evil over the Belgrano. That's like calling an airstrike on a Taliban artillery site cold blooded murder, only we were formally at war with the Argentinians, who were merrily firing missiles at and sinking our bloody ships. What was their unelected junta then? Social workers??! Words fail me... :roll:

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I also wonder about people's priorities and moral sense of proportion. When there was the like of the apartheid mob running South Africa, Mugabe and his monsters in Zimbabwe, Saddam, Quaddafi, the war crimes in Bosnia, etc... then look at modern day... Quaddafi still at it (!), the carnage in Sudan, (that well-fed pillock on the Telly saying there's no famine while we can see children starving to death, anyone?), Mugabe still at it, the list goes on. All this wickedness in the world and someone reckons Mrs T was the most evil person ever?? My God, man, have a look at what is going on, then consider she was a democratically elected leader. What she did, she did with the mandate WE gave her. There was no coup, no revolution, no seizing of power. There were elections and she won and she strengthened this country like no one had in decades, or has since.


Evil? Twisted? Deserves the deepest bowels of Hell? Go do something worthwhile, volunteer to help these kids in Romania or something worthy. See what happens in countries that don't have the same principles of democracy. Go protest in Burma or the like. There's plenty to choose from. Then come back and tell us again how evil she is/was, and deserves eternal suffering. :roll:

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Is there much difference between them when it comes down to the nitty gritty though ? I agree that there are many world leaders who treat their fellow countrymen/women in appalling ways & kill vast numbers of their opposition purely to keep themselves in power. Often done in ways that would be totally unacceptable if carried out in the so-called civilised world. If the tables were turned & Thatcher had been born in Iraq found herself to be president as Saddam was do you think that she would of acted in a vastly different way that he did ? I don't think so, all these people care about is holding onto & protecting the power that they have. Saddam would never of got away with any of his acts of mass murder if he had been in power of a Western country, instead he would have done what most leaders do & tried his best to hold onto the power him & his political party hold using clever manipulation of the media, employeed spin doctors & P.R agencies to protect the power held, using our americanised show-biz style of politics that are so common now.

If the miner's strike had happened in Iraq with Thatcher in power they would most certainly of been wiped off the face of the earth, without it ever reaching the news.

The american Gov. will use any excuse to go to war with a country ruled by a dictator if it is in their own interests, but there are still oppressive regimes around the world that the yanks still keep good relations with, maybe not well publicised relationships but usefull when they need to blatantly disregard human rights. Get the CIA to drag a possible terror suspect to one of these countries & watch as the suspect gets tortured & humiliated, though not on USA soil of course. Very handy.

The majority of these people Thatcher very much included only care about protecting the power that they hold, whether it is done by what we are led to believe is a democratic manner or just blatant oppression.

The old saying " power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely " is not just a saying it is fact.

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So now you're able to predict what Maggie would have done if she had been born in Iraq? Sheesh, that's some superpower you got there. If I'd stayed on at school I could have been a brain surgeon. If I'd been born rich, I might have bought Apple. If I was born a genius, I might have cured cancer. Of course, if I'd been born in Iraq, I'd probably be a henchman. I think

I could hench pretty well, if I put my mind to it. :roll:


That's a ridiculous way to justify a small-minded disproportionate response to a democratically elected leader. She wasnt a murdering monster, but sge probably would have been, if she had the chance? Is that really what you're saying? If that's the case, we will all have to revise the way we look at one another.


She didn't do any of the things these human monsters did and are still doing. I'd say by any reasonably minded person's view of the world, this makes them a lot worse than her.


These people saying she's evil obviously don't know what true evil is and does.

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"Power corrupts..." isn't really THAT old a saying. 1887 makes it relatively recent from an historical and linguistic point of view. And it was "Power TENDS to corrupt..." before Nietzsche cribbed it for "Beyond Good and Evil" (better than Horlicks or Nytol, any time).

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You missed commenting on our friends and Allies the Americans.


With British help they have tortured, killed or have been involved in killing hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

Imprison folk for years if not decades.


Although when Thatcher wanted help, did they come, did they not!!!


They may come if Argentina invades again, we won't be able to, and there is the smell of oil.


Thatcher does have some serious levels of hate towards her, more than any other PM so far. Just think, if a 100,000 folk sigh a petition they could debate it in Westminster, along with any other subject the red tops could troll.


I digress.

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Go find them yourself.


They are Allies are they not. Do they not fly these poor folk over our airspace, transport the tools that are needed to do this from USAF bases in UK? We have for a long time let the Americans have bases here, and out of UK sight.


Oh, you missed the other points.

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I didn't miss them. your allegation of the torture and murder of "hundreds of thousands, if not millions" kind of grabbed my attention. Then when I ask for sources for your statement of "fact", you tell me to find them...


I don't doubt the existence of extraordinary renditions. But if you can evidence your facts, outwith this piece of American "legislation", or any wars they might be involved in, I'll be impressed. The floor is yours...


(BTW the Falklands War was almost 30 years ago. I think your strange point about them not coming when we needed them refers to that? Although, it could just as easily refer to WWII. Still, I don't see the relevance of American actions in relation to Thatcher being "evil", and assisting in the slaughter of "hundreds of thousands, if not millions". Sorry, I couldn't resist quoting you again. It's such a ... bold ... statement to make, without any apparent evidence.)

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