Guest Anonymous Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 I have sent an e-mail to J Reid expressing my disgust at this situation, and have told all my family to do the same, and sign all petitions, either electronic or paper. I feel so sorry that this young man can be used as a political pawn by a failing government who are trying to find any scapegoat to blame for their own failings. If there is enough noise made about this injustice, it is just possible that it could be the last nail in the coffin for Tony and his Labour Scum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 this really is a rediculous situation - raiding Shetland for a man that hasn't caused anyone any trouble really - always appeared to enjoy his job at the Clickimin and was always happy and smiling whenever I saw him!! Hope that this gets sorted with the right results!! ZIGZAG75Sullom, I hate these foreign (Sooth Mooth) invaders who have attacked our islands just to save John Reids butt. Shetland has taken a stand to keep out drugs...Now must be the time to keep out Labour and all it's bedfellows. Methinks Labour just lost any votes they ever had here ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustMe Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 I just want to raise one different point about this. Why were police from the mainland involved?. Do the home office not trust the Lerwick police to execute an arrest warrant?. I think the local police chief and the Chief Constable of the Northern Constabulary should consider a protest of their own. As for the original offence I find it hard to reconcile the words of the prosecution who almost seemed to be asking for clemency with the sentence handed down by the Sheriff. Tomorrow I will consider my message to the government and perhaps to the opposition.....I am too angry tonight. As for the two people who expressed their views that having done the crime he should expect to go....or whatever they said.....I think that if this were an ordinary case of an adult moving to the UK and then commiting a serious crime I would tend to agree. But this is no ordinary case. Sakchai's been here since he was 10yo and his whole life is here. That is why this case is different. Perhaps something else could be mentioned. Part of growing up in Shetland involves getting very drunk and doing something silly. Doing somerthing than involves an appointment with the sheriff. Ok not for all young people but not uncommon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dargon Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 Just sent off an e-mail to Rosie Kane MSP asking her for support. I've met with Rosie on a number of occasions and she has experience campaigning against the removal of families by similar means. I will get a phone number for her and pass it on to whoever is co-ordinating the campaign. Euan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richie Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 Davie, I have already told Richie but if there is anything we can do to help let us know, other than that just want Sakchai to know we are all thinking of him and hope to see him really soon. Adrian and Sarah Henry. Thanks for this Aidsey and for everyone else who has written similar. We all share a common goal with this one so no thanks needed. I'm still looking at a public 'get-together' sometime next week soyou can all get involved in a more active way when we have a clearer picture of what and who we are actually fighting. Will keep in touch on this and also listen our for info on Radio Shetland. I have heard tonight that Satch might be moved again but, although this is frustrating in a legal sense, it might be for the best given the hole of sharn that Durham is bound to be. We will get another good lawyer wherever they send him and still plan to issue a writ on the police, immigration service and the Home Office, preferably Dr John Reid himself, over how Satch was dealt with yesterday. I've been in touch with Sky News so fingers crossed for even wider publicity. I've also got a slot on Radio Scotland's prime morning news programme Good Morning Scotland tomorrow at 8.10 so cheers to the Beeb again. Keep it going - there are all kinds of eyes watching this site I believe. Davie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
turrifield Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 There was a report on the bbc 1 Scotland TV news tonight so that will have raised awareness. All I can say is that I agree with what has been said already and have sent what E-mails I can. Just hope for a good outcome and will keep intouch with what's happening. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Muppet Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 Is there any chance someone could get a printable version of the petition on the web? We could all print off a copy and get friends/family/workmates to sign then return it. Also copies of the poster to display wherever? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peeriebryan Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 Is there any chance someone could get a printable version of the petition on the web? We could all print off a copy and get friends/family/workmates to sign then return it. Also copies of the poster to display wherever?Excellent idea Muppet. If anyone has versions of the petition or poster, email them to us and we'll make them downloadable Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trout Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 Thanks to all who's signed the ePetition here at Shetlink. Thats 250+ confirmed signatories - with 110 still pending for email confirmation - please check your inboxes folks Check if you're shown or not HERE Remember to keep sending out the below link to all those you know! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 I'll add my support to this too. I don't know this guy or anything about him, apart from vaguely recalling the incidents and resultant court case which "criminalised" him, and from reading this thread. But, to ship a van load of cops from Glasgow to here to snatch one guy in dawn raid, and then to try and get him out of the country post haste, via a musical chairs operation round the country is well out of order, that kind of treatment is usually, and rightly so, only reserved for multi-murders, rapists etc, not someone over whom there is some question on the legal status of their residency in the UK. If this Government had issues over the legality of his residency, and/or concerns over his "criminal" behaviour, the time and place to have addressed them was at his sentencing, and/or upon his pending release, they can hardly say they didn't know where he was, and if they try to say they were unaware of his "illegal" status, then they should have been aware, and the fact they chose to ignore it then, means they can much easier choose to ignore it now, should they wish to, or be persuaded to. It has to be at least a full year, most probably much longer than that, since his release, during which time he's, by all accounts, reintegrated himself successfully back in to the local population, and has become a productive member it, regaining the respect of those he's come in contact with. To now simply rip him out of that again, for no other reason, it seems, than to assist government statistics and PR, and throw him back to Asia, is plain wrong. It has to be asked as well, if, as reported his mother and sister are still UK residents (assumedly on a better legal footing than he), why he cannot be permitted to stay, when they apparently can. There is no doubt that to force a person who became a resident here so long ago, not through his own choosing at the time, but through his parent's choosing, he being a child at the time, to return to a country which can only be described as his parent's homeland, and not his, is highly morally questionable. But to do so regardless, when the only close family he knows still remain in the UK is morally indefensible. It seems to me that this incident is the Immigration equivalent of the Police going out and collecting a few drunks who have passed out in a corner somewhere, but are otherwise harmless, or nitpicking over cracked lights of "dirty" plates during traffic spot checks. It's a quick and easy way to bump up the detection/conviction numbers, and make them look good, it serves minimal other purpose. Likewise this individual was viewed as a "soft" target, a quick easy snatch and grab, no extended family to raise a fuss at the scene, an out of the way place, and just how much fuss could 20,000+ people raise in the hubs of population anyway, when they were marooned close to 200 miles off the coast. It was a day trip for the boys away from some of the bloodier back alleys of Govan, and one more to add to the tally sheet, it has no other useful purpose. Perhaps if the government could show a bit more success in being more selective of whom they let in in the first place, and were a bit more hurried in dealing with the known troublemakers who are just here for kicks and a free ride, they might get a little more sympathy at a time like this. Until then they are simply shooting themselves in the foot going for the "easy" ones first in a cynical attempt to manipulate statistics to their benefit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Njugle Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 Is there any chance someone could get a printable version of the petition on the web? We could all print off a copy and get friends/family/workmates to sign then return it. Also copies of the poster to display wherever? That's a good idea Muppet, a scan or doc of the hard copy of the petition and poster could then be distributed to the country areas more easily. Davie? Or similar, fancy sending a copy to and we can provide a link to it for people (bear in mind people: signing the e-petition should mean signing a hard-copy is duplication, find other people to sign the hard-copy) (Also, those who have signed the e-petition, remember and check your email and click on the acknowledgment to validate your signature) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LittleMissGiggles Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 I do not know Sakchai Makao personally, but my sister knows him well and I am absolutely appalled at this whole situation and truely find it hard to express the disgust that I feel towards this whole situation. I feel ashamed to be British. What on earth is our country coming to? Human rights? I don't know how they can sleep at night. This young man has paid the price for his crime and deserves to be left alone. The government should be ashamed - this young man may be scarred for life personally for what they have done to him. However, lets hope that all the support he's getting will get him back home to Shetland, where he is very obviously very much loved and missed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mary doll Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 Thank you Sakchai for sharing your life with us here in Shetland. I feel privileged to know you and look forward to seeing you home here again as soon as possible. I'll do all I can to help. Huge thanks to all those doing the same. SN Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RossP Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 This is so stupid wot was the point in takin him!? hes as much a shetlander thn any of us! the guy is a gd laugh nd espeacily at up helly aa i think the ppl who did this should be looked at nd should be punished not Sakchai!! Who should have the right 2 knock in sum ones door nd pull them out of there house nd have him put on a plane before he cn tell any one where he is going! The reason for doing it is as pathetic as the group of men who took him. This is defintly wrong nd humen rights defintly should get involved! Bring him back!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dollydodo Posted June 7, 2006 Report Share Posted June 7, 2006 I dont know Sakchai but from what I have read on this forum (and from the email I received) he sounds like a really nice guy and I will do all I can to support him. To me, he is a Shetlander through and through and should remain as such, having contributed much more to the Shetland community than a lot of "Shetlanders" I am aquanted with! I will go to the ends of the earth for anyone who wishes to be known as a Shetlander. I DO APPLAUD YOU SAKCHAI! Does it really matter where folk come from? I dont think so. What matters is who they are and what they do. Ok, he made a mistake. We all do. And he broke the law. We have all done that in our different ways, I am sure. Unfortunately for him he got caught!! (As a nice rather elderly policeman once said to me, it is ok to speed, but no so good to be caught!!). He has paid the price for that. The authorities are using him as an EXAMPLE and in so doing are, or so they may think, feathering their own nest. It is time we put a stop to these bullying tactics. As I said, I will do everything to support Sakchai.What really troubles me is that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Everyday, in Scotland, there are dawn raids being made on people, many of whom, just like Sakchai, are decent people who want to get on with their lives. Countries are countries. Economies are economies. Cultures are cultures. But at the end of the day, does it really matter where we come from?? Just look at the US. Practically every American citizen came from an immigrant family at one time. We are only here for a short time so, until it is time for us to set off for Mars and start again, let's live together in harmony and get on with things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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