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Deportation of Sakchai Makao


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Thinking about this last night and the methods used to detain Sakchai, and a (somewhat "conspiracy" style) thought came to me. Perhaps the reason for the surprise arrest with officers from outwith Shetland had something to do with the protests against the Minn and Koolamatrie deportations.


Maybe the Home Office/whoever realised that had word gotten out about then it could have been difficult to get Sakchai off of the island without having to get through some pretty big protests. Just a thought, I guess an attempt by me to get my head around and see some "sense" in the "bring 8 men up from south instead of using local officers" issue.


The work Davie and others have put into this has been incredible. Hopefully the powers that be see some sense and end this whole thing.

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Is there any chance someone could get a printable version of the petition on the web? We could all print off a copy and get friends/family/workmates to sign then return it.


Also copies of the poster to display wherever?


That's a good idea Muppet, a scan or doc of the hard copy of the petition and poster could then be distributed to the country areas more easily.


Davie? Or similar, fancy sending a copy to admin@shetlink.com and we can provide a link to it for people (bear in mind people: signing the e-petition should mean signing a hard-copy is duplication, find other people to sign the hard-copy)


(Also, those who have signed the e-petition, remember and check your email and click on the acknowledgment to validate your signature)


Cheers guys have arranged for this to be done. Totally amazing and invaluable.

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New Labour came to power on a promise to care for those in need - the elderly, the young and minorities. They have now become more sleazy then the Old Tories, and this incident underlines the fact that they are completely out of touch with the people of the United Kingdom. What happened to Sakchai is wrong - and if they can't tell the difference between right and wrong then it's time to go.

Meanwhile, let's all make a noise - to Councillors, MSPs, Mps, MEPs and everyone who is publicly accountable and let them know that, as a community, we find this kind of behaviour intolerable. I only hope that Sakchai has some way of knowing the depth of feeling and the levl of support in Shetland.


We will keep him in touch for sure and his family are on this site regularly too - so keep it coming!!!!

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First we would like to thank you for all the support you all have been showing, especially to Davie and the boys. Thanks boys! My brother well.............what else can i say since you guy said it all already. Let just say i won't change him for the world. Brandon will be very pround of his uncle and shetland wouldn't be the same without that cheeky and loveable "SAKCHAI". Massive thanks from him and his family to you all especially you Mr Gardener and Mr Alister Carmicheal. OH and boys am sure ny will get those pint you all dying for when he get back!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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These are the 5 aims of the home office, as found on their website- with a response to each point! I think you will find these people are not meeting their goals..


1) people are and feel more secure in their homes and daily lives.

(what? How can we feel secure if you are going to break down Sakchai's door, raid his house, and snatch him all hourse in the morning? you had him petrified. where's the security there, tell me!)


2) more offenders are caught, punished and stop offending and victims are better supported.

(so what you are saying is that a first offence, that happened years ago, that poses no real threat to anybody- is a valid reason to deport our Sakchai? He did the time for the crime, remember! Why are you wasting your time! You could be deporting all the terrorists that have slipped thru the net instead. He's just an easy target- you are useless.)


3) fewer people's lives are ruined by drugs and alcohol.

(You, home office, are the only things ruining lives in our situation! We were all fine until you came along!!!)


4) migration is managed to benefit the UK, while preventing abuse of the immigration laws and of the asylum system.

(“Benefit the UK“? in what way, exactly, will this deportation benefit the UK, or anybody, at that? Fair enough hunting down murderers, rapists, and threats, but to take Satch for a silly little moment of madness that happened years ago, you must have some issues.)


5) citizens, communities and the voluntary sector are more fully engaged in tackling social problems and there is more equality of opportunity and respect for people of all races and religions.

(We’re talking about equality now, are we? We see Sakchai as our own, as a equal, as a Shetlander. He should be treated no differently than any other first time offender from Shetland. I know a few big sinners who I’d prefer to see the back of...)


Give him back, we will not rest until he is HOME in Shetland.


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Hey everyone, first of all a massive thanks to all those who have acknowledged and taken the time to sign the petitions we have been circulating around Shetland, also a big thanks to Ewan Anderson for his involvement in this process out west.


This morning we have circulated the posters around the town and Davie will shortly be trying to get some out into the country to raise awareness in the Isles etc.


We will be on the street in force again with petitions this lunchtime so if you have not already signed keep an eye out for us, we should stand out fairly well! If not they are available in most shops in and around the town centre. It is estimated we may already have over a thousand signatures (in 24 hours) simply amazing. I urge any of you who have not already signed the petition and wish to to do so before tomorrow as we will be collecting several in.


Finally the staff at the SRT and everyone involved in the campaign would like to give a massive thanks to James Johnson, Davie Gardner and Alistair Carmichael for the tremendous efforts they have done in such a quick period of time. We feel priviledged to be represented by individuals such as yourselves and Shetland as a whole.


Keep that support coming!


Lets get Sakchai back to Haldane Burgess Crescent, Lerwick ASAP!

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Quote from The Scotsman

Well done the Home Office. We complain about leniency against convicted criminals and now we complain when we deport those here who commit crime. Let's not forget who the convicted criminal is.

Robert Andrew, Lerwick


Who is this guy does he only see in black and white?

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Hey hey, my dad told me about Sakchai and I was outraged! Have told as many people as I physically could within the past 10 hours. I'm in Oxford, so Andrew & Kirsty post back if you want to get in touch - let me know if there's anything I can do to help with the Oxford/ English end of the campaign!




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Thanks again to all those signing the ePetition here at Shetlink - thats 564 verified signatures so far....


... lets go for the thousand folks! Please send out the following link to as many people as you know:





When signing the ePetition you must provide a valid email address. A link is sent to your email address as confirmation. You click on this link to complete your ePetition entry. These measures prevent false/multiple entries and means that the ePetition carries a bit of "weight" (Your email address will not be displayed on the webpage). Note also to add an address for yourselves so as to validate your signing when the ePetition is sent to the relevant authorities.



Remember not to double sign the ePetition / hard-copies!

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Well thats my blast at the minister.....in a good mood today so it is not what I would have sent last night.




Dear Minister, I just feel I have to add my voice to the protests about the impending deportation of Sakchai Makao. In general I agree that foreign nationals who commit a serious crime in the UK should be deported. I do however believe that this case is different.


Sakachi has been in Shetland since he was 10yo and he thinks and behaves like a young Shetlander. This has in one way been his downfall as the offence that makes him a candidate for deportation was committed when he was very drunk. Sadly getting very drunk is almost a required rite of passage for Shetland youth and in fact Sakchai being a responsible young adult and an athlete probably drank much less than most people of his age.


While no one can deny that an offence was committed I would like to point out that there was no risk to life as the fires were well enough away from any habited building. The newspaper reports at the time show that the prosecution went to great lengths to show that this was a one off offence totally out of character and they seemed to be dropping hints to the Sheriff that Sakahci was led into this crime, while drunk, by someone well known to the local police.


I also feel, although this is something I can not prove, that the value of the portacabin that was destroyed in the fire was overstated as was the effect of the fire to the company who owned the portacabin.


In view of the previous paragraphs I think that the sentence given by the sheriff was too harsh and I can not understand why there was no appeal.


With respect I would submit that in this case deportation to a foreign country, which is what Thailand would be to Sakchai, is morally wrong and would serve no useful purpose other than as one tick in the box headed "aliens deported". In fact I will go further and say that justice would be better served if this young man was to be offered British citizenship....citizenship of the nation where he has grown up since he was a small boy.


Yours faithfully

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:cry: What has happened to Sakchai is a disgrace and a sad reflection on our society. I have signed the e-petition, e-mailed alisair carmichael and john reid and will do anything else I can to support the campaign to allow him to come home. Sakchai is an easy target in this governments efforts to notch up statistics. The people who really do pose a threat to society are much harder to find.
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I am, as everyone else, apolled by this! Who do they really think they are?? :| yes they may have power, but power they're suppose to use to help!!

If they think they're doing right then i'll say now, what a bunch of dumbass heartless b*tchs!!

and by chove i bet if it was any of them being bundled into the back of a van it would be some different story!

If anyone should be locked up or sent away it should be them, they're not helping! if anything they're ruining a great community! Snatching a guy at early hours 2 lock him up for no REAL reason is pathetic! and down right wrong!!! Sakchai has right's too. He's no different to any one of us or them for that matter! although, i'd question that, because Sakchai actaully understands Human Rights!! :!:


there's no-way they'll get him without a fight that's for sure!! :x :grrr:

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