kat Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 I, like everyone else can not belive what has happened to Sakchai. What is the most shocking i feel is the way in which the whole situation has been handled. For goodness sakes, a dawn raid with 5 police men and before you can say 'what the ....' he is in Aberdeen (?) with no contact to anyone. How inhumane and awful. What happened to 'innocent until proven guilty' or at least his own human rights not to be snatched up from his home without prior warning without being able to explain or give reasons. Sakchai has worked like everyone else, making a living, paying national insurance and taxes etc, etc. There are many more 'down and outs' who are local who just live on the dole but are not treated like that. Sakchai is a respectable member of our community and IS a Shetlander. It takes a long time for someone who was not born here to become a Shetlander rather than a 'sooth moother' and by the number of posts here, there are many more who agree. There are many who land on our shores as a refugee whom we accept into the country. Sending Sakch back to Thailand, where he knows no one, cant speak the language and will probably be called up into the Army seems like the reverse version of accepting refugees into this country. It is just plain awful. This government need a bloody good kick. If this is all for figures and facts they should be horridly ashamed of themselves when there are far worse citizens living here who, unfortunately were born and brought up in this country. We love you Sach! Hope to see you soon.Katherine xx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xXlisahainingXx Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 just popped back to say that liz maurice and brett haining all want him back too and think this is absolutly outragous!! get him home where he belongs!! xxx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 Sakchai was incredibly friendly to me when i first started outdoor athletics, and taught me quite a lot. He's a brilliant person who is really talented and the fact he has represented Shetland numerous times should prove he belongs here without a shadow of a doubt, let alone the fact he's lived here for ages and just plain belongs here! Sakchai is an amazing person and Shetland would be a lot worse of without him. My faith in the labour government continues to erode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cat Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 This is absolutely mental?! 8O what a horrendous way to treat someone!its absolute rubbish.I dont know Sakchai well but what i do know of him,i know hes a sound guy.its just horrible!!the police here really have thier eye on the real dangers in shetland eh?!thats why theres huge amounts of drugs&underage drinking etc under our noses all the time!!This needs sorted,Get Sakchai home to SHETLAND!! Cat.xx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
badger Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 this is a total joke. Sakchai is a shetlander thru and thru. he is a great guy who has put everything he has into shetlands community thru his work with the rec trust and great work on the sports feild. a guy makes one mistake and the the government decides he isnt "suitable" to live in the place he has called home for most of his life. total joke. sakchai for shetland!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 What has happened to Sakchai today is a travesty to say the least! He is a victim of a political situation, and is being used as a statistic by the Labour government, but clearly he is much more than that to the people that live in Shetland. As far back as I can remember Sakchai has been in Shetland and every memory I have of him has been of a cheery and nice guy. Everyone who has spent any time with him knows that he is an asset too the community and would be a huge loss to us all! He admittedly made a mistake in his past, which can be seen from his criminal record, but anyone who knew him at the time he was sent to prison will know that he has been punished enough already, due to the sentance he was given. Also while many in the same position at the time could have complained about the situation, he accepted what he was given and did his time, an attitude which gained him a lot of respect in my eyes. Since then he has got his life back on track and has put the whole thing behind him and does not deserve to be punished a second time over. The position that he is in at the moment is the best example of the idea that your home is not what your passport says, its much more than that. You would struggle to find anyone in Shetland who will have a bad word to say about him and everyone who you ask will agree that he belongs here as much as anyone else on the Island. He is a part of the community and if he left then the place would not be the same. Sakchai is a good friend and generally a nice person. Hopefully this and the other posts will show him and the people who are in charge of his situation how much he means to everyone here and how sending him out of the country will make all off our lives a much worse place. Hang in there man, none of us are going to take this lieing down. A massive thanks to Davie for getting the ball rolling!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jodie Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 I personally do not know Sakchai very well but many of my friends do and this is just to let him and them know that i am behind them every step of the way to bring Sakchai home to Shetland. He has my full suport and we will not stop untill he is back home with us, in the community where he belongs. Jodie Hunter xXx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smeg Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 When will this Labour goverment learn that protecting it's citizens can't come through forcefull heavy handed (discracefull) treatment of someone who is born somewhere else. They should concentrate on forging a community, with strong moral beliefs and a no-nonsence approach to crime and violence. Sakchai is a part of that community, a community Shetlanders take pride in. 95% of the brittish people were against the war in Iraq. The brittish people voted the Labour goverment in. The labour goverment wouldn't listen to the brittish people. Enough is enough. We are not the little people and we will not stand for this. I urge you all to make a stand against this shocking treatment of a shetlander. This time we must be heard for the sake of an innocent member of our community. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JAStewart Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 I heard this today and was like 8O . Its totally BS. As long as I have known Sakchai, he has lived in Shetland, and he is a really fine person too. I really hope he pulls through with this, all the best Sakchai. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melissa Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 Just wanted to send my support to Satchai and let him know I'm backing him all the way. Like everyone else who's posted a messsage I am shocked and appalled at the way he is being treated. The very thought of him being sent back to Thailand just doesn't bear thinking about. He certainly does not deserve this. He's a fantastic guy and work just wouldn't be the same without him. This is where he belongs. Hope you're home soon Satchai, luv Mel xx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jodie-Ann Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 BABY A LOVE A SAKCHAI love Jodie Summers Age 2 this is a message from my daughter who thinks the world of Sakchai. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DavieG Posted June 6, 2006 Author Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 Just to say a massive thank you to you all so far for this incredible support. Although Sakchai cant see this himself his family are loggin on to it and getting great strength from all your support, so cheers for that. The update is that, to avoid misunderstandings, a police team from the UK mainland, acting on behalf of the immigration section of the Home Office under Home Secretary Dr John Reid, 'arrested' Sakchai this morning under the new (and in my humble opinion - draconian) immigration regulations recently introduced by said Home Secretary. He was first taken to Aberdeen and, from what we can glean, is now being held in Govan police station Glasgow overnight before being transported to a deportation centre near London tomorrow. I have been in touch with his family regularly throughout the day and although Satch is apparently being denied direct access to his phone or the use of a police line, the Glasgow police have briefly informed the family that he is being held and is well. Apart from that the family know nothing apart from what we have been able to tell them so far. I have been in touch with Strathclyde police tonight to try and speak to him and, having failed, then requested that he be allowed regular access to a phone (he is not a criminal) and that to deny him this is, I believe, a clear breach of human rights. I also 'promised' them that this issue will be fully investigated by a lawyer as soon as one is appointed (hopefully tomorrow) and that they (the police) may be subject to any findings in this respect. Needless to say I received little by way of a positive response. I have however left messages on his voice mail to keep him updated of all developments and of your support for him. The immigration team and police have stayed one step ahead of the possee today so to speak, but rest assured we already have lawyers working on the case and will appoint a suitable one to represent him tomorrow when we finally know where he is being held. Our first priority is to immediately delay the five day deportation order currently in place and then hopefully either return Satch to Shetland or his family in London in the interim. Not holding out much hope for the latter though. Alaistair Carmichael our MP in Westminster is firmly behind us and 'on the case' and I have great faith in him in this respect. He has shown his true moral metal today (he acted really quickly and positively) and is to be totally respected for his actions to date. If writing to him it would be great if you could recognise this fact. MSP Tavish Scott has also offered his full support and we are due to get a good deal more local and national media coverage tomorrow with TV and radio also on the case. The Shetland Times will carry a full report on Friday as well. Our media have been of terrific support too throughout the day. I have been in touch with his employers Shetland Recreational Trust throughout the afternoon and though a bit more limited in how they can 'officially' respond, they have made it very clear they stand fully and totally behind Satch and are doing everything they can to help rectify this horrific situation. In the meatime please keep posting your support here and at nodeportationfromshetland@yahoo.co.uk as these will be forwarded either to the Home Office and / or the lawyer as soon as practical. You could also write directly to our revered (no in fact reviled) Home Secretary at reidj@parliament.uk and give him some good Shetland thoughts to ponder over the next few days. I will shortly post my 'letter' to him on this site for information purposes. Thanks again for everything - it will mean so much to Satch and his family in the tough days ahead. Will keep you posted....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DavieG Posted June 6, 2006 Author Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 Totally out of order. Who the hell do the government think they are. If there is anything that you need a hand with just say. Cheers J will do....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stacey Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 Can't believe this is actually happnin to sakchai! the way he has been treated is disgusting. sakchai is one of the nicest people i know and am sure so many people will agree it won't be the same without him. hang on in there sakchai were all gonna fight to get you back home where you belong, loadza luv stace,xx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Muppet Posted June 6, 2006 Report Share Posted June 6, 2006 Thanks for the update Davy. I've already sent an email to John Reid, hope everybody else is making their thoughts known too, it can only help. This action is just totally wrong and the more publicity it can get the better. The last thing the Home Office needs is yet another round of bad press in their misguided attempt to save face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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