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Why does no one go to church??

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Given the massive interest in Da Davinci Code, (which is a film about religion at the end of the day) why does no one go to church these days? (specifically young people)


Ok - here is an open ended question for a heading which might spark of a discussion.


Perhaps some of local clergy might also take an interest? It could provide some extra spark for their sermons.

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It's a question of faith.


People have no problem placing faith in the existance of some tangible historical object or bloodline.


In our age of science, people struggle to have faith in the benfits of prayer and the authenticity of 'miracles'


In depth scholastic analysis of biblical stories, however, alludes to the proliferation of allegory, ie the original stories written made more sense at the time of writing and subsequently became mis-interpreted by the RC church to serve political purposes.


As a totally unrelated but similar analogy:


Achilles heel. Everyone knows that this was the only weak point of this legendary warrior. What is less known, is that the 'heel' was often used as a term to describe the groin, as in that era most people sat with one or both heels drawn into the groin, as per sitting on floors etc, and not chairs. Hence, to complete the analogy What would be more likely to fell the most fearsome warrior - a wound to his leg, or a kick in the nuts. You decide :wink:


The bible is full of similar scenarios. It's all in the eye of the beholder.


Recent interpretations of the biblical era could actually allow people a greater understanding and indeed 'faith' in religion The works that the "Da Vinci Code" plagiarised go along way towards doing this. Turning blind faith into historical faith, which helps remove the inability to accept the non-scientific elements of the current Bible.


*sheesh, i wish i'd never started answering this now.....* :roll:

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Speaking from a purely personal point of view, I avoid any kind of religion for several reasons. I don't understand it's concept, it simply confuses me as it is presented, I can make no sense of what it's based on, or what is supposed to be done with it.


I have significant doubts of it's nett benefits or relevance in the world that exists today, and have yet to find what positive benefit it could add to my life as an individual, or what good could come of my participation, to the wider world.

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maybe if they got a bar in and a large screen tv, sexed it up a bit generally - it would attract more. currently the main religion seems to be football in the country as a whole.


I like it!


"The Catholic Church. We've made a few changes..."



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Simple really, I believe that religion is the cause of so many wars and conflicts in theis world that I do not want any part of it. Wrong sort of Christians in Glasgow, wrong sort of Muslims in Bhagdad.


As for God, whoever He, She or It might be I have reserved judgement for now.


And like perriebryan I have been to weddings and funerals out of respect for the feelings of living friends.......I do not think this is hypocritical so much as showing respect for others.

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Personally I think religion is more of an excuse for people to fight each other, rather than the cause of all worldy strife. I've read the argument about how most global conflict has been in the name of some God or other and can see the logic.


However, I suspect that violent situations would arise regardless. Wars are usually just territorial pissing on a massive scale- people trying to assimilate others into their tribe or what have you.


You can't really blame religion for it. Religion brings peace of mind and comfort to millions of people, perhaps we shouldn't simply write it off because of the nutter element!




The religion thing is perhaps another topic, although I will say that I think the whole Atheism / believer thing is a bit black and white for me. As an agnostic I often get the “stop sitting on the fence†routine, but that’s really not the case.


While I still remain unconvinced by most religious doctrine that I’ve been exposed to, I’m still open to the idea of a higher purpose, a meaning maybe. It’s perhaps better to think of it as Unknown Science, a concept or set of ideas that we’re currently incapable of comprehending or know to little about.


Cosmic, baby. Far out.


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People don't go to church so much nowadays because they are better educated.


They have more knowledge of the world around them, of the fact that there are many religions that try to claim theirs is the one and only (or several and only) god/s. Any basically many (the majority?) of people know it to be a lie.


Thats not to say there might not be some spiritual purpose, but religious dogma has nothing whateoever to do with spirituality in my experience.

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maybe if they got a bar in and a large screen tv, sexed it up a bit generally - it would attract more. currently the main religion seems to be football in the country as a whole.


Its more to with the world we live in now people have no time to go to church on Sunday many work shifts or it is the only time that they get to spend with their family, I know i'd rather spend the time at home myself.


Oh yeah and theirs more football on Sundays as well :D

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maybe if they got a bar in and a large screen tv, sexed it up a bit generally - it would attract more. currently the main religion seems to be football in the country as a whole.


Its more to with the world we live in now people have no time to go to church on Sunday many work shifts or it is the only time that they get to spend with their family, I know i'd rather spend the time at home myself.


Oh yeah and theirs more football on Sundays as well :D


you would get a difrent aproch if we lived in the western isles - u can't fart on a sundy there!

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Rescued section of discussion thread

I don't believe in religion or orginized religion or god for that matter, so I don't go to church. Plus i'm usually working on a sunday morning, or coming off the boat.
Efter seein da quality of da Rev Greig's letter aboot Sakchai, der maybe is somethin aboot i da kirk, efter aa! A letter fae da hert is far mair significant as ony dogma.
Some of the nicest people that I have met have been atheists and some of the worst have been christians. I am a non-believer who would never try to convert christians to my faith. I try to be good to everyone. If you ask my help I will always try to give it. I will always stand up for the underdog.


In the Army I was forced to go to church despite my atheism. This was just another case of christians forcing people to do something against their will.


My mother has just got God really badly. Apparently I will burn in hell as I am not a member of her church, or so she tells me. Isn't Christianity a wonderful thing ?

In the Army I was forced to go to church despite my atheism. This was just another case of christians forcing people to do something against their will.




Really?? That's fairly shocking is it not. I would have thought the army would have had more important things to be doing. I can remember occasionally having to pray in assembly at primary school. It was fairly confusing really. Also, i felt considerably disappopinted when i discovered that the boys brigade had a religious element...

Okay. Been holding off on this topic for a little while now but it is time to voice my opinions.


I am a believer! That is. I am a believer in folk believing what they want to, providing they don't push it on others.


As has been stated already in this thread, religion is the cause of most war and destruction around the globe. It doesn't seem to matter what god you believe in or how pacifying your religion is supposed to be, it will still end in arguments. Good will to all men? Love thy neighbour?


I believe that some people have a need to believe in something. The thought that we are here by chance rather than somebody putting us here and that after death there is nothing rather than a nice place to go is too much for some folk and so they go off to seek a reason. Look at many an American "Priest". Most of it is commercialised crap and they are millionnaires. The whole Heavens Gate thing proved that there are a lot of gullible/willing to be brainwashed folk out there.


Through history the truth gets warped in many ways. There are many an old wives tale that is still in existance today merely because it was used as a way to get children scared into a position they would listen. Many a childrens nursery rhyme started out as a rude, drunken song. It was altered for the kids benefit. Who says the bible is any different? Could it have been written by a bloke that was up the hills one night dining out on exotic mushrooms? Of course not!


I reckon that a lot of religion involves a lot of brainwashing/social engineering. I have met quite a few people who (rather than being brought up into a religion) have joined at a certain age (Mid 20's/Mid Life) and with nearly all of them I can safely say that they have been looking for 'something'. If it has made them happy then all the best to them.


On another note...the Mormons came along one day. I politely told them to leave. They then went to my garage and tried knocking on the door in the hope someone would appear. I have photos...


On another note...is it true that a Mormon man can have as many wives as he pleases?



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