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Why does no one go to church??

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Rightly or wrongly I have a deep seated mistrust of highly religious people , seems to me an unusually large percentage of these people use religion as a mask for some of the most sinister crimes imagenable , ...calthoilc priests , Josef Fritzl...'nuff said.

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I have a friend down south, she is quite religious - goes to church every Sunday, Bible reading, etc. She is very happy, has great social life, great friends and she is really happy with what she believes in. I would love to believe something so profoundly and unquestioningly, to be happy and fulfilled like that.


Guess my brain isn't wired like that I have too many questions, I guess I just don't have 'faith'.


This topic seesm to be: 'what do you think about religion' ;)

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I do not like the organised religions for a lot of the same reasons that I have already seen here. The only time I go to the kirk is for weddings, funerals and the harvest festival. The first two are out af respect to the individuals concerned the latter is just my way of publicly showing my thanks for our harvest. It is not that I believe in christianity or that that has bearing on my harvest, just that I know that there is more to the harvest that what i can put in and since it could all go so horribly wrong it seems fit to celebrate a harvest somehow. if we didn't have a kirk but some other temple I would likely still go there to celebrate my harvest.


I could go on and on about the faults of religion and reasons why the kirk is loosing ground but i don't think that would be helpful to anyone so i shall refrain from that rant :wink:

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Guest posiedon

It is not that I believe in christianity or that that has bearing on my harvest,

Then aren't you being a tad hypocritical going to the harvest festival?


just that I know that there is more to the harvest that what i can put in and since it could all go so horribly wrong
The only other factor in deciding on your harvest is nature, no need to go to Church just hug a tree.


it seems fit to celebrate a harvest somehow if we didn't have a kirk but some other temple I would likely still go there to celebrate my harvest.

Why not just celebrate with friends and family who helped you achieve your harvest?


I've been growing crops for 40+ years without the help of a deity and at the end of the growing season nobody gets the credit bar me. :)

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a good few years ago a builder i used to work wi reckoned he was as good a Christian as most o them that went to kirk/chapel every week. Quite true n commendable sentiments then as it is now. Surely the attitude and willingness to sway in the direction of good is more important as a perfect attendance ? From what ive seen this last while pagans and wicca are on the increase and perhaps each to thier own but they do appear to scavenge off the weak and vulnerable with a wide eyed innocence and eager willingness, perhaps thats more worthy of scrutiny as kirk attendance numbers ?

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To my knowledge Wicca is all about the forces of nature? I dont know much about Paganism really but its similar isnt it? I think my personal faith lays somewhere between Wicca and Buddism , mother nature and self realisation. I actually quite like the idea of some mighty God sat up on a thunder could dishing out lightning bolts on the sinners below but from what Ive seen it always seems to be the good guys who get hit anyway so if he does exist seems like hes a bit of a sadist to me! haha , so no you can keep your God/Jesus/Holy spirit whatever , Im sticking with my friend Karma :P

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It is not that I believe in christianity or that that has bearing on my harvest, just that I know that there is more to the harvest that what i can put in and since it could all go so horribly wrong it seems fit to celebrate a harvest somehow. if we didn't have a kirk but some other temple I would likely still go there to celebrate my harvest.


In my crofting days I figured that I'd probably on average cursed mother nature at least once daily for the other 364 days of the year, for the weather she'd sent, so would have felt very much the hypocrite trying to curry favour with her on one day giving thanks. :oops:

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**For most Wiccans, the God and Goddess are seen as complementary polarities in the universe that balance one another out, and in this manner they have been compared to the concept of yin and yang found in Taoism.


As such they are often interpreted as being "embodiments of a life-force manifest in nature". With some Wiccans believing that they are simply symbolic of these polarities, whilst others believing that the God and the Goddess are genuine beings that exist independently.


The two divinities are often given symbolic associations, with the Goddess commonly being symbolised as the Earth = Mother Earth but also sometimes as the Moon, which complements the God being viewed as the Sun. **


Just to make it clear I dont worship anything or anyone, I believe in the forces of nature. The Devil is a moot point for me , I dont believe in a God so therefore I dont see the earth as the devils home. My undersanding of Wicca is giving different aspects of nature personification. Keep in mind that the devil in wicca isnt the christian devil , its Pan , the half man half goat god of nature which is the personification of the life force energy in animals and the wild.

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ah no i dont think so , and confident plenty others dont either. Sorry if you dont like it , but am quite sad to say i spent almost 2 years wi one of these people n know what goes on under the "umbrella" of wicca , canna kid a kidder kinda springs to mind , but trust me, its shady

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I've been growing crops for 40+ years without the help of a deity and at the end of the growing season nobody gets the credit bar me. :)


How do you know? :wink:


artificial fertiliser works better as prayers , but do you no say "thank God for dat" when its a good crop ? or do you say "thank f**k""? (most admit i do both but never thank the devil) , i dunno , but wirt thinkin aboot

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