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Why does no one go to church??

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It seems like they don’t want to have peace in mind. Why? Are you shy? I admit that sometimes I don’t go to church every Sunday but I’ve still praying and worship him. Just a piece of advice, there’s nothing wrong about going to the church. Try it. It also helps you spiritually.

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^^ Going to church wrecks my peace of mind, in fact it irritates me beyond belief. Regardless of colour or creed, any sort of "worship" causes me to have a million and one questions, questions that those preaching simply will not, or most probably cannot even begin to answer anywhere near approaching satisfactorily.


From oblivion and two blobs of bodily fluid we come, and to oblivion and one blob of putrid gunk and dry bones we return. This I am content with, and more to the point, it is demonstratable, easily understandable and provable. Why complicate things un-necessarily, is my thought on any "religion".


I guess my "spirit" took a long walk on a short plank many years ago.

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... From oblivion and two blobs of bodily fluid we come, and to oblivion and one blob of putrid gunk and dry bones we return.


A friend and I have a 'quote for the day' affair running on facebook, anything we read or hear, her turn one day, mine the next, hope you don't mind GR but I've borrowed this for todays.


My family all know that when I die I want a woodland burial ... I find the thought that I will 'return' to the earth (and feed a few trees in the process) quite comforting. I do not want a church service (although there is time for my views to change I suppose). Why? For the same reasons I generally don't go to church ... I can accept that there may be forces at work beyond my own understanding, but if so I believe that they are beyond anyone's understanding, that all faiths are the product of man's struggle to understand and nothing more. In almost every faith it seems to me that struggle has led to both the most beautiful expression of the most profound truths in various writings, art and music, and also to conflict and even war.


That said, the Christian places of worship that dot the UK connect me to the past of my countrymen as nothing much else can ... so hypocrite that I am I attend services at Christmas, at harvest, and to celebrate births and weddings and mark deaths ... attendence at church, regardless of faith, is for me about celebrating the continuity of human endeavour and human hope.

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lots of folks do go. why does it matter to those that don't believe. if acording to annie we can only believe in what we understand then that limits our exsistance greatly. have a look on sunday morning in lerwick at the number of people about. i love all the little churches dotted about. much better that they stay open and serve the community than be sold off.

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Guest posiedon

lots of folks do go. why does it matter to those that don't believe.

Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, et al are all given undeserved privileges and a cloak for their bigotry.


They are given my tax money so they can lie to children in their sectarian schools. (Not here but I'm talking about the UK as a whole)


That's why it matters.


A tiny minority (7% I think) of UK citizens attend Church weekly.

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What you forget is that these places look after their folk when they are in need. They also look after other folk without judging them.

The Hindu temple near us helps feed folk who are unemployed with familys, they hold a huge variety of training programs, as do all the larger religions.


So, they sorta bail out the GOV with cheap help, backed up by the contributions of those 7%


So the 7% help more than the 93% of which you may be part of.


The churches, on the whole also do a huge amount of overseas stuff.


Even though I do not follow any of the larger faiths, I support their work.

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Guest posiedon

So the 7% help more than the 93% of which you may be part of.

Citation please.
The churches, on the whole also do a huge amount of overseas stuff.
Not without proselytizing though eh!

And only because they think they are scoring points with baby Jesus.


You really do talk out of your ass, not sometimes but all of the time.

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So, they sorta bail out the GOV with cheap help, backed up by the contributions of those 7%

Frankly I find the idea of charities being relied on, and actually expected, to prop up governmental agencies to be a failure of society. If you step back and look at the idea objectively it is ludicrous that funding for the alleviation of social deprivation is down to who can rattle a collecting tin loudest in the most pubs. Governments will clearly take the opportunity to shirk their responsibilities through the use of well-meaning charities and faith groups, but it really is no way to run a society.


So the 7% help more than the 93% of which you may be part of.

I would also be very interested in knowing how you worked that out. As one of the 93% I find it somewhat insulting.

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A tiny minority (7% I think) of UK citizens attend Church weekly.


Is Jesus not just a prophet?


Anyhow, why the rudeness?


I too am one of posiedons 93%


But I know I do good in other ways, and in ways no one here really knows about and can insult with authority.


As my post suggests that posiedons 7% do more in the church community with church related stuff than the other of posiedons 93%


And as you do not attend the church, by your own admittance you would not contribute. So, the posiedon 7 do more purely for the fact that they attend, keep their faith alive and maintain the church or building or mosque.


As far as putting cash in a tin a Xmas, different matter.


But, as quoted by one of the LibDems ex leaders, the very same party that represents Shetland, we should give much more to organisations like this. To help the GOV with the plans it has.

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