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Ben Fogle


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Gosh, people can be very judgemental:


'typical posh boy' - his background is not his fault, that arguement holds no water.


'made his name starring in a reality TV show' - indeed - but to be fair, it was in the days before Big brother etc, and the people on that programme (as far as I can tell, not being directly involved) did it for the experience. It's not like going into something like BB where people know exactly the press attention that results.


'and now wants to be taken seriously' - well, you know, whats so wrong with that?


People are very quick to forget that the wealth that Shetland as a comunity now enjoys is ALL to do with incomers. Tourism is increasingly important for Shetland's revenue, and anything that detracts from that has to be a bad thing.


BF may or may not be a 'twat', personally I have never met him and am only aware of his public persona, but he is in the public eye and was treated badly here. Sadly he is in a position to undo all the tremendous work done after the Birmingham Post article and much, much more. At least, however, he was fair in his comments and said he wanted to come back. In my opinion, a 'twat' would have painted a much blacker picture after his experiences.

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I don't think it matter whether he's a 'twat', how posh he is, whether he's a wanabee celeb or anything else. The point is that he was a visitor to our islands who was treated (IMHO) very poorly


How come when a journalist from Birmingham writes a poorly researched article slagging Shetland off, his mate gets a free trip up here as reward. When poor old Ben Fogle writes a fair and balanced record of his experiences, he just gets a bit of a slagging


He's a well known guy, and like it or not, his opinion will be listened to by many. I reckon we should get the Tourist board (or who ever paid for the Birmingham Post reporter to come up) to give Mr Fogle a trip up here. He has stated he would like to return. I'm sure more people listen to him on TV than read the Brummy Post

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I don't think it matter whether he's a 'twat', how posh he is, whether he's a wanabee celeb or anything else. The point is that he was a visitor to our islands who was treated (IMHO) very poorly


How come when a journalist from Birmingham writes a poorly researched article slagging Shetland off, his mate gets a free trip up here as reward. When poor old Ben Fogle writes a fair and balanced record of his experiences, he just gets a bit of a slagging


He's a well known guy, and like it or not, his opinion will be listened to by many. I reckon we should get the Tourist board (or who ever paid for the Birmingham Post reporter to come up) to give Mr Fogle a trip up here. He has stated he would like to return. I'm sure more people listen to him on TV than read the Brummy Post


thats a very good point, perhaps the uha committie and visit shetland should pay for Ben to come up and have a better experence

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i also think regardles how much a twat or anything else people may be - they are here to write about their experences if that experence is bad then that is what they will write about. this goes from selling sweets, tvs or any service - if the cuastomers have a bad experence then they will tell everyone their anadote. The thing about the press they tell lots more people about it!

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:lol: Lord see the precedent thats been set ... someone comes up to Shetland (or doesn't) slags the place off in the press / on TV / etc. and gets a free jolly to Shetland!! :roll: they'll be queuing up to take a pop!!


I can see your take on it .. but think he should be invited, yes, to come and have "another go" at Shetland - but not at the expense of the Tourist Board / UHA .. besides if I was him I would think people were being contrived to "make me have a good time".


He'd be best off coming up and doing an undercover attempt at seeing the "real" Shetland for himself!

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:lol: Lord see the precedent thats been set ... someone comes up to Shetland (or doesn't) slags the place off in the press / on TV / etc. and gets a free jolly to Shetland!! :roll: they'll be queuing up to take a pop!!


I can see your take on it .. but think he should be invited, yes, to come and have "another go" at Shetland - but not at the expense of the Tourist Board / UHA .. besides if I was him I would think people were being contrived to "make me have a good time".


He'd be best off coming up and doing an undercover attempt at seeing the "real" Shetland for himself!


well thats a good point too, perhaps its up to the uha committie to sort it out - but they peobely think its just a laugh and they dont realy care what the press think or do.


i do think they could do with a press officer to deal with the visiting press - make the experence better - give information whare to go for best views info etc. god id love that job, i think selling the place can do wonders for money comming in in the future

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i do think they could do with a press officer to deal with the visiting press - make the experence better - give information whare to go for best views info etc.


I utterly agree, if that is not the case already?


As with a previous post - they could do well to potentially take note of how Edinburgh runs its many festivals throughout the year - how many visitors - the international recognition - the increased econonomy etc. it gains because of it !


Again, I'll point out that I know nothing of the UHA since I was last a fiddlebox carrier all those years ago - and if these actions are already in place then "Gud on yu!"

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seems that UHA is becoming even more exclisive than ever before, as fro the comments about UHA being a shetlanders only event, how many squad members are actually shetlanders??? its amazing how many "soothmoothers" there are taking part in UHA. it seems more like a great big clique to me, and if your not a mason or a boozer, then you cant take part

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Why is the reply I posted over the weekend and the following response to it no longer visible on page 2 of the Ben Fogle Forum?


Please view this post http://www.shetlink.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=13398#13398


It was with great regret that we had to roll back to a previous nights backup - thereby knocking the latest posts and registered users off site.


If you would wish to reply again to the thread that would be most welcome. Apologies for any confusion caused.

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I don't think it matter whether he's a 'twat', how posh he is, whether he's a wanabee celeb or anything else. The point is that he was a visitor to our islands who was treated (IMHO) very poorly


How come when a journalist from Birmingham writes a poorly researched article slagging Shetland off, his mate gets a free trip up here as reward. When poor old Ben Fogle writes a fair and balanced record of his experiences, he just gets a bit of a slagging


He's a well known guy, and like it or not, his opinion will be listened to by many. I reckon we should get the Tourist board (or who ever paid for the Birmingham Post reporter to come up) to give Mr Fogle a trip up here. He has stated he would like to return. I'm sure more people listen to him on TV than read the Brummy Post


The Shetlands are a horrible place with too much rain and sheep and even rainy sheep and there is not enough trees. It smells of rotten fish with an easterly wind and thinks it's some kind of independent psuedo-scandinavian principality. It's all knitting, dwarf horses and stinking seabirds, Great!


Do I get a free holiday?

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The Shetlands are a horrible place with too much rain and sheep and even rainy sheep and there is not enough trees. It smells of rotten fish with an easterly wind and thinks it's some kind of independent psuedo-scandinavian principality. It's all knitting, dwarf horses and stinking seabirds, Great!


Do I get a free holiday?




do you work for the orkney tourist board?

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