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Mareel Gigs


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So... it's looking more likely that it'll be this time next Summer until the ball is fully rolling!


I have to say though- I can't bloody wait.


What sort of live music would you's like to see at Mareel, I'm sure local bands/DJ's and other musicians will have the chance to play, but I'm talking in terms of promotions further a field.


Good old Shetland hearsay has a few big names floating about. Most likely nonsense, but so far I've heard that 3 possibilites are Dire Straights, The Charlatans and Primal Scream


Primal Scream to open the Mareel? Doubt it! Would be amazing though..


What are your thoughts and suggestions folks?

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Most I'd really like to see were too big in their day to be considered, and couldn't possibly do it now anyway at any price, as they've been too long dead. :(


Hey ho, I'd settle for Garbage or The Pretenders though. Yeah, I know, too big even yet to be a realistic hope....but what the hell, both outfits have Scottish connections, so why not try and inspire them to play the furthest north venue in the country. I'd settle for just Shirley or Chrissie alone for vocals, and locals playing, if shipping everybody and everything here was the issue. Besides, no harm in starting out high and coming down a bit, for we almost certainly will have to. If we start lower down, we'll probably end up getting Gary Glitter by the time all the haggling is over and done with.

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If the organisers of Mareel's official opening are brave they will organise a whole week of visiting entertainers including "popular music" but also country, folk, jazz, classical and indeed things that are not music. They will demonstrate how Mareel can benefit the whole of Shetland by having afternoon performances for those who cannot stay in town for the evening and by ensuring that the visiting entertainers also perform in venues outside the town. Well the Folk Festival can do it so why not the Grand Opening of Mareel?.


And the week could end either with the biggest name ever to perform in Shetland or with a "Best of Shetland" night featuring Shetland music from performers of the present and those of the past. Get it right and they could have an early evening show with things for a more mature audience (I would like to hear Hom Bru) followed by something for the young people. And if it comes to it why not a morning/early afternoon entertainment for kids?. Plenty of good things out there for bairns.


And with all the modern technology built into Mareel why not have the whole day beamed into country halls so all of Shetland gets a chance to enjoy the opening day.


Then again I did say if the organisers are brave so I guess we will get some big name entertainment that those outside Lerwick cannot enjoy. Or will we?. Is anyone feeling brave?.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There's enough money being spent on this project they might aswell go the whole hog and get somebody current!


Why not push the boat out its early enough to make enquiries and get something penciled in shortly get 1 or 2 acts over a couple of nights to suit all tastes maybe Coldplay, Noah and the Whale, Adele, The Strokes, Snow Patrol, David Guetta, Simple Minds, Duran Duran, Calvin Harris just to name a few!

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Guest Auld Meerkat

Can't say for sure but there's a very strong rumour ( I think it came from Private Eye magazine) that the headliners will be ' Spiggie Topes and the Turds'


I hope we also get to see fabulous local acts like The Hillheid Comedy Players in one of their famous farces like ' Deficit whits Dat ?'

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Probably a question for Bryan.


Would the Mareel impact on the local venues, I know that all venues have their virtues.

It would be a shame to see the likes of the Garrison suffer. Although as a Little Theater it is great.

It would be nice to see some support go to the smaller venues.

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What other venues...?


Garrison I presume will be used for theatrical productions with the cinema side of things going to Mareel.


The Garrison Theatre

Clickimin Centre


Various country halls.


These all supply the general public with venues for music productions throughout the year and help with income and running costs(I would assume). I think SP is asking what the future hold for these venues when Mareel is up and running.


Straight forward question really but probably in the wrong thread! :wink:



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  • 2 months later...
What other venues...?


Garrison I presume will be used for theatrical productions with the cinema side of things going to Mareel.


The Garrison Theatre

Clickimin Centre


Various country halls.


These all supply the general public with venues for music productions throughout the year and help with income and running costs(I would assume). I think SP is asking what the future hold for these venues when Mareel is up and running.


Straight forward question really but probably in the wrong thread! :wink:




Mareel won't affect the Clickamin much, as it will still be used for the bigger events, and as I understand it the Garrison is very heavily booked so any time Mareel free's up there from Cinema nights etc will be swallowed up quickly by presentations more geared to a Theatre.


Not sure how any of this would affect Islesburgh?


As for the local halls (and events), Mareel will be a bigger boost to them than possibly any other aspect, and that is one of my biggest reasons for supporting it. Having a venue like that will make a huge difference to smaller halls/groups wanting to put on bigger artists by giving them an up to spec and financially viable 2nd venue at minimal hassle.

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