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Deportation of Sakchai Makao (Mark II) - ** News Thread **


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Just back from Edinburgh, thanks to Chris for organizing that, woulda felt stuck at home with no way to help otherwise! Loads of cameras! Rocked much. Before I even got home had two friends phone to say they'd seen us on tv. Glad we're getting the message out there!


I was a little embarresed about being asked to hand in the letters to Cathy Jamieson and Jack McConnell round the back door. We though nothing of it but some people informed us that we were being a bit fobbed off. But still we got a message through.


My mates mum works in the parliment as a secretary for an SNP candidate, and we had a wander around after the protest. We explained what happened to a couple of SNP folk who were very nice about it. They said that if we want to hand in petitions into the parliment, they are sure that there will be at least one out of a few MSPs would be willing to take it from us personally with photo opportunities outside the front of the building, if that's of any use. Only if we can get it done before the 29th! We'd need to know in advance to get it arranged. The offer's there if we want it, anyway!


Also, see the campaign title 'Shetland for Sakchai', should we be working under the same banner here down south? Today, 'Scotland for Sakchai' and 'Justice for Sakchai' were suggested. Someone signing a petition today said "um, but I'm not from Shetland". Just a thought.


Was really great to see people there today. Hope tonight goes wonderfully!


Katrina Macrae

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I was at the protest too the day. it was good to see as many folk there and the press that turned up. For the campaign down here I think Scotland for Sakchai is good because it's so similar to Shetland for Sakchai and people can link the two together.


Best wishes to everyone for tonight.

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I didn't make to the parliment until 2pm I thought it was going on all day. I would have been there at 11 if I had known that it wasn't. Anyway sounds like the objective was obtained so well done to those who were there. I will try to be involved in anyother Edinburgh based events.


Good Luck Tonight

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Does anyone know why the goon squad took Sakchai to Durham? I mean, we have airports in Scotland don't we? The reason I ask is that Sakchai was found guilty of his crime in a Scottish Court. As far as I know we still have our own legal system in this Country. Does a case in the Scottish legal system have any bearing on British law? I'm sure they'll have thought of a way around this but I'm not a legal eagle and thought someone here might know better.


I think that immigration is a "reserved" matter which means that its still controlled by Westminster, which is apparently why Jack MacConnell is so unwilling to make a stand.

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Does anyone know why the goon squad took Sakchai to Durham? I mean, we have airports in Scotland don't we? The reason I ask is that Sakchai was found guilty of his crime in a Scottish Court. As far as I know we still have our own legal system in this Country. Does a case in the Scottish legal system have any bearing on British law? I'm sure they'll have thought of a way around this but I'm not a legal eagle and thought someone here might know better.


I think that immigration is a "reserved" matter which means that its still controlled by Westminster, which is apparently why Jack MacConnell is so unwilling to make a stand.


yes its a london Uk thing - its the same policy in all 4 regons of the UK the scottish parlement does nothing in my opinion - all the scottish ones can do is the same as us - write to the uk parlement in london.


what you could do is try and get the torries in with us, then as they are the ones given labor a hard time making labor knee jerk into the policy why sakchai has been taken away.


get the torries to say its ok then labor will back off - then they still save face - rather then being told they are soft on imagration by the oposition parties.



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Aye but there is a difference when it comes to law. At least there was a difference when the Lockerbie suspects were being tried. I must do more research.


As an aside, when the Tories are victorious in Little Engerland next time I think we'll see Jacko jumping over barrels to appeal to folks in Scotland. Should be an interesting twist don't you think?

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I'm sorry to anyone that turned up to the protest after 1:30 when we left. I had thought that it might be nessecary to remain at the parliment later but all the MSPs, and media were very promt at coming to meet us in a whirlwind around 11-12 and after we'd wandered round to the back to hand in the petition everything we wanted to acomplish had been done.


Thank you for making the effort and I'm sorry that we weren't clearer with the organisation of the protest.


MSP Rob Gibson for the Highland and Islands (SNP) met us today and was very supportive of the campaign. He has penned this excellent motion to be presented to the parliment and we are grateful for him and the SNP for doing this.


Here is the email I recieved from him:


Chris , Message to shetland campaign this evening - good to meet you, best wishes for a successful outcome, Ron


Dear Shetlanders …


I would like to offer my whole hearted support to the campaign to stop the deportation of Sakchai Makao from his Shetland home. His case is a strong one if fairness wins the day. The sooner that Mr Makao returns home the better. At present my colleagues in the European Parliament and Westminster are helping spread the range of support for Sakchai. My motion below in the Scottish Parliament cannot mention his name due to a legal ruling in the sub judice law. I have another naming Sakchai that I hope to have lodged tomorrow once the Presiding Officer has had legal advice. Will keep you posted.


However my intentions and the SNP's are clear, Sakchai deserves to return to live in Shetland. We will work to achieve that goal and to try and change the arbitrary deportation initiative of the London Home Office.


Yours sincerely, Rob Gibson SNP MSP Highlands and Islands







Date of Lodging: 13 June 2006


Short Title: Deportation of Immigrants


S2M-04540 Rob Gibson (Highlands and Islands) (SNP): That the Parliament deplores the arbitrary nature of the recent Home Office initiative to deport immigrants with a criminal record without any apparent distinction being made based on the severity and circumstances of each case prosecuted; notes heavy-handed practices of the police and immigration officials which it considers could fall foul of the European Convention on Human Rights, and urges the Scottish Executive, in light of its Fresh Talent initiative, to make the case for immigrants caught in the Home Office deportation initiative whose removal would deny communities, on the mainland and islands of Scotland, of well-integrated citizens.




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In reference to "sub judice"




Rule 7.5 Sub judice


1. A member may not in the proceedings of the Parliament refer to any matter in relation to which legal proceedings are active except to the extent permitted by the Presiding Officer.


2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, legal proceedings are active in relation to a matter if they are active for the purposes of section 2 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 (c.49).


3. Where any member refers to a matter in relation to which legal proceedings are active the Presiding Officer may order that member not to do so.


4. Nothing in this Rule shall prevent the Parliament from considering legislation.

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RE: the Rally


Well, that was indeed amazing. I have never seen the like before and will probably never see the like again. Lots of people, lots of press lots of support!


It truly warms the cockless of your heart as a Shetlander to think that if any of us ever get into the kind of trouble Sakchai is in that so many people would make a stand for a fellow islander.



Well done Davie and the team and everybody.

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Just got back from the rally at Clickimin. Amazing to see so many folk of all different ages, all together, standing in support of Sakchai and his rights.


Really good speeches of support from Alistair Carmichael, Tavish Scott, Sandy Cluness and Sandra. Davy (as to be expected) excelled himself. Keep up the good work Davie.


Was really touched by the emotion from Sakchai's sister. It is just such a pity that John Reid wasn't there, to see first hand the effect on people's lives of his Government's draconian actions.


First time in my life that I've ever been at a rally or a protest and will be prepared to go to as many as it takes, to make our Government listen, pay attention, admit their mistake and free Sakchai.

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A quick sum up of such a thing is not easy me old muppet, however.


Music: 3 fiddle tunes


Speech from Davy, thanks to all involved,

Est 7000 signatures so far

Speech from Alistair Carmichael

Speech from Sandy Cluness,

Speech from Tavish Scott,

Speech from Sandra Jamieson,

Speech from Davy, once again, very good,


Then a very moving moment as Sakchai's sister Utai gave a brief and emotional thank you to all involved.


That is way to brief of a description , but suffice to say there was some very powerful speech making going on from all speakers, to much applause cheering an ultimately a few tears fom the audience. Very heart warming. :)

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