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Forum Board Roll Back

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It is with great regret that we have to inform you that we have had to roll back the forum board to a backup copy from Saturday night.


We were bombarded by an automated attack on the boards just after 12:16am leading to a corruption of data.


After much deliberation it was decided the best course of action was to launch from a known good copy of data - which unfortunatley was the previous nights backup !




Unforunately users having registered throughout Sunday will have to re-register . The following users:


'rangerover', 'Hazel', 'Mackay4', 'smithy', 'CHRIS', 'becky', 'helenwilson', 'Woodie', 'garry',


should be able to click again on their confirmation emails to gain access - if not I'm afraid you will have to re-register.


All of Sundays posts are now gone. We again apologise for this and for any confusion this situation has caused!


Shetlink Team

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I would also like to express my regret ay this situation. A source currently unknown to us has attempted to flood our forums, resulting in corruption our databases. We are working to detect the source of these attacks and hope to avoid this reoccurring


We believe this may be the cause of several problems we've been experiencing of late


joost glad that it's no' been ony thing permanent and dat we can get back tae helping Sakchai
Agreed. We though the best thing to do was get the forums up and running again ASAP


As Trout says, we had to revert to our last backup, made around 24hrs before the attack, to enable the boards to stay online. Unfortunately, this means Sundays posts have been lost, although we are trying to retrieve as many as possible. Our sincere apologies

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A fairly important one was DavieG's Thread about Sakchai giving us an upto date version of events, something to email or send to other people to read to give support.


think it was 'Sakchai saga continues' something like that.

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So sorry to hear bout the problems guyz. Some form of viral infection I presume?? Do hope it was not deliberate sabotage of the forum. Have every confidence that you will get it all sorted out! Glad that all posts on Sakchai have been retrieved and that the petition was not affected. He is uppermost in all of our minds at this time.

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Thanks dollydodo, the site is seemingly a victim of it's own success and was targetted by an automated net nasty. There are still a few things to get sorted out but we hope everybody affected can be a little patient as quite honestly certain individual have hardly slept at all, and still have a lot of work to do to tie up the loose ends. Those still waiting on replies to emails, they will be with you shortly, there's no quick way to deal with the numbers. Once again thanks for your patience and please do let us know of anything that is still not right, but don't take offence if it is not dealt with immediately.



we may still have to shut down the site for tiems to sort out the gubbins but we'll try to let you know, and hopefully keep it brief. Closing it overnight is a possibility we are looking at in the short term, but as i say, we'll let you know.




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The problems aren't security related or viral as such. The 'net nasty' just made the forums do what they were supposed to do, but with huge amounts of data at a very high speed.


Our auto-generating email function had a falling out with the 'net nasty', so we're sending the ePetition validation emails out by hand while we sort it (well, not physically by hand, but you know what I mean!)


If you haven't receive you validation link yet, never fear, it's on the way

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Just in case anybody is wondering why the number of posts in the Sakchai thread and Ben Fogle thread are going up and down....


We're having to manually add blank posts to get the threads to tick over to the next page, then remove them once there's enough posts on the new page. Apologies for any confusion. As ever, we're working on it....

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