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Jonathan Wills Nazi salute?


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Like I said before, for me this story will not be forgotten because he is not sorry for what he did. That's illustrated by his ever more extreme attempts to justify it. I'm still waiting for the "smear" comment to be explained. Talk about shifting the blame... :?


The moment he apologises and assures those he is SUPPOSED to represent that it won't (or shouldn't) happen again, you'll hear no more from me on it. Part of my response comes from my disappointment and annoyance at him, because as I say he is clearly highly intelligent - if immature at times - and is capable of doing so much more...

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^^^ Well I've not spoken to him or read the tabloids but it just smacks of sensationalism to me. Whether that is just down to the press or JW himself is infinitely debatable without much conclusion. Can anyone shed any light on whether this has stopped him from being able to represent constituents on the matters that concern them?

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Did Jim Devine's fraudulent claims affect HIS ability to represent his constituents? While one is criminal and the other not, both are issues of unacceptable conduct in a public office.


As I keep saying, for me he could be Martin Luther King or Ghandi reborn, but if he behaves in such a manner, I will take issue with it.


It's not acceptable. End of (for me, at least).

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Can anyone shed any light on whether this has stopped him from being able to represent constituents on the matters that concern them?


Well obviously if one of these concerns is the public conduct and sensitivities of councillors. As you observantly pointed out, there are 7 pages of such concerns right here.

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^^ Perhaps you have misunderstood something somewhere. Nobody is concerned with any rudeness which has taken place.


An elected member, during the course of a meeting (something Wills himself informed us of, the Sun report did not) performed a physical Nazi Salute (again, only mentioned by Wills himself, not the media) along with a verbal salute. This is not rude, it is about as offensive a gesture as exists.


Wills has had plenty of opportunity to apologies but other than offering a withdrawl at the meeting, has not done so and even went so far as to say "People do that all the time when confronted with dictatorial behavior."


As is clear from this thread, he is obviously wrong there..

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You are right Gibber. Dr Wills, like myself, is a post war baby boomer. We grew up on diet of War films where Hitler's minions would utter the same phrase and salute before going on to obey orders.


It is a way of accusing the person addressed of being a little Hitler. The allusion has been lost for many people of the younger generation who only see the offensive side. Like many other dubious catch phrases of yesteryear it has fortunately lost favour.

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^^Gibber's summed it up well, it's all about the intent of the gesture, in this case it was intended as a light hearted dig at the convenor. Ok the timing wasn't great given the minutes silence.

It's about time everyone moved on, if you feel that strongly about it, write to your local councillor as continuing to bleat about on here does no-one any good.


Given the major changes the council are undertaking I'd rather there were some councillors in place who are not afraid to speak up or just follow the herd, JW is certainly one of those - whether you like him or not.

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I don't often disagree with you, but in this one I do. There's all sorts of things our generation used to do or say or accept, often through sheer ignorance, that we don't accept anymore and haven't for a long time. Once upon a time, Bernard Manning was top of the bill on the Wheeltappers & Shunters Social Club. Not too long ago, Jim Davidson was the nations "favorite comic". Most folk would agree the content of their acts and their behaviour is no longer acceptable. I remember, when I was in school, kids using names to one another like "spaz" and "thid". I apologise for using these, it is purely as an illustration that these "more innocent" days were not so innocent, merely ignorant, and that such conduct and behaviour has not been accepted for a long time.


I am NOT a member of the PC brigade. I simply believe in common courtesy and polite behaviour, and MORE SO when it's someone getting paid out of the public purse to represent the public.


The excuses keep rolling in, but it's not excusable, it's simply unacceptable behaviour.

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Another apologist. Until they lock this thread, I'll continue to exercise my right to free speech, thanks. Ironically, I wonder what the good doctor would say in reply if someone addressed him as you have done those of us who disagree with you? :roll:


If you don't want to read it, don't. Problem solved - for you, at least.


Why do folk keep trying to effectively close this thread down? The "lets draw a line under this and move on" brigade obviously extend to Shetland as well. :?


As to the "light hearted intent" of the gesture, and having witnessed Dr W shouting and yelling at a Chair previously (though not Mr Simpson) it seems highly doubtful to me that there was anything light hearted about it and instead it reflects his true feelings towards what he seems to regard as the unholy cabal at the head of the Council. Don't tell me he was trying to good humoredly "puncture a situation". I simply don't believe that. It was a dig, pure and simple because he felt slighted over the procedure and then he lost his vote (12 to 4 wasn't it?).


I'm sure he can represent his ward, and I'm sure he does represent his ward, but these outbursts and this display of unacceptable conduct, along with his disregard for the code of conduct (where it applies to him), keep getting in the way.

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Scoots, I'm not disagreeing with you, everyone's entitled to their opinion. I'm just not sure what you think you're achieving on here though. If you want him to apologise properly - ask him, rather than jumping up and down and shouting in this dark lonely corner of cyberspace.

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....these outbursts and this display of unacceptable conduct, along with his disregard for the code of conduct (where it applies to him)....


Yes, but damnit, if it wasn't for that, who else in the SIC could we curse at. The rest put together have less life in them than many a corpse I've seen at a funeral. :wink:

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