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Jonathan Wills Nazi salute?


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My point was that, in your customary style, you made the leap from your first to second description of Breivik.


Why go to the trouble of describing him in the first way only to shorten it the second time?


My prose style shouldn't really upset you this much should it?


And just so that you don't misquote me or take my words out of context, my feelings are that Breivik is most certainly an evil, dangerous man who shares many characteristics with neo-nazis so could be called one.


You've just made the leap from 'dangerous and evil' and someone who 'shares many characteristics with neo-nazis' to 'neo-nazi'. I don't have a problem with that phrasing (it is essentially what I did after all) but by your argument, you should....


Why go to the trouble of describing him in the first way only to shorten it the second time?


...all within one paragraph. For some reason your tactic seems to be to copy what you regard as my 'customary style' immediatley after criticising it. You've become confused, an easy enough state for anyone else to impose upon you, its obviously taken a special effort for you youself to do it.


And finally as to your last point...I'll bow to your expertise in demonstrating the behaviour of a loser.


I could start supporting Hearts I suppose.

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The quote from Cllr Wills really says it all :
People do that all the time when confronted with dictatorial behavior.


No. They don't. It really is that simple.


I would say he's partly right. A lot of folk do do it all the time, just not when they're a holder of public office and acting in that capacity at the time they do it.


What's maybe fine and well in somebody's backyard, or in the Thule after a few, is not so okay in the Town Hall during a governmental meeting. Wills might like to think about the subtle difference, after all he didn't seem to think it was so okay for Clarkie to be knocking back some of the strong stuff in his own front yard on his own time, so he should be able to "get" it.

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No. They don't. It really is that simple.


It happens perhaps more than you think. Even more so when I was younger, but I have witnessed it at work places throughout my working life.

The nations favourite newspaper, The Stun is known for its comments. Every time the football is on it seems with England and Germany.

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So that makes it okay, does it?


Stop making excuses for him, he's obviously more than capable of doing that himself, just as he appears incapable of saying sorry to those he has let down. Again.


As I said before, he is, I believe, capable of so much more, if only he would get the chip off his shoulder and concentrate on representing his constituents, rather than behaving like a child. That some councillors, whether in positions of authority or not, were "nasty" to him does not justify his conduct. That is, as I said, obfuscation. He needs to man up on this one. I will think a lot more of him, and so will many others, I'm sure.


He is not infallible, we all make mistakes. The difference is he is representing us. He chose that. He needs to remember that occasionally, rather than just

using it as justification for his latest useless, non-productive outburst, or - worse still - childish behavior (edited this last because I worded it wrong, I believe).

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Councillor’s with honour and principles?

Please let me know if you ever meet any.




You could try P. T. Barnum's celebrated circus. I suppose!

Along with the Bearded Lady and the Boneless Wonder

Now there is two plausible Shetland councillor's for a start.

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So that makes it okay, does it?


Stop making excuses for him, he's obviously more than capable of doing that himself, just as he appears incapable of saying sorry to those he has let down. Again.


As I said before, he is, I believe, capable of so much more, if only he would get the chip off his shoulder and concentrate on representing his constituents, rather than behaving like a child. That some councillors, whether in positions of authority or not, were "nasty" to him does not justify his conduct. That is, as I said, obfuscation. He needs to man up on this one. I will think a lot more of him, and so will many others, I'm sure.


He is not infallible, we all make mistakes. The difference is he is representing us. He chose that. He needs to remember that occasionally, rather than just

using it as justification for his latest useless, non-productive outburst, or - worse still - childish behavior (edited this last because I worded it wrong, I believe).


I agree totally with you.

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Who said anything about rising up against him? You're right, I have a vote and will use it next time round, as I did last time.


It's not about ousting him, for me. I have no agenda or issue with him other than his conduct was wrong.


If David Cameron had done this to Gordon Brown, when he was Prime Minister, there would have been outrage. He and the good doctor are both elected representatives. Therefore they SHOULD behave a bit better. That's my issue.


I wasn't raised to behave in such a way, or defend and admire those that do.


It would be nice, once in a while, to meet a politician who has principles...


As to having nothing to answer for, what about having something to answer TO... namely his constituents, or even his conscience?


Hurling insults like this and then seeking to justify them almost belittles what the likes of Breivik and those who he so admires actually did. If you are going to compare a local Councillor - who MAY be bullish in his behavior, I do not know and cannot say - to the Nazis - and Hitler, in particular - you have a strange sense of proportion and decency.

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Once again I think the question of what Dr. Wills did has obscured the question of why he did it!. If a councillor, be it the newest newbie or an experienced councillor like Jonathan thinks that a senior councillor is behaving in an autocratic way reminiscent of National Socialism then this is a serious issue!.

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The quote from Cllr Wills really says it all :

People do that all the time when confronted with dictatorial behavior.


When I first read Cllr Wills defence of his behaviour (quoted above) I was absolutely astonished. This statement is SO over the top, it wraps round and goes over the top again.


He is quite possibly insane.

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Once again I think the question of what Dr. Wills did has obscured the question of why he did it!. If a councillor, be it the newest newbie or an experienced councillor like Jonathan thinks that a senior councillor is behaving in an autocratic way reminiscent of National Socialism then this is a serious issue!.


If Wills behaviour shows what an experienced councillor thinks he can behave like, then lets get a whole bunch of new ones.

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It would be nice, once in a while, to meet a politician who has principles...



They all have principles, do they have to always match yours?


I wonder now how many you have met.



Why don't YOU make the complaint?







About time, more worried about the thoughts here than actually putting your own name to paper. I look forward to reading a copy in the Times or Shetnews.



He is quite possibly insane.


As we all

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