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Riots in London

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Probably budding architects creating a blank canvas in places. :wink:


The criminality is quite wrong, as ever though the reaction is to shoot these folk. Yup that will work.


I have heard that there has, as ever been trouble brewing for a few years now, that is all I have heard, but London, or any of the other cities mentioned are not no go areas, though there are the odd place it is not wise to go to.


Until there is a better breakdown of the events, why there are disputes over the initial shooting, regarding the over penetration, the drilled out 9mm bullets designed not to do that. It is all better to wait.


It is a telling picture of Mr Biber, could be a German fellow, his name translates to Beaver, also the name of the Mini Subs. May be Austrian. A hero of the 3rd Reich or an oppressed citizen. I understand what you are saying though.


Alas what do folk who do not live in these areas know about the underlying feelings going on in the high rises and the poorer areas.



The reference always to folk who have given all in the past, it could be said they did that so we could have choice.


Riots are very scary, so are isolated bombings. Both of which I have seen and been caught up in, many years ago though. Quite often even 7 years ago to see armed police running from Lewisham Police Station to tackle an armed suspect, hiding underneath the window ledge watching through the pub mirror was a regular event. Folk get caught up in the swell.

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Alas what do folk who do not live in these areas know about the underlying feelings going on in the high rises and the poorer areas.


SP, having lived in East London, shopped every Saturday in Ilford, worked in the past in Edmonton and Tottenham, I can assure you that the majority of those living in the high rises and the poorer areas are decent working class peeps. Some of those rioting may well be youngsters not knowing any better but you can bet your pretty backside that many are the same who on their so-called meagre wages can afford lots of gold jewellery, top of the range BMWs. Poor? Deffo not. They just want to have anarchy and use the same old same old argument against the Police.


I lived in Brixton during the riots and I can assure you the riots were deffo not down to poverty - yep, to truly appreciate the reality of it all ... oh what the hell ....

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I'm not defending the rioters,

Where's SP? No doubt he'll take care of doing that. They are all dyslexic perhaps, or have allergies.


It's alright he's going to go and read that post above to them. Hopefully while they try to figure out what he is on about the cops will flank the little rotters and arrest them.

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I too have lived in London. A long time ago and even then I had the feeling that if you were young and black you were guilty. So young black people did not trust the police. In a city like London if a large section of the population loses their trust in the police then that is a recipe for trouble. And that is where the original riot came from.


As for the rest........organised by Blackberry?. Deprived people?. I am not deprived but I cannot afford a Blackberry. I was deprived and I still could not afford a Blackberry. No!, these riots are a mix of people out for what they can get from looting, people expressing their resentment of the police, people who think it is fun to set fire to things and watch the flames grow and perhaps some Anarchists using the events to protest against Big Business (and indeed little business).


Answers?. Well in the short term I guess "lock em up" is the only thing to do with the worst offenders but in the longer term we really have to work to build a society that respects law and order but that is going to take a long time!.

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No!, these riots are a mix of ... people who think it is fun to set fire to things...

Guess what I like doing :shock:.


It is a telling picture of Mr Biber, could be a German fellow, his name translates to Beaver, also the name of the Mini Subs. May be Austrian. A hero of the 3rd Reich or an oppressed citizen.

With Aaron as a first name, I think that it is highly unlikely. As for the completely irrelevent beaver info :roll: .

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The police in this country should have been armed with less leathal ammunition (cs spray does not count) weapons years ago, they should also be aloud more powers to get more respect at the moment the crims know they will get away with pretty much anything. As for the rioters they are a bunch of good for nothing wasters if any are caught they will probably only get a couple of months let out after a few hours of good behaviour or they will be let off because of insufficient evidence. Rant over

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Sending in the army will only bring guns out on the streets not a good idea


Keep all names and Photos of those arrested, take all benefits away from them and never allow them any ever again and if THEY ever need Poilce assistance tell them where to stick it.


" The BBC has spoken to two girls that took part in Monday night's riots in Croydon, who boasted that they were showing police and "the rich" that "we can do what we want".


Playing the 'big I am'

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I'm not defending the rioters,

Where's SP? No doubt he'll take care of doing that. They are all dyslexic perhaps, or have allergies.


It's alright he's going to go and read that post above to them. Hopefully while they try to figure out what he is on about the cops will flank the little rotters and arrest them.


lovin the attention, keep it up :D please do not pick on my dyslexia, thanx

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Dyselxia is no excuse for rioting or the use of text talk.


Your dead right, I don't know why you brought it up.



I think spraying permanent dye over the rioters/looters is a good idea.. it would make them easily recognisable for a few weeks, giving the police extra time to round them up.


It would have to be quite specific. There were many folk watching and many who were caught up in these acts without being guilty. Also the damage to property would need to be paid for, 1500 pounds for your broken window, several thousands to get rid of the stain.

Perhaps a system to paint balling, but you can see what also could happen. Folk being injured, especially eye injuries.

Possibly CCTV is the best way. Folk can be apprehended long after any dye fades.

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