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Riots in London

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The Guardian Sept 15th 2010[/url]"]The home secretary, Theresa May, has dismissed fears that deep spending cuts could undermine the ability of the police to tackle possible civil unrest, and insisted the British did not respond to austerity by rioting on the streets.


May was responding to a warning from the Superintendents' Association president, Derek Barnett, that severe spending cuts could undermine their ability to cope with rising social and industrial tensions as a result of the government's austerity package.

Bet she's feeling somewhat sheepish about having said all that.

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Seems the hackers have been at the blackberry site and left them a threat...


You Will _NOT_ assist the UK Police because if u do innocent members of the public who were at the wrong place at the wrong time and owned a blackberry will get charged for no reason at all, the Police are looking to arrest as many people as possible to save themselves from embarrassment…. if you do assist the police by giving them chat logs, gps locations, customer information & access to peoples BlackBerryMessengers you will regret it, we have access to your database which includes your employees information; e.g – Addresses, Names, Phone Numbers etc. – now if u assist the police, we _WILL_ make this information public and pass it onto rioters…. do you really want a bunch of angry youths on your employees doorsteps?

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I was born in Hackney, East London, over 60 years ago and it totally choked me up when I saw the awful footage and photos of the area that I knew so well in the early years of my life.


I was wondering whether it could be made an arrestable offence to wear hoodies and masks together in built-up areas. I am sure that there would be many ways around it, such as balaclavas with sun-glasses or crash helmets, but generally people don't wear masks and hoodies together unless they are seeking not to be identified. This occurred with the riots in London earlier this year when the "anarchists" ran riot with their faces hidden.


Just a thought.

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I used to work in Hackney, Mare Street, in the old Bingo Club. A lovely road.


I think they may have looked at that, I remember something about it.


Crime and Disorder Act 1998


Balaclavas & Face Masks - The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 adds to Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and gives an officer in uniform the power to:-


Require any person to remove any item which the constable reasonably believes that person is wearing wholly or mainly for the purpose of concealing their identity.

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Today I was watching news coverage of the riots on a friend's TV and after hearing the Prime Minister going on about thuggery I saw film coverage of thuggery taking place. Someone trying to run away from the trouble getting beaten by a guy in full riot gear and with the word "Police" on his gear. Part of the trouble with these and other disturbances is, in my opinion, is that some people, especially but not exclusively young people, have lost any respect for the police since part of the force are behaving like thugs. I think this dates back to the miners strike when gangs of violent police thugs attacked miners who were taking part in a legitimate dispute.

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This rioting has got absolutely nothing to do with government spending cuts!.


What the world has witnessed is the final disintigration of Broken Britain. Great Britain is finished. This was actually just a flare up of what daily life consists of in GB plc i.e uncontrolled immigration, the zealous implimentation of EU human rights laws, no-go areas, areas which are a law to themselves and where the police won't/can't even police, a Britain where there is no longer any Law and Order on the streets, where you can lie on benefits and don't have to work, where the criminal has more rights than the victim - the list goes on and on.


Succesive Governments and Politicians are simply reaping what they sowed and it has been absolutely pitiful watching the politicians trot out pathetic nonsense while saying nothing about the rioters or the state of Britain.

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According to the rioters the reason they are doing this is because they havent got money and cant get jobs.


What I dont understand is that if the have the B****cks to stand and fight and cause fires and looting why havent they got he B****cks to show their faces, if they are determind to show what they want so much why hide in masks and hoodies.


Lack of eduction isnt the problem as even educated people cant get jobs but we are not rioting.


Take away benefits from them and the young offenders parents need some education in parenting.


With family in London this particular subject is making me angry, but who is to balme the Government or the rioters?????



Well done to the Police, taking orders from higher up the food chain must be difficult and you cant be everywhere at the same time, until people spend a day in any police force and in your shoes they will never know what goes on and what you have to endure,

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They are rioting because they want new trainers and a flat screet telly without having to work for it.


They say there are no jobs; not strictly true, just jobs that pay you £1000 a day to sit on your bum and eat McDonalds while playing on a playstation smoking a joint are really hard to come by.


Sod using a water cannon on the looters & rioters, lets use a tractor & slurry spreader....

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Part of the trouble with these and other disturbances is, in my opinion, is that some people, especially but not exclusively young people, have lost any respect for the police since part of the force are behaving like thugs. I think this dates back to the miners strike when gangs of violent police thugs attacked miners who were taking part in a legitimate dispute.


No this is not thuggery you are an apologist for - it is murder, arson and planned looting. No action by the police now or in the past justifies this.

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send in the army with machine guns.

Too good for them. Pack them all on to the Ark Royal, tow to suitable location in the North Atlantic and leave them all to get on with it. ( gie dem a couple o haand lines for food supply ! )


Well on reflection! Shooting them is a far to quick way for them to go.

So! How about roasting them alive over the buildings they have set fire too.

I just love the smell of cooking bacon.

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