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Getting Into Heavy Metal


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Motorhead before all others. Lemmy is a god (maybe Bacchus, can't decide, but a god nonetheless!).


Then AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Faith No More, System Of A Down and the rest. Hell, even KISS could cheer me up (pre-"Crazy Nights"... boak!).


But as for the vomit-over-the-mike-and-scream-and-whine-like-a-dental-drill brigade these days... :shock: no. No. NO. NO!!

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...thin lizzy,good guitar stuff.

Indeed so, and Phil was a noteworthy musician and frontman too.



In music there is often a time and place for everything, even dental drills: 0:02-0:15 :wink:


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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi guys!

I'm trying to get into heavy metal music.


Any good starting points?


I don't really like the screaming part; but I like the guitars.


they rock! :lol:


Why don't you check out some of the radio stations available on the internet. You can do a search by genre. If you like the sound of something take a note of the name of the band and then look out for more of their stuff.

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Guest Anonymous

If you were to add Rainbow and UFO to the list of bands already mentioned, then youd probably have the gumbiest collections of sounds around. Most of the bands listed give me the creeps, hair metal for denim cutoff, tight jeans wearing people stuck in the past. Dont hate on me - its just my opinion. Check out some of these bands.



Sick of it All





Cutthroats 9

Napalm Death




Minor Threat, Fugazi

Raging Speedhorn




Brutal Truth

Vision of Disorder

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Guest Anonymous

I just stupidly realised what alarmarama said "I don't really like the screaming part; but I like the guitars" Sorry!

The bands I've mentioned have some of the heaviest guitar sounds ever put to record - just ignore the "singing"

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  • 1 month later...

I'm glad that the classics are already mentioned, like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Dio. They will always be the best! :)

At the moment I like to listen to Finnish metal bands Finntroll, Nightwish or Ensiferum! I would love to see them live once.

I also like the look of men in the metal scene, the long hair and beard is really nice! They look like vikings xD

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  • 2 months later...

A few bands that iv found that have heavy guitar riffs etc with some calmer vocals include the likes of "Glamour of the kill" amazing band, there not huge but they write ace songs!


"Escape the fate" are quite good too, not exactly my thing but some great sounding songs there.


"Rise to remain" have a mix of heavy vocals and singing, newish band, but there debut album is amazing.


Other suggestions i would say "VOLBEAT" - so so good worth a listen for sure!


Theres also a band called "Steadlur" who are kinda old rock/metal style who are really good to listen to aswell.


one more "Steel panther" - You need to listen to them for sure! as does everybody!



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