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shetland equestrian centre - recommendations?

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any recommendations?

Are the horses there well looked after?


Some of my ponies will travel earlier than ourselves to Shetland and I would want them to be well looked after while we travel back and forth.


The equestrian centre offers stabling and/or holiday care. Does anybody know about the facilities?


I would also consider offers of other trustworthy horse people who are brave enough to handle my wee devils for a period of up to 8 weeks. But: a stable will be necessary because (due to the fat grass in Bavaria) my ponies are not used to 24/7 grazing! And unfortunately they need a very good fence (electric). One of them is a cheeky runaway, the curious lady does find life much more interesting outside a fence.


That's her (the grey one in the background):


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they are very very good. they will take great care of your horses. I could not recommend them highly enough. I would recommend that you talk to claire at the centre well ahead of time.

I would suggest that you have stabling sorted out at aberdeen just in case of weather related problems. again make sure that all the regulations are met in importing them as you will not get any stabling if not.

this is useful



I am very pleased that your making progress.

good luck. your horses are very nice looking ones.

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recommendation very much aprecciated!


I would suggest that you have stabling sorted out at aberdeen just in case of weather related problems.

that's the next task...


again make sure that all the regulations are met in importing them as you will not get any stabling if not.

Government Animal Health Branch have already sent all the papers... since all are registered and have passports it's rather simple importing horses


but it's much more difficult with those two darlings... probably they are the only ones in the European Union who have official permission by the authorities not to have to wear their ear tags (I am allowed to keep the ear tags with their passports and their records in my drawer... after having fought for this some years)


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