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Matt Cardle


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Just to inform everyone that Matt Cardle (winner of X Factor 2010) will be playing the Clickimin Centre on 24th September with his full band as part of a very short Scottish tour ahead of his new single and album being release in October and his full UK tour later this year.


3 gigs only this time around. Shetland, Orkney and Inverness.


Tickets go on sale from High Level Music at 9am this Saturday 27th August priced £20 Also available from:


Ticketmaster on 08444 999990 or www.ticketmaster.co.uk

Beyond Promotions at www.beyondit.net

Seetickets at www.seetickets.com


Sadly neither I nor High Level cannot reserve tickets for anyone under ANY circumstances. Sorry about that.


Cheers for noo


Davie Gardner

Atlantic Edge Music Services

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Couldn't believe it when i seen this on Facebook last night, well done Davie, although i'll be going to see First Foot Soldiers that evening but i'm guessing it will be sold out to the teenage ladies and the X-Factor fans :lol:


Well done again, maybe doo could give Dave Grohl a shout and get the Foo Fighters up next :wink:

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Yes indeed Ticketmasters info is a bit all over the place I'm afraid.


It is indeed open to everyone but as it says here under 14's have to be accompanied by an adult.


The event is licensed.


Total tickets on sale are 1250 - 800 of which are in High Level and the rest online. Adjustments can be made tomorrow morning if one or other turns out to be the main or most popular sales route.


Concert is basically standing but there will be bleacher seating for around 250 folk.


I can also confirm this is a full band show with a top quality PA being brought in from Glasgow and our ususal high standard of lighting provided by local company Technical Production Services.


Hope this helps answer all the questions. Glad so many folk are excited about this one - especially younger audiences. Their turn this time around!!!!

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Sounds like they sold very very quickly online (within seconds). Four of us with laptops to the ready at nine o'clock and despite all of us being ready at the same time only one of us was successful. The others were meer seconds slower but that was too slow...

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