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Matt Cardle


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Local bands will get paid by PRS if they are members.

It is PPL that collect the radio airplay.


According to this


Do all radio stations need to have both a PRS and MCPS licence?


Yes, all radio stations must have a PRS and MCPS licence to be a fully licensed station.




And this


I have a PRS for Music licence, why do I need a PPL one?


There are two separate copyrights in a sound recording and a licence is required for each one:


The copyright in the lyrics and composition are owned by the author and music publisher and this is administered by PRS for Music.


The copyright in the performance and music recording are owned by the performers and record company and administered by PPL.


As PRS for Music and PPL operate for different rights owners they have always remained as separate companies.




They have you in all ways, there are other licenses as well.


If you write your own music, you can join the scheme (PRS) for 10 pounds and get paid, even if YOU perform the song.

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Many thanks to the organisers for their sterling efforts in bringing Matt Cardle to Shetland.


Not something I would choose to endure, but my thirteen year old daughter was delighted.


It's good to see something aimed at the younger generation (beats growing piles on Conochies' window ledge of a weekend); I would like to see more of this.



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Thanks for all the feedback folks and sorry if anyone felt they were short changed.


As promoters we have no control whatsoever over the lenght of set or content - that's purely the artists and his managements domain. If he chooses to promote his new album and not fill his set with cover versions then that has to be his choice and priority.


As several have pointed out this was indeed a Matt Cardle show to promote his new single and album and not an X Factor one. Shetland was only his second and third gigs ever with his new band who - before going on tour - only had one week to rehearse. When they announced the gig in Shetland they did not even know who was going to be in the line-up at that time. You can rightly say this was their fault - but that's the fact of the matter anyway.


When we heard that the set was only likely to be 45 mintues + we too were a bit disappointed and asked if it would be somehow possible to extend this slightly. We were told this could not happen and would not be possible.


As far as price goes unfortunately the costs for a show like this, and irrespective of set lenght, are very high and we have to cover costs somehow. When we agree and budet for a show you are never sure if the tickets are going to sell or not - so this business is, in effect, a huge risk.


Marvin has aptly covered most of the costs we have to carry - but here's a rough breakdown of what we have to cover purely from ticket money alone - no sponsors, public funding or bar take for us I'm afraid.


Artist fees (main act and support act)



Artist food

Venue Hire


PA Hire (The PA for this gig largely had to come from Glasgow)

Truck on Northlink

PA operators fare and accommodation

Production operation costs (sound and light)

Mini bus hire + fuel

Marketing (adverts etc)

Ticket printing

Additional instrument and backline hire

Hire of crowd barrier

Transport of equipment - local truck hire.


All this has to be committed too from the outset - whether the tickets sell or not - and I've found out from bitter experience that there is no such thing as a "sure thing" in this game. Rest assured we did everything possible to keep the ticket price as low as possible while still covering all our costs (especially as we believed lots of young folk would be keen to see him).


As regards security - they have to respond to the needs and regulations of the venue operator, as well as addressing our needs as promoters and the artist management - plus we have insurance, licensing and health and safety obligations and issues to address in this respect too. The police also request we act in this kind of responsible manner at all times at events of this size -especially when there are a lot of under 18's and very young children at the event


After the delays experienced on Saturday night re getting into the venue the Clickimin and Arctic Security staff changed several things to make Sunday nights entry much quicker and easier - so thanks to them for that.


The security at the back door in terms of the fans were acting on the wishes of Matt's management. They are duty bound to look after his personal interests while trying to be fair and kind to fans too. This is required of them as part of his managements job description irrespective of whether he's playing Glasgow or Shetland.


I'm genuinely sorry we / they could not offer fans an official meet and greet, photo or autograph signing opportunity - but given the anticipated level of demand for this, not to mention the levels of excitement (and, at times, yes even frenzy) we experienced from his fans over the weekend (great fun and lovely to see as this was) it was considered impossible to deliver such an official opportunity and, perhaps more importantly, a means of doing so and managing it fairly and safely for all concerned. So his management, ourselves and the venue operators agreed it would not be possible to do this.


However I'm, genuinely delighted at the way things went over the weekend and equally delighted that by far the bigger percentage of you appear to think you got value for money. Sadly we never seem to be able to please everyone - but hey that's life I suppose!!!


Matt and his band / crew totally loved Shetland and the people up here and let me say his fans were wonderful and so much fun to be around over the whole weekend. So thank you one and all for making it a terrific experience for them and indeed for all of us involved.


The atmosphere is the Clickimin was electric both nights and it made us all very proud to be part of it. The fans / everyone's bahaviours was exemplery. so a million thanks to all of you who bought tickets, came along to the shows and made it a weekend that none of us will forget in a hurry.


My thanks go to:


Matt and his band / crew

Our support act Malachy Tallack

Beyond Promotions Inverness

Robert Geddes and his all staff at the Clickimin Centre

David Wagstaff and his team at Technical Production Services

Sound Acoustics, Glasgow

Brian, Fiona, Arthur and Maggie at High Level Music

Stuart Wadley and his staff at Arctic Security

Alan, Natalie and their fantastic staff at the Great Wall

Queens Hotel staff

Karen and Keith at Alder Lodge

Marvin, Karen, Vaila and Clare

Bolts Car Hire staff

Graham Malcolmson

Russell Gair

Shetland Arts

And last but by no means least you guys for buying the tickets and coming along


Sorry if I've missed anyone but it's not intentional I can assure you.


Cheers again


Davie Gardner

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Many thanks to the organisers for their sterling efforts in bringing Matt Cardle to Shetland.


It's good to see something aimed at the younger generation (beats growing piles on Conochies' window ledge of a weekend); I would like to see more of this.




I've certainly got the taste for doing more gigs aimed at younger audiences after this one. The audience, and especially his younger fans, were fantastic all weekend. Great fun to be around and to see them so enthusiastic about music.

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Excellent response Davie G. My bairns absolutely loved it (age 8 and 6), my oldest has asked santa for his album and youngest wants to be a popstar (it was his first real concert).


I don't think anyone thought the shetland promotors had ripped them off, think they were just disappointed in Matt Cardle and his management deciding to only do 45 mins (myself included untill I remembered it was a promotion gig and not xfactor show as stated earlier). It is good to hear Shetland was one of his first ever independant concerts, hope he remembers that when he progresses through his career ;)


I hope you continue your good work and bring more acts for the young.

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I have to say a massive thank you to Davie G for all the effort to get Matt, it's a shame there was no chance of a meet and greet with him but it is completely understandable because of his record company and rules etc. It doesn't matter how long the boy plays for, he's no had years of experience and he was here to promote his album with his band, not to do an xfactor show. He was amazing and the atmosphere was fantastic! Thanx to Davie and co we who want to see him and enjoy every minute of it don't have to spend £100's to get sooth, accomodation, ticket prices, food and general spending money. I can't wait to see the next lot thats brought up and Davie don't be put off for the fabulous job your doing because if it wasn't for you shetland wouldn't even be considered for music like that!

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Well I had a brilliant night on the saturday, I would have paid another £20 to go and see him on the sunday night again! It was a brilliant atmosphere and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves (although I was slightly disappointed at the early finish but I'm not complaining) £20 is not a rip off, if you had been going south to a concert you would be paying more for a ticket plus travel fare! Hope we get more people like him up doing concerts.

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