unlinkedstudent Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 herewith a packet of Nurofen Hey, you saying I have such disorders such as schizophrenia, mania and bipolar depression How very dare you http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/mhra-to-investigate-how-healthcare-products-are-repackaged-2345327.html ^^^^^Evidence of my accusation Well, I hadn't actually thought of those and wouldn't pick on the meek - one merely thought due to your postings over this w/e you were well and truly (h)issed and you had definitely given in to drinking from the poisoned chalice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 Tis all a big game really, you can only do what you can or want to do when playing it. I do like the banter, it is fun, it is important as well. Here they have suspended our area committees to consult on area committees. They are doing this by writing to those who have come to area committees for their involvement. What has been missed or hasn't is that with every meeting or debate folk can bounce ideas from each other and form their own groups, which many have done, yet the chairs of the committees, suspended, are still signing off delegated decisions.If you stop folk or prevent folk from taking part, you can end up with a council or committee that is a law unto it self.There must not be any hate though. A difference of opinion does not mean that one is lesser than the other. I do not think any less of anyone I have an argument, though I may maintain they are wrong as I see it. It is up to me to show them what I mean. And visa versa. It has do be done at the level of understanding. Not everyone has the time to look up all they speak about, imagine how quiet the pubs would be with folk referencing every comment. Not everyone has a memory that retains all it sees. If some one has experience something in their life, is it your place to say that what they viewed was not what they viewed. Many decisions and choices are done on a whim.I hope I am grammatically correct, nothing worse than being judged just on your level or command of the English language, if I was, it could be that I may have been failed by the teachers, the committees they are on and the lack of spiritual guidance. I hope someones God will help me Anyhow, I am off to speak to a Christian about the quality of the REAL ale served in the local and how it is out of order that the door always squeeks to the toilets, why does the proprietor not fix it mutter mutter hic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scoots Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 "Christian values" I have no problem with, same as Islamic values, Buddhist values, Hindu values, etc, etc. All are essentially guidelines as to how to live your life well and responsibly while treating others well also. That's great. But teaching The Bible over others, or at all, has no place in modern secular schools in this country. It holds no more weight, or historical substance, than the Eddas, the Volsung Cycle, or the Egyptian Book of the Dead, to name but a few. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EM Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 Tis all a big game really, you can only do what you can or want to do when playing it.More words of existential mystery from the guru. A difference of opinion does not mean that one is lesser than the other.Indeed not. But when the difference is between truth and bullsharn, and the person bullsharning fails to substantiate their stance, denies their own words, or profers feeble excuses, their credibility is certainly lessened. I do not think any less of anyone I have an argument, ...I presume that you have not yet had any arguments with paedos or proponents of ritual human slaughter. I find it quite easy to state that I don't think particularly highly of such people. ...nothing worse than being judged just on your level or command of the English language,Nothing worse than that? Wow where to begin... the above noted two perhaps? It is up to me to show them what I mean.I agree with you there. I just wish you'd give the task a bit more effort, especially as your posts are so notorious for their rambling nature, and use of confusing terms (e.g. string instead of thread). Not everyone has the time to look up all they speak about, ...Not everyone needs to look up topics before commenting, some people actually know relevant information already. Either way, the proof of the pudding lies in whether the resulting information is reliable. May I direct you to the following recent post from the Spam thread. I believe the point raised is very true, and apropos here: ... someone would ask for advice and receive a professional response from another user. While I agree with the sentiment I find that some of the questions asked on the forum are answered by people who pretty much googled the original posters question looking for an answer to post. While the answer may be correct the original poster is quite capable I imagine of googling their query themselves. What they are actually looking for is an answer like you said from someone who has experience in the particular area they are enquiring about. Where I have knowledge in a particular area I'll offer advice but on quite a few occasions I've read through umpteen responses which are links to websites for products or services people are promoting that they've never used themselves. I know it's fair to say anyone who follows the advice of a user on an internet forum word for word is asking for trouble but it is also fair to say that sometimes folk may be steered in a direction which they might not have done had they not listened to someone who basically didn't have a clue what they were talking about. Reading that I find myself thinking about driveway pavement design. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 You forget I am mad. Opinionated and enjoy the looks of my own text.I answer how I think. It also gets responses, folk post things that I have not been able to find out myself which educates me. So really it is all good. Oh and selfish. Now, with all this evidence, perhaps we should not have non elected voting members of the Education Committee. Even more so as the Quorum is 3. There is every possibility the committee could be held by non elected members and be just. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghostrider Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 You forget I am mad. Opinionated and enjoy the looks of my own text.I answer how I think. It also gets responses, folk post things that I have not been able to find out myself which educates me. So really it is all good. Oh and selfish. http://i460.photobucket.com/albums/qq330/Redneck_Hillbilly0504/20.gif http://i460.photobucket.com/albums/qq330/Redneck_Hillbilly0504/Wellll.gif Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest posiedon Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 shetlandpeat,You forget I am mad. Opinionated and enjoy the looks of my own text. How can we forget; when you remind us with every post that you make? Your grammar still needs a bit of work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted August 29, 2011 Report Share Posted August 29, 2011 I put that down to not paying attention at the Grammar School I attended.Also the additives they put in the water, they are trying to control us all you know! Anyhow, since ALI have gone and Ofsted now do all the work, will having a 1/4 religious committee be a problem, as there is now continuation from ABCs to A levels and adult education. The GOV inspector should address this as well. I have worked on ALI and Ofsted inspections with my Partner (now EX) and have 5 under my belt so to speak. It is a great deal of work being the nominee. Has anyone else had to do this? The filing was my expertise, I guess. I can send you a xmas card now, how lucky are you? Answers on a postcard please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EM Posted August 30, 2011 Report Share Posted August 30, 2011 ... and Ofsted now do all the work, will having a 1/4 religious committee be a problem, as there is now continuation from ABCs to A levels and adult education.Not around here. Ofsted is, like A levels, English. We have HMIE and Highers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted August 30, 2011 Report Share Posted August 30, 2011 Thanks for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Russabell Posted September 1, 2011 Report Share Posted September 1, 2011 I tend to agree with Jonathan on this one (although definitely not in the way he conducts his business). However, from what I can see, the Council's hands are tied on this one - it is enshrined in law. Maybe all of us who have views on it should be lobbying our MSPs for a change in legislation as this really is an archaic practice. And maybe we should be letting our views known to our Councillors so that they at least know there is some dissent in the community about this. (There are however also non-elected representatives on other Council bodies who have a vote and there never seems to be a stooshie about them!)Regarding the Christian youth camp - thankfully my bairns are not yet of the age where they can attend this. In a way I find it difficult - I'm an atheist but don't want to force my views on my bairns. However I absolutely could not allow my bairns to go away with strangers for a week (or whatever it is) and effectively allow them to be 'groomed'. Regardless of what the organisers say, it is called a Christian youth camp for a reason, and the fact that bairns themselves appear to have been concerned about some aspects of it makes me wonder just how persuasive (for want of a better word) the people who run this are? I do know of one of them (although I don't know if still involved or not) and I certainly wouldn't be happy letting that person loose with my bairns at an impressionable age as I am aware how strong that person's views are (although no doubt others will be less staunch). However I also know several people whose bairns have gone to it and they thought it was the best thing ever. I know the bairns can make up their own minds but I do just worry about the fact that it is such an impressionable age group.But what I do take issue with is the fact (of which I was previously unaware) that they are allowed into school classrooms to promote this. I don't mind leaflet drops or whatever, but I very much doubt that other organisations or groups would be allowed into schools to promote their activities in this way. If this continues, I will certainly be complaining to the school/Hayfield - it's a very dubious practice I feel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unlinkedstudent Posted September 1, 2011 Report Share Posted September 1, 2011 If they really wanted to do a Christian act, then drop all bible classes and any mention of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, etc., during the camp and simply concentrate on providing a service/doing a good deed to the community by having somewhere kids can go to meet others and enjoy the activities - now would that be so bad or wouldn't the Lord approve? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest posiedon Posted September 1, 2011 Report Share Posted September 1, 2011 "Religious" Folk are so much in doubt about their "faith" That they feel a compelling need to persuade other folk to share their delusions,Strength in numbers mentality. I've said it before but got no response from the "faithful" So I'll say it again.Matthew 6:5-6. Have they even read the bible? Probably not. If they run this Summer camp next year I will certainly be dropping in unannounced with recording equipment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pool Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 If they really wanted to do a Christian act, then drop all bible classes and any mention of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, etc., during the camp and simply concentrate on providing a service/doing a good deed to the community by having somewhere kids can go to meet others and enjoy the activities - now would that be so bad or wouldn't the Lord approve? Think about it... CHRISTian. It's not Christian is Christ is not involved. A nice thing to do of course, and something Christians wouldnt disagree with but it wouldnt be a Christian event now would it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pool Posted September 3, 2011 Report Share Posted September 3, 2011 "Religious" Folk are so much in doubt about their "faith" That they feel a compelling need to persuade other folk to share their delusions,Strength in numbers mentality. I've said it before but got no response from the "faithful" So I'll say it again.Matthew 6:5-6. Have they even read the bible? Probably not. If they run this Summer camp next year I will certainly be dropping in unannounced with recording equipment. What kind of response are you looking for? It appears you are attempting to refute them by going to the very thing the Bible tells you not to in the verse you quoted. And from a "faithful", Christians gain much encouragement from the witness and testimony of others, but the basis of thier faith is the life and works of Jesus Christ, no other.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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