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Loch Ownership

Guest metallica man

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Guest metallica man

Hi all, this might be a bit of a long shot but can anyone tell me who owns the bed & the waters edge of the loch in Weisdale (the one opp the shop)?

Does a land owner own the land to the waters edge & then the Crown own the bed of the loch abit like the sea? Or does someone own the whole thing?


Any help or advice would be great!



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Somebody probably owns the whole thing, that tends to be the standard form in Shetland. Who though, I couldn't tell you though, I'm not all that familiar with Weisdale, but most probably one or more of the adjoing landowners/occupiers or the Estate to which the surrounding neighbourhood last belonged.

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Guest metallica man

So the loch is part of the voe but some area has been filled in for the road to cross? Would the crown own the loch then if they own the bed of the voe?

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This is very interesting question due to the "inbetweenie" nature of the loch in question, especially as these lochs have a habit of changing, or being changed, within historical time scales. Take Spiggie for example, it is shown on maps from several hundred years ago as being a voe rather than a loch.

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