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Whit'na boat wis yun...?


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Leaving on her last visit to Lerwick for this season, the Amadea heading for Iceland. Interesting in that she took the bottom route as opposed to the MSC Lirica yesterday which went round the top, both to the same destination. For why, or was it a tidal decision ? :-


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Tidal?, Possibly but i would have thought going to Akureyri it would be shorter (although not by much) to go the Northern route (ie around the top of Unst).


Guess it's up to the individual master to decide, incidentally Phoenix Reisen who operate the Amadea are not in Lerwick in 2013, but i guess there's always 2014... :wink:

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Would agree, canna be much in it distance wise but have to say with the speed, the Amadea was making full use of the " wast shot " off here in the Fair Isle channel, has to be a fair saving in fuel. :-


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^ Spoke to one of the crew this morning, said they were planning to leave at 14.00 hrs and heading East so I'll not see her with the sails up. :cry: :-



Here is the info board for anybody interested, I didna try her " Restauriert " as 1980 I tocht da maet micht be a bit aff ! :wink:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Another couple of passing ships yesterday, the " Ocean Countess " ( auld reekie ) heading for Lerwick and the " Deep Pioneer " for the Fionaven Field. :-



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