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What are you listening to now?


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Guest Anonymous


"This is getting very, very old now mate, you sound like a stuck record"

Have you any idea how stupid that sounds coming from you and your woman and your taste in music?

The stuff the pair of you post got very very old years ago, have you counted the number of tracks the pair of you posted since last night? does that not strike you as a tad childish? Like your trying to win back your public 'I've got a girlfriend' forum.

You use the forum like most people use texting on a mobile. Someone said before that most of your relationship posts would be better kept to PM's, its "What are you listening to" don't you understand that?

I don't personally attack anyone, remember what someone sees as a personal attack is just someone's opinion, not fact.


@Shetland peat

"That is twice the moderators have stepped in to delete part of your post"


The mods removed a track I put up the other night because it wasn't 'appropriate' to Shetlink

Then part of my post about not actually buying music and supporting the artists you like, was removed - you go figure!

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"This is getting very, very old now mate, you sound like a stuck record"

Have you any idea how stupid that sounds coming from you and your woman and your taste in music?

The stuff the pair of you post got very very old years ago, have you counted the number of tracks the pair of you posted since last night? does that not strike you as a tad childish? Like your trying to win back your public 'I've got a girlfriend' forum.

You use the forum like most people use texting on a mobile. Someone said before that most of your relationship posts would be better kept to PM's, its "What are you listening to" don't you understand that?

I don't personally attack anyone, remember what someone sees as a personal attack is just someone's opinion, not fact.


Pots and kettles! :roll:


If number of tracks posted within a specific period counts for anything, then maybe you should tally up some of your own totals. And when it comes to individual taste in music, well, I ain't going there as far as your's is concerned....as THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT, any more than it is about your opinion of anyone else's choice in music.


Yes, you hate 80's music, yes, you believe its says something about anyone who chooses to listen to it and like it....That message was received loud and clear the first time you said it, and the next time, and the next time, and the next time, and the next time................................................................. Do I agree with you? Nope not a cat in hell's chance. Do I care? Not not a monkey's. And that is not going to change regardless of however many times you repeat it!


I said not one word concerning "personal attacks".......but, seeing as you've gone there. When comments are directed at specific individuals, they by definition are "personal", and if the person(s) they are directed at deems them "insulting", they are such. End of!

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Guest Anonymous

I have never said I don't like 80's music - go reread my posts, If you received that message loud and clear, well your wrong, you haven't even got a clue as to when even half of the music I posted was made. I love 80's music, I just don't like your 80's chart music


"And when it comes to individual taste in music, well, I ain't going there as far as your's is concerned" no I bet you ain't mate :wink:


I'm sorry if you or your woman have been insulted by me - I guess the truth hurts.

Go have a party


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Guest Anonymous

"I said not one word concerning "personal attacks".......but, seeing as you've gone there. When comments are directed at specific individuals, they by definition are "personal", and if the person(s) they are directed at deems them "insulting", they are such. End of!


I'd like to see you argue that one in court!


80's music

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