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a number o his posts were angry but den a lot o aggression wis thrown his wiy. im no trying to justify his aggresive stance on a number o points jist dat i dinna think it wis fair fir all da blame tae be laid at his door. he got angry due tae folk haeing a pop. he shudna and shuda kept calm and reasoned, which imho he wis after his apology fir his outburst, but still got derogatory remarks aimed at him onywiy. as folk hus sayd on here its human nature tae defend yersel but he tried tae mak up fir it but wisna gein a chance by folk haeing a go regardless. if davie gardner could see da validity in sum o da tings sega sayd den why cud ithers no? as for evidence mounted up over a few months etc he'd only joined a couple o weeks ago. if dey had "evidence available to us, gathered over a number of months" how'd dey git it? shetlink mods got sum kinda surveillance goin on wi da folk o shetland, spy cams etc? :wink:

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There has to be some grounds for having a 2nd identity on Shetlink. To use J.A. Stewart as an example he posts on this forum as himself and as another example I have said things that could easily let someone determined to discover my real identity.


That said there could come a time when we might want want to say something so controversial.....deport Sakachi would be the sort of thing....and wanted to post under another name.


(BTW I do not want to see Sakachi deported......perhaps the home office deported instead.)


I would agree, there's a few things I'd have posted if it wisna obvious wha I wis.

How many Kevins bide in Clousta and have www.myspace.com/bitumenriver as their signature, answer = 1


Would I get banned for creating anidder user for anonymous messeges?, If so I can maybe arrange tae get my user deleted and create a new one, however my posts in the Music section will give away my identity afore lang.

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