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island trade unions/30 November strike


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There always seems to be this talk about pensions, those gettin less whining about those getting more. Perhaps a more generous employer. Self employment is always hard, always a gamble and hit hardest during leaner times, but that had been known for quite a while, that is why you try to keep costs down.


Your council tax, hmm. It gives folk who are ill the chance of full recovery without affecting their childrens health so they can get back to work.


The GOV are costing us quite a bit, borrowing up £100,000,000, £80 million plus on DLA appeals, £300 million on expenses throughout the GOV depts.


But, if someone, as a collective feel so , they have the right to with draw their labour. As we all do, well, those who stick together.


The main issue now is that GOV should get back to the table and stop threatening folk with a lifetime of further hardship.

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goverment waste 500 million on cost cutting in the min of defence. maybe when they are able to function as a coverment and stop wasting money then people would be willing to suffer cuts. there is a heck of a lot of waste in the goverment and public sector. they really need to sort this out properly first.

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Guest Anonymous

I want to know who to complain too as I am going to lose out because the ferry wont run a normal service? Over paid and under worked, its time you got a grip and did an honest days work... Bressay fixed link before its too late...

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Council seems to be making it harder for some of their employees to work around the strike, ie work places are being closed but not everyone wants to strike, because the place has been closed staff cant take a holiday, use up toil or even move their hours to another time. its if you cant get in, your on strike, ie with part time workers that are parents have to stay home to look after their children, but cant make up their hours another time as they are not alowed to so they are being forsed to strike by their employer.


i know that some folk migh try the sickie line so i would stop that, but good staff offering to make up hours should be incouraged not blocked.


what do you think?

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the wife is in the rcn. they have not voted to strike but agree with it. they plan tp vote once the talks stop.

anyway there is no problem with non striking staff working there normal shifts. the rcn has just advised that they don't do overtime or bank work to cover the striking workers.


so it should be the same for the council.

just a guess there are more striking union members in the council. now if the goverment start being stupid they could easily face much worse strikes in the new year.


however when the goverment are tying the pensions debate in with the deficit it then becomes clear that they are just after a quick money grab. if they were really bothered over pensions then they could have reviewed both private and public sector pensions to insure that everyone has a decent pension when they retire.

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I remember in the 1980s Thatcher was pushing for Public Sector workers to give up their public sector pensions and buy into wonderful private pension schemes – a fact that the Thatcher twins Cameron & Clegg (and their yapping dug Carmichael) conveniently forget when they say how hard done by the private sector is compared to the public sector.

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I feel that a lot of people are missing one big point of the National strikes. The real issue here is that the government is doing this to divide and manipulate the masses. If they can get everyone squabbling over the this they wont notice that all the money is being wasted on immoral wars, tax breaks for the rich, subsidising big business and trying to patch up a collapsing and corrupt economic farce.


IMHO we should all get behind the national strike. If every person who could turned out to protest we could really make a difference. Forget about the failures of the past and embrace a new future which could really be fair. You wont see much about it in the news but all around the world people are occupying in protest. If we all were to stop fretting over the little things and just believe that now world peace is closer to our grasp that ever before... All WE HAVE TO DO IS STAND IN SOLIDARITY AGAINST THE TYRANNY OF THE OLIGARCHS, instead of squabbling over the scraps from their table.


Got it yet? :roll:


Just MHO of course.

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Guest Anonymous
I want to know who to complain too as I am going to lose out because the ferry wont run a normal service? Over paid and under worked, its time you got a grip and did an honest days work... Bressay fixed link before its too late...

You could start by complaining to the government for failing to stick to the contract it made with the civil staff of the country when it drew up the pension plans...

I don't really want to pick on you on your first posting but I think your views on the coming strike are a little selfish. Try to consider the other civil servants who are generally less well paid than the private sector in return for security when they retire.. Consider also that their future security is now threatened by a money grabbing, Lying government.. What would you do in their shoes?

By the way, The civil pension fund is quite healthy. It's built out of civil servant wage contributions Not tax payers money so there's no reason for the government to suggest we can't afford it because of deficit related cutbacks.

When you're writing your complaint letter to Westminster. Remember to add that you hope they come to their senses before the unions are forced to strike for weeks at a time!

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I want to know who to complain too as I am going to lose out because the ferry wont run a normal service? Over paid and under worked, its time you got a grip and did an honest days work... Bressay fixed link before its too late...


You could complain all you want i don't think it will make much odds..

Who exactly are you referring to as Over paid and under worked RobynH..?

As for your Bressay fixed link you can dream on all you want to.. Where's exactly is the money coming from for your fixed link we had our school closed and the heart torn out of our community i dont think that savings is going to go far on a fixed link do you.??

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Gostrider, I'm delighted to hear you favour revolution. I feel i should point out though that armed revolution is pretty pointless as the revolutionaries will be the new controlers. Look at Egypt. They had the army fighting for them but once the army took power they wouldn't give it back to the people, instead they have changed the rules in their favour and organised a sham election to try to quiet the people. It's not working!


Revolution will only be truly successful when it happens in the minds of the masses. A global awakening. We are the 99% and if we want a fair world all we need to do is leave our fears behind us and go for it. :D

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I want to know who to complain too as I am going to lose out because the ferry wont run a normal service? Over paid and under worked, its time you got a grip and did an honest days work... Bressay fixed link before its too late...


I'm not one for writing on shetlink but when i saw this i thought i had to...

You seem to be blaming the poor ferrymen for the strike RobynH you have to remember there's a lot of people in bressay who have been balloted for strike action not just the ferrymen there's nobody to blame for this but the government you could try complaining to them i'm sure they will listen to your rants..!!

Did your partner not work on the ferry once what could he not put up with.?

Being under worked ?? overpaid ?? or not doing an honest days work ?. :P


P.S. Im sure with all your ex employers property she has in Lerwick she could put you up for the night in Lerwick at a good rate..Or even get the Ruby May to take you over in the morning..

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