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If Scotland became independant, what would Shetland do?

kung foo panda

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Iceland had the right idea they refused to bail out their banks let them go bust anyone heard of Icelands financial crises lately?


Yup. Icelandic folk voted to welch on their own banks debts. If I did that I'd be bankrupted and lose amost of my posessions.


Guess whose out of pocket due to their actions?


Is that how we want Shetland to 'move forward'? A tinpot economy living on unrepayable debts?


"Freedom!" :roll:

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Iceland had the right idea they refused to bail out their banks let them go bust anyone heard of Icelands financial crises lately?


I know of many good honest hard working Icelandic people who have lost everything and are destitute as a result of the banking collapse. No idea what you are saying really, as the Icelanders backed their banks big time and the whole nation had a stake to an extent

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Iceland is still doing way better than the UK on pretty much any indicator


UN Human Development Index Ranking 2011

Norway No 1,

Sweden No 10,

Iceland No 14,

Denmark No 16,

Finland No 22,

UK No 28 (just below the Czech Republic and just above Greece!) http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/


OECD stats 2012

Total Government Debt as % of GDP

Norway 26.1%

Sweden 33.8%

Denmark 39.6%

Finland 41.7%

Iceland 81.3%

UK 85.5% Higher debt than 'bankrupt' Iceland (and note Iceland's employment rate)


Employment rate Population aged 15-64, Q1 2012

Iceland 78.3%

Norway 75.8%

Sweden 74.2%

Denmark 73.1%

Finland 69.4%

UK 69.5% (last equal)



State pension – Replacement Rate for average earners (State + mandatory private)

Norway 60.3%

Sweden 53.6%

Denmark 89.8%

Finland 65.2%

Iceland 101.1%

UK 37.4%

OECD Average 67.6%



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Iceland is still doing way better than the UK on pretty much any indicator


UN Human Development Index Ranking 2011

Norway No 1,

Sweden No 10,

Iceland No 14,

Denmark No 16,

Finland No 22,

UK No 28 (just below the Czech Republic and just above Greece!) http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/


OECD stats 2012

Total Government Debt as % of GDP

Norway 26.1%

Sweden 33.8%

Denmark 39.6%

Finland 41.7%

Iceland 81.3%

UK 85.5% Higher debt than 'bankrupt' Iceland (and note Iceland's employment rate)


Employment rate Population aged 15-64, Q1 2012

Iceland 78.3%

Norway 75.8%

Sweden 74.2%

Denmark 73.1%

Finland 69.4%

UK 69.5% (last equal)



State pension – Replacement Rate for average earners (State + mandatory private)

Norway 60.3%

Sweden 53.6%

Denmark 89.8%

Finland 65.2%

Iceland 101.1%

UK 37.4%

OECD Average 67.6%






Icelands wonderful economy went bust.


Icelandic bank owes £3.1 billion to the UK and Netherlands. Iceland refuses to pay.


UK and Netherlands £3.1bn out of pocket.


I don't think you would be so 'supportive' of Icelands stance if £100k of that unpaid debt was your own hard earned money, would you? :wink:

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Iceland owes nothing to the UK and the Netherlands .Banks that were based in Iceland do.Again the people of Iceland owe nothing.Why should they bail out a failed commercial enterprise if capitalism is working correctly they simply go bust and the people who invested with them in their various ponzi schemes lose their dosh.It seems that unlike in other countries ours included the politicians in Iceland are not in the pocket of the bankers.

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I don't think you would be so 'supportive' of Icelands stance if £100k of that unpaid debt was your own hard earned money, would you? :wink:



You are already in far greater dept than 100k, big enough to eat you your grand kids pensions, the difference is that the Iceland has 0.00 after the default

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Iceland owes nothing to the UK and the Netherlands .Banks that were based in Iceland do.Again the people of Iceland owe nothing.Why should they bail out a failed commercial enterprise if capitalism is working correctly they simply go bust and the people who invested with them in their various ponzi schemes lose their dosh.It seems that unlike in other countries ours included the politicians in Iceland are not in the pocket of the bankers.


Well some politicians were too close to bankers in Iceland. But the people threw them out. Because they were close enough to do so

Derick who canna figure out how to delete this post using No1 Nephew's account!

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Yes, very surprising but equally welcome.


I happened to hear the dinner time news today and there was a snippet of Alex Salmond speaking about the prospect of strike action on the ferries.


However, what stuck out for me was the fact that he almost didn't even know what to call us and fumbled his way through the "Northern Is...lands" :roll:


Sadly, I think Edinburgh itself and the SNP have shown in the years of devolution that they offer us little hope.....

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Yes, very surprising but equally welcome.


I happened to hear the dinner time news today and there was a snippet of Alex Salmond speaking about the prospect of strike action on the ferries.


However, what stuck out for me was the fact that he almost didn't even know what to call us and fumbled his way through the "Northern Is...lands" :roll:


Sadly, I think Edinburgh itself and the SNP have shown in the years of devolution that they offer us little hope.....


I always wonder: If the SNP gain independence for Scotchland, will they extend the same opportunity for a vote upon self-determination to Shetland that they themselves have cried out for over the years (and gained) from Westminster.


Or should I just expect rank hypocrisy from Holyrood?

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