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If Scotland became independant, what would Shetland do?

kung foo panda

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All very interesting, but a bit irrelevant. Who says Shetlanders want 'independence'? Where is the popular local democratic movement (or, God forbid, nationalist movement), up-to-date body of literature, or attempts to propagate (as opposed to preserve) language/culture that might suggest such a thing? I haven't seen or heard of it. I think we need something a bit more representative than the rumblings of individuals before we can conclude 'independence' is any kind of real option.


In fact, the opposite is happening. I'd bet you any money that far more young islanders today would describe themselves as 'Scottish' than ever before. How's about a poll of under-18s with that question in mind?

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Unfortunately, the SNP crave being in Europe which most Shetlanders and even Scots realise has been a disaster, especially for the fishing.



That's because the fishing negotations were done by the UK government who have no interest in it. Since the SNP formed their first administration they have pleaded with the UK government to have a place at the annual negotiations without much success. An independent Scotland in Europe would have much more say over what happens in our waters.

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@joenorth a nationalist movement is exactly what the SNP are, but for Scotland!!.


They'll want to plaster their own nationlist blurb the into every corner of Shetland just like Scotland whether people are for or against it.


I'd rather have a Shetland nationlist movement than have the looming Scottish tidal wave....


Even with an independant Scotland in Europe(I feel there's no such thing as independance in Europe though), yes Scotland will be "welcomed" with open arms but then the law will be laid down very quickly.....


I think they'll find they've gone from one set of shackles to another.....

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@joenorth a nationalist movement is exactly what the SNP are, but for Scotland!!.




Emmmm......I did kind of know what the 'S' and 'N' in 'SNP' mean, but thanks anyway.


To me, nationalism as a worldview should be avoided (and that means in Shetland, too). As I said, who wants 'independence' for Shetland? A few creaky old buggers like you, me and Mr. Cluness? (I apologise if you're a bright young thing, Kavi. I'm certainly not)! Walk along the street at denner time and ask any of the young folk from the AHS whether they think we should no longer be Scots. You'll get some funny looks.


To increasing numbers of people here, being a Shetlander means being Scottish as well, and if that's how you see the world, then 'independence from Scotland' becomes an oxymoron.


For sure, very many islanders in the past did not think of themselves as Scottish. I think the balance is swinging the other way, though.

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I seem to remember that a few years ago that a certain PM said that the wishes of the Falkland islanders were paramount all two thousand of them. As for young islanders not being interested in this issue i think if the financial benefits were pointed out to them they would be very interested.After all the UK has led them into a financial black hole it will be them who will suffer the most in the years to come.We must also remember that there is a large number of people in shetland who do very well under the status quo and it is they who are dead against any change for obvious reasons.

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To increasing numbers of people here, being a Shetlander means being Scottish as well, and if that's how you see the world, then 'independence from Scotland' becomes an oxymoron.


For sure, very many islanders in the past did not think of themselves as Scottish. I think the balance is swinging the other way, though




When it comes to a vote on independence I am of the opinion that you should be able to prove at least one set of grand parents are from Shetland. A solid link to Shetlands past before you get a vote on Shetlands future

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When it comes to a vote on independence I am of the opinion that you should be able to prove at least one set of grand parents are from Shetland. A solid link to Shetlands past before you get a vote on Shetlands future

This sounds like a real load of Bollox to me.. :roll: T

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To increasing numbers of people here, being a Shetlander means being Scottish as well, and if that's how you see the world, then 'independence from Scotland' becomes an oxymoron.


For sure, very many islanders in the past did not think of themselves as Scottish. I think the balance is swinging the other way, though




When it comes to a vote on independence I am of the opinion that you should be able to prove at least one set of grand parents are from Shetland. A solid link to Shetlands past before you get a vote on Shetlands future


So if someone has moved to Shetland, contributed to the economy and taken a proactive role amongst the Shetland community, you are saying they should not be allowed to vote on their on future just because they weren't born or have relatives here?

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When it comes to a vote on independence I am of the opinion that you should be able to prove at least one set of grand parents are from Shetland. A solid link to Shetlands past before you get a vote on Shetlands future

Which would mean someone who had been born and raised in New Zealand, whose parents had been born and raised in New Zealand, and had never set foot in Shetland could potentially get a vote.


Are you sure this is what you meant?

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at the moment we have no control over who gets to live here or register to vote so what's to stop fat eck sending a few thousand scotties up here registering them to vote then calling a referendum on our independence.


inky if you don't live here you don't get a vote but I suspect you knew that's what I meant anyway


this rule would mean my own mother would not get a vote and she would vote for us cutting all ties with Scotland the country of her birth, so its works both ways.

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of course it is. none pure bred shetlanders are Untermensch and are un worthy of the glorious future of the pure blooded Ãœbermensch.


what a load of stoness a modern european goverment ran under the concept of nazi blood purity.


are you goimg to use dna to prove that your granny was not having it away with a lesser man.


sadly its this kind of view that will always spoil shetlands chance of inderpendance. now lets hope dratsy was joking if not then maybe he should have a little study were his ethnic policy would lead.

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Ah I wondered how long it would take some moron to mention the nazis.


as a UK citizen you can vote as much as you want on UK elections but why should you get to purchase a vote on Shetlands future by buying a house up here, or in the case of a lot of incomers by rolling of the boat and signing on.

There are a lot of folks all over the world living working and contributing to the economies of wherever it is they happen to be staying at the time but yet they do not have the right to vote in that countries elections, and all this without jackbooted nazis rounding them up and tranporting them to the camps.

may I also draw your attention to the last sentence of my post.


Quite frankly I find your slur that I am a nazi and a racist completely insulting and if it wasn't for the T&Cs I would tell you exactly where to go with your attitude.

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May I also add that once we Shetlanders have voted one way or the other then touchy soothmoothers like yourself would get to vote for for your member of the ting if that is the way we decide to go. And just like most democracies in the world residency does not confer rights of citizenship that would have to be applied for and if it was up to me if you have a criminal record you would not be granted citizenship if you break the laws of Shetland you would be deported back to where you came from just like most democracies .

If that makes me a nazi then zieg bloody heil

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inky if you don't live here you don't get a vote but I suspect you knew that's what I meant anyway

If that's what you meant, then perhaps that's what you should have written.


I take it you wouldn't have a problem with a French citizen, born and raised in France, whose parents were born and raised in France, who could only speak French, and who only learned where Shetland was last week, coming off the boat one day and voting on Shetland's future?


In contrast, somebody who was born and raised in Shetland, and whose parents were born and raised on Shetland, still might not get a vote.

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