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SSMO - Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation

Baron Redsain

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If somebody has s permit they can have somebody else named on the permit like a son or nephew etc, so if the permit holder passes away that permit can be transferred, I have heard of people buying boats and keeping the original owner on the permit with a share and not even trying to buy the boat and getting the permit transferred 100% into there name, if you go through the proper channels the ssmo should have no objection to it if no more fishing effort or the original owner wants to another permit, as I understand it!!

When the ssmo was started anybody who wanted a licence got one, because this is what the government wanted, nothing was ever said about keeping the same quantity of licences for ever, it was supposedly started to help stocks and fishing effort and fishermen were fed up of the boom and bust times, for instance if there was 120 permits but as boats went out of the fleet and stock levels weren't at s sustainable level no permits would be handed out

Hi damissinlink,

Can you clarify what you are saying or asking here?  

I have heard of people buying boats and keeping the original owner on the permit with a share and not even trying to buy the boat and getting the permit transferred 100% into there name, if you go through the proper channels the ssmo should have no objection to it if no more fishing effort or the original owner wants to another permit, as I understand it!!”


Are you saying you have heard of someone buying into a boat to get their name on the permit then getting their own boat and going away fishing with the permit now 100% in their own name, meanwhile the original permit holder still has his boat but with no permit? And are you also saying that he (the original permit holder) can now go and get another permit?


Sorry just a bit confused Cheers

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Sorry for the confusion.

There has apparently been men/boys buying a boat and getting the previous owner to keep a share in the boat so they can get the permit, if the previous owner is going out of the industry this shouldn't need to happen as its may not be more pressure on stocks, the ssmo should have no gripe with this,


An Intresting letter in the Shetland times by Ronnie young this week, maybe it's time for a meeting with the ssmo and current applicants and current permit holders to see what everybody wants, time to sort this out now!!

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If Ronnie Young thinks the money paid to the SSMO is being used somewhere else then why not send an open  letter to the Shetland times asking the chairman to publish a set of accounts . As far as im aware the SSMO have never published a set of accounts.  I do know that a fisherman who is no longer on the board asked to see the accounts and was refused. As a public body they must be accountable to someone.  Maybe its time for one of our local news organisations to apply for a freedom of information request. If theres nothing to hide which im sure there isn't then it shouldnt be a problem. 


Should it.?

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