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council house maintainance


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Kinda miffed , ive been waiting over 2 years for replacement double glazing at the same time as we're being told millions are being spent to improve private housing and mines is council. Double standards and forked tongue goin on there.

On 1 elevation of the house theres one clear pane glass to see out and none for the kitchen and thats the windows but the cistern runs over the floor and the outside door handle falls off , most of the downstairs rooms have knackered door latches.

How come theres yellow vans in the street every week n none of the repairs ever come my way ? Whats my next move ? (other than oot da sooth mooth)

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Is your house in line for major refurbishment?. That would account for them not replacing the double glazing. Probably the same with the door fittings. Cistern certainly ought to be fixed unless you or another resident damaged it.


Anyway you have councillors to complain to and if you believe the housing department is failing to do what it ought to do you can also try complaining to the head of housing or the Chief Executive. Maybe the Citizens Advice Bureaux could also help. After all the council has a legal duty to do some repairs within a reasonable time.


Or failing all that the next ferry to Aberdeen is at 19.00 tonight.

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^^ I couldn't say for sure, but if it does manage to break even let alone turn in a profit, I would be surprised.


Its more of a "public service", costs are met from general taxation, and those in "greatest need" and/or "least able to afford" commercially viable rent/ownership (allegedly) get first call on them.

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Is your house in line for major refurbishment?. That would account for them not replacing the double glazing. Probably the same with the door fittings. Cistern certainly ought to be fixed unless you or another resident damaged it.


Anyway you have councillors to complain to and if you believe the housing department is failing to do what it ought to do you can also try complaining to the head of housing or the Chief Executive. Maybe the Citizens Advice Bureaux could also help. After all the council has a legal duty to do some repairs within a reasonable time.


Or failing all that the next ferry to Aberdeen is at 19.00 tonight.


Is whit i towt , no theres no refurb due or talked about here , it is quite evident some here get n some dont . I did threaten to use the right to bring in a private contractor and counter claim the fee , that did bring on a measuring up about 8 months ago

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A neighbour had put in for window repairs a couple of years ago and heard nothing. I phoned on their behalf and was told that there had been some problems with the computer system. Within a few weeks, the windows were repaired.


SIC seem to forget at times that they still have obligations under Landlord & Tenant legislation. I'm not totally au fait with Scottish legislation but suggest you look at SIC's Housing Repair Policy (or whatever it called) online and your Tenancy Agreement; these should outline what are deemed to be a Tenant's responsibility and what they are responsible for.


It is also worthwhile looking at the Scottish Shelter website - this tends to give loads of information regarding your rights, sometimes more detailed than Citizens Advice Bureau.


Some Councils tend to adopt policies that state they won't, for example, repair a garden gate in direct contrast to their legal obligation as a Landlord.


Once you have checked out the above, re-contacted the Repair Team and if no joy, then contact a Solicitor specialising in Housing Repairs - Scottish Law Society should have a search facility on their website.


Good luck!

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I have had nothing but good service from the repairs section. Once, when they were late by a couple of days for doing something important, they sent me a compensation cheque. It was only a small amount, and I didn't ask for it.


My only moan is that my place is in serious need of modernisation. A decent heating system and a shower would be great. As far as the former is concerned, I can't lug bags of coal at the moment so I just have a halogen heater running. The temperature has got up to 15 degrees C, but the ceilings are getting black and mouldy because of the damp.

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