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Cavity Wall Insulating


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^ Know someone who had their council house done and were delighted, definitely now save on heating. Cavity wall plus loft insulation, only problem was loft maybe slightly overdone as now prone to condensation but I would have thought a bit of adjustment around the eaves would sort that.

Good tidy job and filled up the internal holes which obviously needed a bit of redecorating.

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Guest CyprusPluto

A lot depends on your house. My mum and dad had their 1930's semi done a few years ago (in Manchester, not Shetland) and have had huge problems with damp ever since

Some houses breathe through their brickwork and so blocking it up is not wise.

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As I posted earlier engineer21, damp is reported to be a problem on the loft of the house I know about and would seem to be due to lack of air gap at the eaves. No ventilation = no airflow = condensation.

Here in Shetland given our climate I think far more attention should be taken when installing the soffit vents on new build houses. It most cases there seems to be a complete over provision of ventilation on the West facing side of any new building and most of us knows what that means.

I have no doubt it's all laid down in the planning and building

regulations for " inland " Scotland. Plenty of ventilation is all very well

if it's a nice dry wind but I am afraid that just does not happen here in Shetland. There are plenty of old Shetland croft houses with virtually no ventilation at all yet the loft space is good and dry so getting it right is a pretty fine line.

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we got the cavity walls filled 2 years ago and our house is really cosy ! we now save a fortune on our heating bill! the heatwise boys did a brilliant job and left the house clean, tidy and just as it was before. thoroughly reccommend Heatwise and getting the cavity wall filled.

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I am aware of a friend whose house was insulated by the chaps from Heatwise very recently. They could not have been more helpful, efficient, cheery or hard-working, he states. They used the new type of roofing insulation in the attic, tidying up after themselves, and had the cavity walls done in just over a day, despite theirs being a fairly large house.


He also informed me that one of the fellows, who was particularly helpful, ensured that all doors in the house, which may have been affected by draughts, were fitted with draught-stoppers all the way round the frames. This had never been discussed previously, however, this fellow just thought it would help and so instructed it to be done.


This was all done after the mainland fellows had come in and performed the old "sucking air through the teeth" trick, telling my friends that, although the grant covered them, as theirs was a large house, it would cost double the usual, "using up the grant" and leaving them with over £2,000 to pay to have the insulations fitted! Heatwise then came in, under the grant, and did it all well within the grants budget.


My friend and his wife are both delighted and have recommended Heatwise most highly to me, citing them as an excellent example of local reliable and efficient service. Based upon their recommendation, I therefore commend them to you, in turn.


Your humble servant :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

we have just had Heatwise in to do internal insulation.They have done a very good job.


They were friendly,polite,helpful and tidy.


Some insulation that my husband had put in previously,they pointed out left no air gap (this was against the roof) if they hadn`t come along to upgrade,we might have had condensation problems.


Yes,you do have to chase them up to start the job...they have work coming out of their ears.


We can highly recommend them.

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