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33 Million of Cost/Savings Per Annum


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  • 4 weeks later...

1 - A school bus carrying children from Skeld


2 - A taxi taking children to school at Cunningsburgh came off an ungritted road at Greenmow


3 - Another taxi refused to go up the road because it was "pure ice".


4 - A council gritter had to be towed out of a ditch near Aith


5 - a dustbin lorry had the same experience in Skellister


6 - a truck and a bus and three cars were involved in a crash at Dales Lees


7 - a delivery truck and bus that slid two hundred yards on thick ice, and were then unable to drive off


8 - car was badly damaged after leaving the road at Voxter


9 - a two vehicle collision on Lerwick’s King Harald Street left a man with minor injuries.


10 - The last incident occurred at Bixter at 10.25am when a car left the road.


How stupid does this council really think we are? (purely rhetorical, don't answer that!)

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Be interesting to know how many off the cars that left the road had summer tyres on.


I would expect neither Scandinavian countries or anywhere else has the level of gritting we have here, but shod their vehicles appropriately with winter/studded tyres.

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The simple truth is they haven't really cut anything. They've kloored from what's left of the frontline but the machine(tiers of management + unecessary services - Road Safety Officer??) is still in place.


The mistake that has been made is that the councillors have told the officials to come forward with proposals but they simply haven't come forward with what would equate to real and substantial savings.


Why?. Because it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas i.e it will reduce their empires and in turn possibly put their own jobs under threat.


I think what many are predicting is true - they'll dither until the bank is finally empty.

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Is every service provided by the Council operating at full capacity? E.g. if a bus travels from Lerwick to wherever is full? This raises an obvious question...when should something be suspended? No doubt this been pondered and re-pondered...perhaps the pondering should stopped before we reached an over spend of £80K a day. :(

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This is not about buses, gritters, street lights etc, etc, etc.


It's about the mountain of unecessary "services" and positions("officers") that have been created within the SIC.


They can try as best they want to skirt around and avoid it but until they face facts and cut that, we're doomed.....

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The simple truth is they haven't really cut anything. They've kloored from what's left of the frontline but the machine(tiers of management + unecessary services - Road Safety Officer??) is still in place.


The mistake that has been made is that the councillors have told the officials to come forward with proposals but they simply haven't come forward with what would equate to real and substantial savings.


Why?. Because it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas i.e it will reduce their empires and in turn possibly put their own jobs under threat.


I think what many are predicting is true - they'll dither until the bank is finally empty.


Kavi Ugl...I tend to agree with prediction...furthermore...

I’ve often said...“let’s just spend it allâ€...once gone decisions then can be made. For so long we’ve (all) kept putting our hands back under the mattress...always needing more for something else.

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