snow Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 Anytime I have assisted in the elections in this capacity I was an unpaid volunteer....Dont know about up here though... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulb Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 i thought they were paid same as the counters. whats this with the machines for the counting do we really need them? your not dealing with tens of thousands of people up here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fordcapri Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 anybody want to hazzard a guess at how much it will cost da cooncil ta put a new tarred path aroond da clickamin puddle??, must be tarred and wide enough for prams! and will have lighting and dog poo boxes!......i ask yu in all these times of cuts to services, care homes etc...sum numptys are actually hae da brass monkeys ta request-nae DEMAND! that a new TARRED path be layed....and o coors its for the benefit of da WHOLE of shetland!!!!.... to quote a famous movie phrase..."yu gota be f****n kidding me!"......oh new tarred path will need expensive safety rails too no doubt!!.....and how will it benefit all the fok in shetland??.....cant wait to plan my dae oot in da toon, a long leisurly walk around the loch followed by an evening of entertainment at the cinema of the century!........ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Piddly Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 anybody want to hazzard a guess at how much it will cost da cooncil ta put a new tarred path aroond da clickamin puddle??, must be tarred and wide enough for prams! and will have lighting and dog poo boxes!......i ask yu in all these times of cuts to services, care homes etc...sum numptys are actually hae da brass monkeys ta request-nae DEMAND! that a new TARRED path be layed....and o coors its for the benefit of da WHOLE of shetland!!!!.... to quote a famous movie phrase..."yu gota be f****n kidding me!"......oh new tarred path will need expensive safety rails too no doubt!!.....and how will it benefit all the fok in shetland??.....cant wait to plan my dae oot in da toon, a long leisurly walk around the loch followed by an evening of entertainment at the cinema of the century!........ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kavi Ugl Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 With the money that the roads dept spend on roadsigns, speedsigns and road markings you'd think they had money to burn. I don't know if I'm coming or going on half of the roads now there are so many different speed limits, and now sometimes just on one stretch of road. 20-30-20......or vice versa.....blah, blah, blah. WHY do you need two 20mph signs plus poles plus a red roadmarking for a parking square in Sandveien???. Why they can't spend the money on fixing the crappy state of many of the roads now rather than on billions of speed signs/road markings?. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 They install double banked signs for legal reasons. Also because of the dickhead overtaking a van that may not see the one on the left.Fair Warning Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kavi Ugl Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 I don't care what the "reasons" are the truth is it's just a reflection of this namby-pamby jobsworth state that we live in. It's the same as those flashing 20mph signs at the schools. You spend more time looking at the speedo than the road incase you get hammered by the police for doing 21.5 mph. So, in other words your eyes are not on the road where they should be. And to think the SIC is going to erect them at the Lunnasting school which is 50 metres from the end of a dead end road/ferry terminal and which probably sees a max of 20 cars per day..... I'm not sure what world you inhabit SP but I'm yet to see someone overtaking another vehicle when entering a Sandveien junction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 To be quite honest, drivers should take responsibility for their actions. If you cannot set your speed safely and still drive with care and attention, get off the road, especially with kids about. You have just given us aload of tosh about how the driver is so hard done by they have to stick to the speed limit. Drive at 15 mph then you will be safe and will the children. Many signs are generally put in cos some coughwit has done something wrong in the past. You do care or you would have not bothered your ess to post. Try reading the regulations and then you may understand why many things happen. Ignoranus for not finding out why. You cannot get done for 21.5 mph. The police go by 10% +2mph. Unless of course there are other factors relating to the charge. Stats have shown that folk tend to survive an impact at lower speeds. You seem more concerned about the few pounds to install such a device. It is not about different worlds, but you seem to be the atypical driver who thinks they know when it is safe. As you want to do worlds, my world has seen the damage done to people for doing the most stupid things in cars. It has seen the congealed blood at the junction, looks loverly when mixed with oil and some bodily fluids. It has seen the amount of folk involved in securing a site and the safe removal of the casualties, the human tissue still stuck to the road surface. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unlinkedstudent Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 ... Drive at 15 mph then you will be safe and will the children. ... Stats have shown that folk tend to survive an impact at lower speeds. Less so with children though, SP. Kids can still get killed at lower speeds. Bring back Tufty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 They can be quite sensitive to the 4x4s. as do most folk due to the hight. These vehicles tend to ride over any impact, but more do survive at lower speeds. Kavi seems more worried about getting a fine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kavi Ugl Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 SP I care about bairns more than you'll ever know..... What I resent is a namby-pamby state which is bent on flooding every corner of our lives with rules and "thou shalt nots" whether it's on the road, at work or at home. Unfortunately, we have a council which, until recently, was spending money as if it came in with every tide and when I look at what the SIC roads dept are doing it is simply OTT by a mile - and sadly they show no sign of stopping but the "damage" is done and the money wasted. Meanwhile, Lerwick's roads are becoming more like some back road in Afganistan. I see no point in erecting speed signs every 50 metres along a road no matter what the "rules" say. And to paint red squares on the roads in the most back of beyond places is utterly pointless and smacks of creating work for themselves. It's a shame we didn't have public servants who were prepared to take a stand against this super state madness..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shetlandpeat Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 Every 50m? You need then to find out from your local authority their procedures on street furniture clutter. Many authorities have a system, much to my annoyance sometimes.Dunno how a venue for entertainment has anything to do with it though. Painting a bit of road that you are already in control of his hardly a step to world domination. There are public servants who take a stance, against the dricks on wheels who think they can flout even the basic of laws. Get rid of them and we could reduce the need to have to tell them everything they have to do ............. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tooney1 Posted May 8, 2012 Report Share Posted May 8, 2012 Scruitising road signs and markings is pretty pointless - you're talking about such inconsequential amounts, just like Xmas trees, vans etc. Levying fees on the private sector or public i.e. hostel fees, Viking bus station parcels, car parking fees etc. is not the answer either. Orkney survive with half the council staff and half the schools for a slightly less population, and one way or another we're going to have to also. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trowie246 Posted May 9, 2012 Report Share Posted May 9, 2012 Orkney survive with half the council staff and half the schools for a slightly less population, and one way or another we're going to have to also. I have been guilty of comparing Shetland to Orkney in the past as well but the more I think about it the more I realise it really should stop. Shetland is completely different to Orkney. To begin with it is different geographically, mainland Orkney is more or less round in shape and Shetland is long and narrow- hence the reason why we have/need so many more schools than Orkney. I think when you say Orkney "survive" this probably sums it up pretty well, they don't have all the "extras" and frills that Shetland has. They have a basic inter island ferry service which is hugely expensive to travel on and the OIC workers get less pay than their SIC counterparts. Shetland has created a monster it can no longer afford to feed. I was surprised and shocked to discover that OIC get less money from the Government to run it's services than Shetland. There has been a huge mis-management of Shetland's money and now the pot is drying up there is a air of desperation and perhaps not the best decisions will be made because of the growing panic. As far as school closures go I just think we should be careful that we're not throwing the baby out with the bath water. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kavi Ugl Posted May 9, 2012 Report Share Posted May 9, 2012 Scruitising road signs and markings is pretty pointless - you're talking about such inconsequential amounts, just like Xmas trees, vans etc. Levying fees on the private sector or public i.e. hostel fees, Viking bus station parcels, car parking fees etc. is not the answer either. Orkney survive with half the council staff and half the schools for a slightly less population, and one way or another we're going to have to also. But it's not pointles!. It's a symbol of all that's wrong in Shetland i.e an out of control SIC which seems to think that money comes out of thin air and spends it likewise. Here's a choice. Spend X thousand pounds on too many pointless road signs and road markings or keep the Freefield cente open and feeding the old and infirm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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