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Gollywogs - is this guy for real?.

Kavi Ugl

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Do I remember correctly reading online on one of the news sites (Times or News?) recently about a teenager being charged after shouting racial abuse at somebody in a Take-Away? If my memory serves me right that was hardly an isolated case either. Surely other incidents like that occur, but do not necessarily make the news.

The pity is, when an incident does make it in to teh local media it rarely if ever elaborates enough to say whether the traget of whatever occured, actually complained, or what their opinion of it was for that matter. Or if it only came to light, because some well-meaning, but misguided witness pursued the issue, as they assumed the target had to be offended by it, because that is what they'd been taught to believe.


The powers that be, in their wisdom had decreed that no-one actually need be discriminated against for someone to be convicted of being a racist. I could say something that could be taken as racist by the person I said it to, but if I knew they'd take it as it was intended, in jest, where is the harm, where is the crime? I could very easily be charged with one though, if someone, not necessarily someone who took direct offence, but rather assumes the person I said it to, had to be offended, even if they were not. Likewise, I could go to the middle of nowhere where no one could hear me, with a video camera, launch in to a diatribe of rhetoric that could be construed as racist. I cannot possibly offend anyone, as no-one can hear, yet if that tape came in to certain hands, I again could be charged.


It used to be said "You can't be hung for thinking it", the way these and other laws are set up these days, you pretty much can. Where there is a genuine victim who is offended, fine, that needs addressing and closing down. But being prosecuted for having certain thoughts and views, and expressing them in a time and place where they harm no-one, is in a very dangerous grey area between protecting people from discrimination, and being told what to think, and being penalised for having "inappropriate" thoughts.

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Not easy to sleep with all this going on!

Don't let it get to you, you may have chosen the wrong target but you've done it for the right reasons. Ignore the stories here of 'accecptable' casual racism or the 'lack of minorities in Shetland' defence or only minorities can truely speak for minorities or you have no business telling people what is right and wrong.




Up to a point, I'll agree with you Gibber. I've no time for clowns spouting pish about furriners or UK/Shetland residents who are a different colour/nationality at all.

But we're talking about a childs toy here whose relevance to racism appears to be debated by mainly white people intent on pointing out what black people should be offended about. Shouldn't that say something to us?


Maybe it's the tip of the same iceberg that says white Westerners have the moral and intellectual right to dictate to other cultures and races what they should be thinking?

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Not easy to sleep with all this going on!

Don't let it get to you, you may have chosen the wrong target but you've done it for the right reasons. Ignore the stories here of 'accecptable' casual racism or the 'lack of minorities in Shetland' defence or only minorities can truely speak for minorities or you have no business telling people what is right and wrong.


Why? Are you suggesting they are incapable of knowing whether they're being insulted or not, and incapable of expressing themselves to say if they are?


When it comes to prejudice some people need to be told why its an important point, thats because some people are idiots.

This idiot will quite happily listen to and be told by anyone who has first hand experience and a full appreciation of the subject through personal circumstances, but not to crusaders who think they can put themselves in another's shoes and know what they're thinking and what's best for them.

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Hypersenstive reactions thats exactly what this is.


Im sure if you go into the shop, speak tot he shop owner and say "is this gollywog being displyed as an act of racism or hater towards coloured people" the answer would be a BIG fat NO!


It is the reciever who decides whether a remark, image, doll or anything else is regarded as rasict. And these are the people hat need coaching.


Political correctness is ruining this country.


My Grandfather was corrected in conversation for saying he would "like to go and get a chinky"


Chinky? Really? What next, cant call a black board a black board? Oh wait, thats happened too! Ba ba black sheep? Better not sign that anymore.


I suggest if you offended my something as innocent as a Doll. you are the one that needs the help.

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Not easy to sleep with all this going on!

Don't let it get to you, you may have chosen the wrong target but you've done it for the right reasons. Ignore the stories here of 'accecptable' casual racism or the 'lack of minorities in Shetland' defence or only minorities can truely speak for minorities or you have no business telling people what is right and wrong.


When it comes to prejudice some people need to be told why its an important point, thats because some people are idiots.


on me wye tae Israel so guess I'll likly fin oot how accepting of incomers da fine folk dere are
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My Grandfather was corrected in conversation for saying he would "like to go and get a chinky"


Chinky? Really? What next, cant call a black board a black board? Oh wait, thats happened too! Ba ba black sheep? Better not sign that anymore.

Okay let me put it this way would he (or yourself) call a friend or family member Chinky? Pakki? Wog? If you don't use that term for your own, you don't use it for anyone else.

To suggest that the term "Black" is racist I think personally is rather telling. PC has not gone mad, just folks like playing it up more to cover their insecurities. Several episodes of the BBC's"Clare in the Community" spring to mind as good examples.

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on me wye tae Israel so guess I'll likly fin oot how accepting of incomers da fine folk dere are

Really? if people shout at you for apparantly no reason, remember the sabras, sharp exterior soft and sweet inside.


I'm sure that one Shetlander amonst the millions of Russian, African, European, N and S American and Arab incomers can't cause too much ire.

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Steve I'll give you credit for sticking your head above the parapet and making the point but in my opinion you picked the wrong issue to push it.



It is sad that you have targetted a wee Shetland collectible shop with Golliwogs in the window to make a point about racism in Shetland!

It is a collectors shop and is unique and sells so many hard to come by items.. If you like to collect the unusual. Including Golliwogs.. Old ones are worth a few quid! Collectible trolls used to feature in the shop window too! The lady that owns this shop is lovely and isn't a racist. You must be making her life hell with this petition. Along with targetting her business.

That is totally unfair.



I may well have done but what's done is done I suppose. For the record this was not about the shop, it was stimulates by the museum exhibit.


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........ PC has not gone mad, just folks like playing it up more to cover their insecurities. Several episodes of the BBC's"Clare in the Community" spring to mind as good examples.

Oooh, good call.


Very funny series and, according to my Heilan Cooncil mole, frighteningly accurate in some cases.... ;-)

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Why? Are you suggesting they are incapable of knowing whether they're being insulted or not, and incapable of expressing themselves to say if they are?



The powers that be, in their wisdom had decreed that no-one actually need be discriminated against for someone to be convicted of being a racist. I could say something that could be taken as racist by the person I said it to, but if I knew they'd take it as it was intended, in jest, where is the harm, where is the crime? I could very easily be charged with one though, if someone, not necessarily someone who took direct offence, but rather assumes the person I said it to, had to be offended, even if they were not.

If you had pretended to punch someone in jest and the witness was convinced you had assaulted the other person would you still be charged when it came to light they were mistaken? Likewise if you walk along the street tapping a baseball bat in your hand and glowering at people without actually hurting anybody you can be charged with threatening behaviour or whatever.


When it comes to prejudice some people need to be told why its an important point, thats because some people are idiots.

This idiot will quite happily listen to and be told by anyone who has first hand experience and a full appreciation of the subject through personal circumstances, but not to crusaders who think they can put themselves in another's shoes and know what they're thinking and what's best for them.

Is it right to think that racial laws can only be made by minorities and their experiences of racism? Can racism be defined and recognised only by those people?


I wasn't calling you an idiot BTW.


But we're talking about a childs toy here whose relevance to racism appears to be debated by mainly white people intent on pointing out what black people should be offended about.

I think its about what mainly white people are being offended about. Stereotypes of black people can be offensive to white people.

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Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. I can't think or type fast enough to keep up with it all. Whether or not what I have done has annoyed, upset, offended etc it has caused a lot of people to think about and talk about the subject and I think that is at least one good thing to have come out of it. Political correctness gone mad or no, if we think a bit more about what we say before we say it, again not a bad thing I think (and yes, I include myself in that both re the subject and also what I did about it). The only point I would still like to make is that I hope everyone that lives here can speak their mind without being accused of telling folk what to do. It has been quite a scary experience to put my head above the parapet as another contributor put it with some pretty robust stuff flying about as a result. A point to ponder is that if I found it tough, how would I feel about expressing my opinion if I was not part of the majority population? I suspect that is a question that most of us can only guess the answer to.


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