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Do you go out drinking in Shetland? / Lerwick pubs

Equality Street

How often (if at all) do you drink in Shetland  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. How often (if at all) do you drink in Shetland

    • Never
    • Very occasionally (a few times a year)
    • Once or twice a month
    • Most weekends

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I dont go out much either , ive been put off by the standard of Lerwick pubs , Such as poor service and attitude of bar staff , rotten toilets (wheel bar i hope your reading this), no reinvestment ,the general cost of drink and taxis home ,


What i expect is a clean and warm enviroment , friendly staff , a good juke box , good pool cues , some food even if its just a hot pie or a plate of lattice fries with dips :) , free wifi , toilets that are cleaned often and dont smell like the mens toilet in the Thule !


Is there any truth that the Scalloway Hotel guy is taking over the Kiln Bar , heard this from someone in Tesco a few days back ?

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I've never seen the big fascination with drinking. I find pubs boring unless you're with a big group of friends and even then people usually end up splitting up and most of my friends end up going to Posers which is a big no no for me!! I do enjoy the odd glass of wine with a meal or while watching a film at night but am happiest spending my time doing other things hangover free! :-) I find it frustrating when people complain about being skint yet they're out most weekends drinking and paying for taxis. Personally I would rather spend my money on things that last!

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The majority of the pubs in Lerwick are a joke, the Lounge and Marlix are probably the only 2 i wouldn't be embarrassed to take friends from south into.

there seems to be an attitude among the bar owners of take the maximum out the pub while putting in the bare minimum of effort, and the fat man has to be the worst culprit for this, all of his establishments are severely dilapidated, smell worse than public toilets and are in serious need of modernisation.

The customer is only there to be fleeced, tins of a certain cheap brand of energy drink that is very similar to the one that gives you wings cost up to £2.30, a mark up of near 4 times what you'd pay in a shop, and i have seen on occasion bar staff make 2 jager bombs using one tin of said drink yet charging for 2 shots of jagermeister and 2 tins of mixer. A bottle of beer could easily be upwards or £3 yet there's a good chance it wont even be cold.


Having spent time living in Edinburgh a few years ago i noticed its the little things that make the biggest difference, I was happy to go for a night out in Edinburgh as most of the pubs we went to had clean toilets, had floors you didn't stick to, tables were regularly cleared of empty glasses and cleared and wiped clean when a group left a table, i cant remember once paying for entry into a night club only to be greeted by a smelly, dirty thread bare carpet or a wooden floor thats had that much drink spilled on it without being cleaned properly the varnish has turned black and is bubbling off the wood.


I will however lay no blame at the staff of most of the pubs in lerwick, if i were earning around minimum wage and having to put up with what most of them do in a weekend I wouldn't last one night never mind do it as a full time job.

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I'm like most of the folk here and have got to the old fart stage. Used to live my life in pubs, now can't be bothered. Agree Lerwick pubs mostly dire. My GOD can't the Grand do something about the smell in the Posers entrance?


Having said that, been in Lerwick Hotel and Kveldsro recently for a drink and they were very nice, though empty. Us old farts need to get off our butts and go and spend some money in the few nice places. Remember when Baroc was really nice and used to put on Sunday afternoon jazz? Wish I had gone more often and given them more money.

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Heard a nice little story the other day about someone who is trying to cure most of the issues that people complain about in this thread.. just hope the powers at be see it for the great advantage it could be, rather than tarring it with the same brush as the current establishments offer at the moment.

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Remember when Baroc was really nice and used to put on Sunday afternoon jazz? Wish I had gone more often and given them more money.


I really liked the idea of Baroc (as it was initially presented).


However, I was amazed to find on my first visit that they didn't have a single dark beer avaliable. Not even bottled.


Then, no dark rum either. Ok, fair enough, I'll have a malt. Nope.


I don't mean to stereotype the mature male shetland drinker but I thought I was pretty typical and that they were alienating a significant part of the target clientele. My comments were taken politely but nothing had changed the next few times I was in apart from the token Grays rack of malts so that was it for me.


I will be honest and say that over the last few years the times I have been in the town pubs I have been enjoying the company too much to pay much attention to decor etc, however I admit that I wouldn't consider taking the family into any for dinner as you would a basic Wetherspoons pub south.


Then again, there are so many other options in Lerwick that there probably just isn't the demand.

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Heard a nice little story the other day about someone who is trying to cure most of the issues that people complain about in this thread.. just hope the powers at be see it for the great advantage it could be, rather than tarring it with the same brush as the current establishments offer at the moment.


Can you share? :)

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Heard a nice little story the other day about someone who is trying to cure most of the issues that people complain about in this thread.. just hope the powers at be see it for the great advantage it could be, rather than tarring it with the same brush as the current establishments offer at the moment.





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Heard a nice little story the other day about someone who is trying to cure most of the issues that people complain about in this thread.. just hope the powers at be see it for the great advantage it could be, rather than tarring it with the same brush as the current establishments offer at the moment.


Can you share? :)


Not at the moment as it isnt my place to spill the beans other than it is with the architects at the moment ;) all though the Shetland Hotel looks great and i will be trying it out asap it isn't there i am talking about :)

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