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It probably comes as no surprise to those that know me that the first single I ever bought was Steve Harley and Sarah Brightman's rendition of 'Phantom of the Opera', so my opinion has been a little biased for the last couple of decades.

oh gawd I can't figure out which I dread more P of O or Rocky Horror. You thespian types tortured me. Walking in to have you guys singing along full blast. That and that blooming Annie lennox song.

Never was cut out to be an actor, just cannot stand show tunes.


I love Rocky Horror :D So much fun.

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^^ Just the single track, or the whole album of the name?


Personally I'd go for the whole album, despite there being plenty who swore blind Wendy James couldn't sing for peanuts, they're one of the few 80's bands who IMHO have stood the test of time particularly well. The other that comes to mind right now being T'Pau.

I saw them live at the Playhouse as well. :wink:

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I saw them live at the Playhouse as well. :wink:


Now I am just downright jealous! :evil:


Probably maybe a good thing I never managed to see them live, the bouncers would have had to physically throw me out, I'd never have left the building willingly as long as Carol Decker was in it. :oops:

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T'Pau? :shock:

You fellers are scaring me !


Okay, so maybe it was the lady that attracted me more than the musical talent! What can I say, because of that I'm biased, but I'll still fight to the death that the choons were damn good too. The more attention grabbing lyrics of 'Sex Talk' are forever embedded in my brain because of that voice. 8)

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Fair dinkum,and it is indeed so much better than that other queen of the hairspray banshee look, Jennifer Rush, and her "power" ballad The Power of Love.

When a youngster in the 80's such as myself, was waiting for new things from the hit parade to feed their newfound hunger for this amazing thing called music, 15 weeks can feel like a very long time for one woman to be at the top of the pop charts. With a shtie song. And backup.---


Berlin "take my breath away".


That is as far back as I dare to ventureinto the 80's for fear of unearthing such festering memories as .... oh everything from that accursed era, even Bowie. Duetting with Tina on "Tonight"? Glass spider?Jesse H. Goshdarn Cripes! Segueing seamlessly into Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Falco, 99 bloody balloons and THEN Ace of bass, before really filling the nappy with Roxette.

As I was too wrapped up with Darryl Hannah being half-fish to notice any physical charms which may have been ondisplay from the lead singer of T'Pau, the sound of her grating, desperate shriek was more than sufficient for me to lump her in with other 80's luminaries such as Banananananananrama. I shall, however, listen to the song "sex talk" ,with new ears, and hope I don't get a headache or something.


After I Finish Joanna Newsom's new one, which may take some time Please someone, book that woman for the Festival!

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I saw T'Pau live and was a rabid fan.... at the time. However, thinking back on it, I doubt that I've played the album more than a couple of times in the last 20 years.


So I decided to give it a spin....


Meh! China in your hand is still a great song, but the rest hasn't aged so well. Bog standard eighties soft rock. But considering the alternatives available at the time such as Level 42, Whitney Housten, The lighthouse family (IIRC) and *spit* Stock, Aitkin and Waterman, it wasn't bad.


It was 1987 after all, possibly the worst year in history for popular music (IMHO)


(BTW, the concert wasn't that great either, they only had the songs that were on the album and padded out the rest of the concert with covers.)

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I just did a search on "1987" in My Music and got the following albums:


Guns'N Roses - Appetite for Destruction, Awesome

T'Pau - Bridge of Spies, Meh

Marillion - Clutching at Straws, Excellent

Jethro Tull - Crest of a Knave, Meh

Jesus and Mary Chain - Darklands, Excellent

Enya - The Celts, Meh

Rush - Hold your Fire, Excellent

The Pogues - If I should fall from grace from God, Meh

U2 - The Joshua Tree, Awesome

Pink Floyd - A momentary Lapse of Reason, Excellent

The Hooters - One way home, Remember them?

Aerosmith - Permanent Vacation, Meh

Roger Waters - Radio Kaos, Excellent

Clannad - Sirius, Excellent

Fleetwood Mac - Tango in the Night, Meh

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