paulb Posted May 3, 2012 Report Share Posted May 3, 2012 you knew one of the lads. why did you not just give him a telling off. in a friendly way. personelly i would be more bothered for you childs saftey with the cars that park and the driving on the street. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grift Posted May 3, 2012 Report Share Posted May 3, 2012 Just chiming in with a quick post in support of the Parkourians. I think it's great to see active young folk around our built up areas. A couple of times I've had them bouncing around in front of me on the street - didn't present a problem, I just made a bit of a detour and watched in admiration at their skills as I went by. I'm usually just making my way from A to B on the street and I don't think I have a particular right of way over people who are using the street for other activities. They're not erecting roadblocks or setting fire to buses to stop people getting by! Also, I've found them to be well mannered and polite. It seems that no matter what our young folk do they'll be in the firing line, and if someone didn't help with funding for activities for our young people, then the grouches would probably complain that the SIC/SRT or whoever should do something about activities for young people! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zog Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 LauraJane90 wrote ~ But I don't think the Parkour lot are out to destroy Shetland. I just feel that if that did it in a less open place It happens very near my house on a fairly regular basis. Some of the coping stones on the wall are now missing. The rendering on the wall is taking a battering. It just happens that it was one of the areas that the instructur chose to do the training in. It may have been risk assessed prior to the training but it is far from safe now. I am very familialr with risk assessments and and how you could assess attempting to scale and come down a 7 foot wall without a laddder is beyond me. I see no personal protection equipment like helmets or knee and elbow pads. Paving stones a very unforgiving. Damage has been caused to council property as a result of this activity. Yes, we were all young once and did the similar things in a less structured manner but it was not smack in the middle of a quiet residential area where it caused a disturbance. Parkour is by definition an activity that mainly takes place in city centres and urban areas where it is most likely to cause a disturbance. If, as an adult, I behaved in this manner, I would soon find myself facing a breach of the peace charge. I witnessed a more mature devotee coming over the wall at the fort just after midnight recently dressed in the full ninja kit. That just about had me reaching for my mobile. I am not against minority or extreme sport activities provided they are properly regulated, properly risk assessed on an ongoing basis and do not cause alarm or distrbunce to other members of the public. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
number 7 Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 you know what ,instead of slating these kids you should be supporting them ! as always theres a few people that have to look for the negitive rather than a positive ! dry your eyes ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paulb Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 if kids jumping over or on to a wall is causing that level of damage the wall is not sound and needs fixing. imagine if it was to fal onto a young child. please stop classing theseyouths as anti social they are not. they are pretty nice kids. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fjool Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 not sure what the name for the participants isI am informed that the term is 'traceur' (masc.) or 'traceuse' (fem.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zog Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 Further to my previous post and in reply to these comments ~ you know what ,instead of slating these kids you should be supporting them ! as always theres a few people that have to look for the negitive rather than a positive ! dry your eyes !. if kids jumping over or on to a wall is causing that level of damage the wall is not sound and needs fixing. imagine if it was to fal onto a young child. Firstly, the wall was perfectly ok and the coping stones sat there quite happily ever sice the wall was built over 30 years ago. If I hauled the coping stone of the top of the wall by virtue of some activity that involved the use of the wall it would be classed as vandalism or wilfull damage to public property . Somebody, namely the taxpayer, has to foot the bill for the repairs.The Council has a duty of care and if a child gets injured because the cement that attaches the coping to stone to the wall is not designed to withstad this sort of activity, it will be duty bound to take measures to prevent any further occurance. Once again at taxpayers expense. I am not being negitive and I am certainly not slating those involved. With every activity, recreational or otherwise, there is an elment of social responsibily. To hide behind "kids will be kids" is ducking the isssue and it also sends the wrong message to the kids. Just because it can be classifed as a youth activity does not give the paricitants the right to damage public property or behave in a manner that would generally be classified as unacceptable in any place other than one specifically provided for that activity. You can not provide facilites for every passing fad that a minority of children decide to participate in as long is it is considerd cool. If there is a large enough uptake then I am all in favour of providing a safe and controled enviorment for children to participate in and enjoy the activity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chrisgrantgpc Posted May 4, 2012 Report Share Posted May 4, 2012 Zog - if you have an issue with the guys training in a certain location, or if you think the location isnt safe - can you send me a message and let me know where?I wouldn't want to come intruding with a class if it's not appropriate when we are up in Shetland. It's a shame things have been damaged and I of course wouldnt condone this in any way.Have you spoke to the boys about this? They are a really approachable lot and as far as I understand it ahve a pretty good relationship with residents/communities in the places they train. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
madmandy Posted May 6, 2012 Report Share Posted May 6, 2012 sorry for my late reply. my son used to train in Milton Keynes with excellent parkour tutors. he would love to have attended this event. due to other issues he could not stay in any hostel unacompainied by responsible adults. i do not have the money for him to stay anyway.Parkour is no more dangerous than what children get up to anyway and is a lot safer due to the instruction given.please please there is more to Shetland than just Lerwick and while not bad transport is an issue. we have two or even three ferries to get to Lerwick. Next time hold it on Yell so all have to travel...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
piggywiggie Posted May 6, 2012 Report Share Posted May 6, 2012 I quite enjoy watching them do it at hjaltland on a sunny afternoon. Although i do admit that i have visions of them clipping their foot and hurting themselves (as thats the kind of luck I would have if i tried). But on the whole I think there have been much less injuries doing this as perhaps kids doing skateboarding etc at least grassy areas have some padding for them, where as you cant be skateboarding on grass!perhaps the SIC's next venture could be to discuss with the parkour folks and set up a place where they can do this safely where there are less risks of cars or moany people? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stappitfu Posted May 7, 2012 Report Share Posted May 7, 2012 Well said piggywiggy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
madmandy Posted May 7, 2012 Report Share Posted May 7, 2012 an approved training ground or gym sessions for parkour would be wonderful. its something fairly cheap, which should endear it to the council.....but please not just in Lerwick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Inky Posted May 10, 2012 Report Share Posted May 10, 2012 perhaps the SIC's next venture could be to discuss with the parkour folks and set up a place where they can do this safely where there are less risks of cars or moany people? I'd have thought one of the attractions of parkour was that you can do it pretty much anywhere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shaznin4lj Posted May 20, 2012 Report Share Posted May 20, 2012 I would just like to say that my brother is one of the older ones supposedly causing damage to walls...I'll tell you right now that if they were to damage anything they would report it straight away as they know of the expense! They also make sure the environment around them is safe and make sure that if there are any members if the public around they respect them. The boys have respect - they are all lovely boys who keep the younger ones safe. Since they have neen trained properly now they know the rights and wrongs of parkour and will not do anything that may ruin their chances of doing something wonderful for the kids in Shetland. If there are other kids who do want to join but struggle to get into Lerwick as often as they train then speak to Chris who will contact the boys and arrange something. They regularly take trips away where the parents have to sign slips to say that they are happy for their child to attend the event. The boys understand that because they are over 18 they are the responsible adults and they really take it seriously! I will continue to support them as they are not getting themselves into trouble. If you have a negative opinion then please do not post as the boys and girls are only doing something they love. They understand the risks as they are told and coached responsibly by people such as Chris and the older boys who keep in regular contact and have many meetings together to make sure that all the correct procedures are followed. Keeping the support for you NFPK!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unlinkedstudent Posted May 20, 2012 Report Share Posted May 20, 2012 I would just like to say that my brother is one of the older ones supposedly causing damage to walls...I'll tell you right now that if they were to damage anything they would report it straight away as they know of the expense! They also make sure the environment around them is safe and make sure that if there are any members if the public around they respect them. The boys have respect - they are all lovely boys who keep the younger ones safe. Since they have neen trained properly now they know the rights and wrongs of parkour and will not do anything that may ruin their chances of doing something wonderful for the kids in Shetland. If there are other kids who do want to join but struggle to get into Lerwick as often as they train then speak to Chris who will contact the boys and arrange something. They regularly take trips away where the parents have to sign slips to say that they are happy for their child to attend the event. The boys understand that because they are over 18 they are the responsible adults and they really take it seriously! I will continue to support them as they are not getting themselves into trouble. If you have a negative opinion then please do not post as the boys and girls are only doing something they love. They understand the risks as they are told and coached responsibly by people such as Chris and the older boys who keep in regular contact and have many meetings together to make sure that all the correct procedures are followed. Keeping the support for you NFPK!!! Absolutely! Freedom of speech is no more! One MUST be silenced!!! Excuse me, where's me gag gone? Moi, dommed into submission by another Shetlinker? Whether you like it or not, people are entitled to post what you may deem to be negative comments. I hope the event was well attended, given the subsidies it received being one reason, but I beg to differ with you concerning a wall getting damaged. Over time, when treated in such a way, they will get damaged. Never heard of wear and tear then I take it? Edit: You state that if they were to damage a wall they would report it - do I take it then they would pay out of their own pocket for its repair? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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